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test e 500 tren e 400 and the like 5 weeks winny 30mg each day stop a lil be early because i got a surgery on my shoulder

That’s a good stack!
I’ve ran that in the past and got bigger and shredded up more but I never had the time to eat enough calories due to work so I could only put on so much weight. I ran Anavar instead of winny but that was probably my favorite if not my second favorite and it’s the cheaper of all the stacks I’ve ran too! The most expensive for me was the anavar..

I’ve gotta say for putting on size the NPP I ran this cycle has definitely helped though.

I was thinking in December or January when I run my next cycle I’ll do about the same.
(This is weekly)
Test 700mg
Tren 350mg
Anavar 70mg ED

Your cycles the most basic with the best results in my opinion! I may try running my winny next cycle for the last four weeks at just 25mg or something lower and see what happens.
Of course, I can be a dick (as we all can) but I am not a mean person. I know how hard we all work for our physique and with a major set-back like that it's good that you didn't let it get you down and you bounced right back.

Lol I have my moments, yeah like @Lean_N_Mean said, the Test E amps are 250 but the C is 200. Liking it so far, 0 pip and haven't notice any change switching from the other lab to this one.

Should of gotten the vials man ... get that 250!
I’m having some pip from the Cyp :/

Damn I don’t even remember talking about me killing people because I never talk about that shit.Those are not good memories and @Lean_N_Mean my bad guess the stress of the training that I doing now and the tren got me fuck up but drop the name calling

It’s why I don’t want to rush using tren, Hat shit does numbers on most people
FYI to anyone with an order out I guess there’s a new warehouse for pcom that they’re shipping from but they don’t sell from. I think it’s just closer to their lab. I bought an order for a different cycle to start in Dec. and they only shipped half but they wrote me right back and told me they will fix it immediately and send me an extra little something for the problem. Way cool of them. I’m just happy they are so fast to ship my missing gear but they got right on it plus some. I don’t feel like I should announce where they emailed me their warehouses are but most people who buy regularly know already. I bought some EQ 300mg and some more Primo 200mg. I also ordered their GW1516 that I’m waiting on with some of their HGH too but that’s literally three different orders. The new warehouse was here much faster than normal though just a heads up.. thought I’d fill everyone in on that. I’ll let y’all know when the packages land on my door.

I hope that’s where my order I put in recently comes from because I only have 2 weeks of dbol left and I need that shit ASAP haha
Should of gotten the vials man ... get that 250!
I’m having some pip from the Cyp :/

It’s why I don’t want to rush using tren, Hat shit does numbers on most people

I got 11 amps left of the Test C 200, and then 2 vials of Test E 300. So far no pip from the C. I'm using 1 and 1/4 amp each time for 250 per injection. Going to compare it when I finish to the 300 E, going to try to draw .83ml out to make it the same mg dose per volume.
I got 11 amps left of the Test C 200, and then 2 vials of Test E 300. So far no pip from the C. I'm using 1 and 1/4 amp each time for 250 per injection. Going to compare it when I finish to the 300 E, going to try to draw .83ml out to make it the same mg dose per volume.

Amps work good. Honestly I think they’re over dosed a bit cause they’re as strong or stronger than the 200mg I got from Costco..
Pharma Test-E500 experiment.

4th pin was yesterday.
I have very mild PIP today -- hardly even noticeable -- might just be a little bit of soreness on the injured side from training.
Honestly, it is so mild that its hard for me to even tell if there is PIP from this last pin.
No more test flu either.
Looks like I am used to it already :cool:
Up a couple solid pounds already too -- NOT fat either because I actually look a little leaner and more solid.
Strength maybe is up a little (or I just had a good day in the gym -- too early to tell) but its very early into the cycle so I am sure by week 4 to 6 I will notice increases for sure.

I will be ordering more for sure.
Pharma Test-E500 experiment.

4th pin was yesterday.
I have very mild PIP today -- hardly even noticeable -- might just be a little bit of soreness on the injured side from training.
Honestly, it is so mild that its hard for me to even tell if there is PIP from this last pin.
No more test flu either.
Looks like I am used to it already :cool:
Up a couple solid pounds already too -- NOT fat either because I actually look a little leaner and more solid.
Strength maybe is up a little (or I just had a good day in the gym -- too early to tell) but its very early into the cycle so I am sure by week 4 to 6 I will notice increases for sure.

I will be ordering more for sure.

I haven’t had much Primo PIP going on about two weeks now. Seems like there’s a body adjustment curve just like your T-E 500mg had..
That’s a good stack!
I’ve ran that in the past and got bigger and shredded up more but I never had the time to eat enough calories due to work so I could only put on so much weight. I ran Anavar instead of winny but that was probably my favorite if not my second favorite and it’s the cheaper of all the stacks I’ve ran too! The most expensive for me was the anavar..

I’ve gotta say for putting on size the NPP I ran this cycle has definitely helped though.

I was thinking in December or January when I run my next cycle I’ll do about the same.
(This is weekly)
Test 700mg
Tren 350mg
Anavar 70mg ED

Your cycles the most basic with the best results in my opinion! I may try running my winny next cycle for the last four weeks at just 25mg or something lower and see what happens.

yes i always like basic stuff next time i will use testp/npp im about to brew that in few week
Should of gotten the vials man ... get that 250!
I’m having some pip from the Cyp :/

It’s why I don’t want to rush using tren, Hat shit does numbers on most people
bro when i saw you comment said that i wrote that shit i have to go back and read that shit myself because i didnt believe it