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Listen dude , you made amazing gains. You basically got everything back that you lost.
And glad you’re feeling better.

You guys are more concerned with how he’s lying about the amount of muscle he put on yet didn’t even give a shit about him being seriously ill in the hospital.
Some very cold ass people on this forum
^^^^ I like this guy,! If anyone lost that much of their hard earned muscle, they would be home crying. @Lean_N_Mean kicked ass and made a strong comeback!
I agree... it takes a lot to get back in the game after some heavy shit.

I understand we all just each other’s balls and can be raging E douches , but like any forum including this one, we should all be picking each other up, not putting down.
The whole point of this lifestyle is to progress as a beast weather it’s to look amazing , compete , make this a. Profession etc... it’s a lifestyle of positive vibes and inspiration .
I agree... it takes a lot to get back in the game after some heavy shit.

I understand we all just each other’s balls and can be raging E douches , but like any forum including this one, we should all be picking each other up, not putting down.
The whole point of this lifestyle is to progress as a beast weather it’s to look amazing , compete , make this a. Profession etc... it’s a lifestyle of positive vibes and inspiration .
I couldn’t have said it better.
Bro.. at 11 weeks you look awesome. Keep it up! Setbacks are just a setup to do something even greater. Good job hoss! I know people who went to the hospital for less and gave up after on taking care of themselves.

shit bro, there is not much difference between the “before hospital” and the “”11 week” pics.

Thanks bro I really appreciate that!!!
I agree... it takes a lot to get back in the game after some heavy shit.

I understand we all just each other’s balls and can be raging E douches , but like any forum including this one, we should all be picking each other up, not putting down.
The whole point of this lifestyle is to progress as a beast weather it’s to look amazing , compete , make this a. Profession etc... it’s a lifestyle of positive vibes and inspiration .

Appreciate the support bud! It’s pretty disheartening when your first day home from the hospital you look in the mirror and see that after seeing what I had before I walked in there. It Sucked! Thanks bro!
We all know he is lying
Well where’s your fucking apology for shoving your tiny foot in your vagina calling me a fucking Liar douche? I posted pics and obviously you don’t read any threads cause you would’ve seen the reason why I had lost the weight in the first place? Talked a lot of shit then got really quiet when you were proved to be a fucking moron huh? lol what no apology??? Ya thought not!
I just saw all that shit talking @picholas or @pickanass wtf ever his bitch lil skinny girly name is and lil bitch @darkmarine did before I saw his post asking for pics and that shit isn’t cool.
All you have to do is read like five posts up and it straight says I lost 32lbs from legionnaires pneumonia and being in the hospital for about a month in ICU and that little 29yr old child DARKMARINE comes on here like a fucking veteran telling me off and calling me a fucking liar before I had ten minutes to reply with pictures like he asked. I had no problem with that and posted them immediately. Those two trolls need to go experience what I did and lose all their gains and work their tiny baby asses off to try just to get back to where they were. Common decency used to be part of human nature but ever since lil bitches like those two could start hiding behind keyboards skinny lil bitches got really tough and mouthy all the sudden.. [emoji23] those two need to stay off the big boy sites and come back when they grow up or have some skin in the game! Either that or PM me your Facebook with your home address and I’ll come knock on your fucking doors and say hello! [emoji6] [emoji867]

And if I’m getting paid to say that I’m the worst “employee ever” saying I’m not using their growth AND I’ve commented on other threads with other brands about how I’ve tried em and they were great! Hmmm[emoji19] not the best paid person I guess huh.. lmao MORONS!!!!
I can’t upload a pic on this app right now. Says “server error” but I have my week 12 pic I promised I’ll post when the app allows it.

If you read the whole thread you’d have seen where I was in ICU for legionaries pneumonia and lost 32lbs in a month in the hospital. They put me on chemo meds cause they couldn’t identify the type of mold I got in my lungs to kill. They used some heavy duty stuff and it ate a lot of the muscle tissue I had. The side by side is just after the hospital and last weeks before and after. The single pic is what I looked like before the hospital. I’ll post a 12 week pic Sunday cause that’s when I take my weekly progress pics. I’ve gained about two more lbs this last week that put me to 37lbs like I said. Not making up bro! Great gear..

Said I’d post a week 12 progress pic. It’s coming along. Weight 205lbs & 6’2” tall..
like I said I’m using:
100mg Test P ED
50mg NPP ED
100mg Primo ED
(and started the tren A four weeks ago on week 8)
50mg ED of the Tren A..

Last but not least 50mg ED Tbol.

(Started tbol four weeks ago and ran Anavar for the first 6 weeks)

All pcom gear except the GH I started four weeks ago as well. The GH brand I’m using you can look at my past posts and see where I’m getting that out of respect for pcom I’m not bringing up another brand on this thread but the GH Is another brand. I ordered pcoms GH but it hasn’t arrived to try yet.

Thanks for the support to all on gaining my weight back and getting healthier this year and after losing everything last year in October muscle wise! Definitely feeling healthier and looking healthier!!!
As long as you are better bro, that’s what matters. Muscles will come and you proved that with hard work

Thanks man! I am bummed I can’t post pics to the site right now. Oh well I’ll post it tomorrow. Pcom gears been great for me and I can’t wait to try their growth out too. So far no complaints though. Glad to be healthy and back in the gym though I’ll tell you hat. I had to wait from about Halloween last year to April this year before I could start weight training again. I had to get the all clear 100% from my cardiologist, pulmonary doctor most of all and I go in monthly for TRT bloods and checkups on liver and IGF. It is definitely not been cheap but worth every penny!
I just saw all that shit talking @picholas or @pickanass wtf ever his bitch lil skinny girly name is and lil bitch @darkmarine did before I saw his post asking for pics and that shit isn’t cool.
All you have to do is read like five posts up and it straight says I lost 32lbs from legionnaires pneumonia and being in the hospital for about a month in ICU and that little 29yr old child DARKMARINE comes on here like a fucking veteran telling me off and calling me a fucking liar before I had ten minutes to reply with pictures like he asked. I had no problem with that and posted them immediately. Those two trolls need to go experience what I did and lose all their gains and work their tiny baby asses off to try just to get back to where they were. Common decency used to be part of human nature but ever since lil bitches like those two could start hiding behind keyboards skinny lil bitches got really tough and mouthy all the sudden.. [emoji23] those two need to stay off the big boy sites and come back when they grow up or have some skin in the game! Either that or PM me your Facebook with your home address and I’ll come knock on your fucking doors and say hello! [emoji6] [emoji867]

And if I’m getting paid to say that I’m the worst “employee ever” saying I’m not using their growth AND I’ve commented on other threads with other brands about how I’ve tried em and they were great! Hmmm[emoji19] not the best paid person I guess huh.. lmao MORONS!!!!

oh yeah im fucking would love for you to come to my house look im station in va us marine corp base come and i swear to god that i will show you what i did when i went to iraq.
you want to talk shit about me been 29yrs mother fucker you dont ever know how to do a fucking pct second look below

I’ve been on a few cycles in my life and I’m 36yrs old, 6’2”, 200lbs.. For the last 3-1/2 yrs I’ve been on straight TRT. I’ve ordered everything for a new cycle and decided instead of sticking with just Test or just Test E and Tren-A(sometimes add Anavar), I’d add some more to my stack. This will be the first time I’ve ever taken or added HGH to any cycle and don’t want the sides since I’m not getting paid to look big and don’t ever plan on getting on stage ever I have just been obsessed with being in shape forever. I am putting my cycle below. Any feedback, positive or negative constructive criticism would be much appreciated. Thanks all!

Started this three weeks ago to run for 16-week cycle FYI-

Currently taking
Test E 300mg 2x weekly
Test P 75mg E.D.
NPP 100mg E.D.
Anavar 70mg E.D.
HCG 3-IU 2x weekly
Anastrozole 1/4 tab - 2x weekly
HGH 6-IU (2-IU 3x Daily)

Starting June 11th
Test E 300mg 2x weekly
Test P 75mg E.D.
NPP 50mg E.D.
Tren 75mg E.D.
Winstrol 50mg E.D
HCG 3-IU 2x weekly
Anastrozole 1/4 tab E.O.D
HGH 6-IU (2-IU 3x Daily)

Starting June 25th Aug 25th
Test E 150mg twice a week
Test P 100mg E.D.
NPP 50mg E.D.
Tren 75mg E.D.
Winstrol 50mg E.D
Masteron 50mg E.D.
HCG 3-IU 2x weekly
Anastrozole 1/4 tab E.O.D
HGH 6-IU (2-IU 3x Daily)

I’ve never been too educated on PCT as I am now so I have Clomid, HCG, and Test Cyp. 250. I also have peptides for the growth post cycle of GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 with Hexerelin.

may 15 2018 you were 200lbs and 3 week on your cycle so if you lost your weight after that tag me on didnt see that post and if you didnt that mean you should be 237 lbs my weight and you dont look 237 in your pix

im really cool but dont come here behind your pc saying that you will knock my door because im about about this shit and if you want to become my # 62 come and try mother fucker
I just saw all that shit talking @picholas or @pickanass wtf ever his bitch lil skinny girly name is and lil bitch @darkmarine did before I saw his post asking for pics and that shit isn’t cool.
All you have to do is read like five posts up and it straight says I lost 32lbs from legionnaires pneumonia and being in the hospital for about a month in ICU and that little 29yr old child DARKMARINE comes on here like a fucking veteran telling me off and calling me a fucking liar before I had ten minutes to reply with pictures like he asked. I had no problem with that and posted them immediately. Those two trolls need to go experience what I did and lose all their gains and work their tiny baby asses off to try just to get back to where they were. Common decency used to be part of human nature but ever since lil bitches like those two could start hiding behind keyboards skinny lil bitches got really tough and mouthy all the sudden.. [emoji23] those two need to stay off the big boy sites and come back when they grow up or have some skin in the game! Either that or PM me your Facebook with your home address and I’ll come knock on your fucking doors and say hello! [emoji6] [emoji867]

And if I’m getting paid to say that I’m the worst “employee ever” saying I’m not using their growth AND I’ve commented on other threads with other brands about how I’ve tried em and they were great! Hmmm[emoji19] not the best paid person I guess huh.. lmao MORONS!!!!

I actually do apologize for that, wasn't aware you were sick that genuinely sucks and I hope you're recovering well. Thought you added 32lbs to what you already were at.

But chill with the house visit stuff, no one is going anywhere to meet anyone.

Also I have nothing bad to say abut Pharmacon actual gear. Using their Test C 200 amps currently.
oh yeah im fucking would love for you to come to my house look im station in va us marine corp base come and i swear to god that i will show you what i did when i went to iraq.
you want to talk shit about me been 29yrs mother fucker you dont ever know how to do a fucking pct second look below

may 15 2018 you were 200lbs and 3 week on your cycle so if you lost your weight after that tag me on didnt see that post and if you didnt that mean you should be 237 lbs my weight and you dont look 237 in your pix

im really cool but dont come here behind your pc saying that you will knock my door because im about about this shit and if you want to become my # 62 come and try mother fucker

How are you really cool if you literally just threaten to take his life ?
And are you proud to say you have taken 62 lives from this world ? That’s not something to at all brag upon dark. Seriously you need to take a moment and regather yourself
I actually do apologize for that, wasn't aware you were sick that genuinely sucks and I hope you're recovering well. Thought you added 32lbs to what you already were at.

But chill with the house visit stuff, no one is going anywhere to meet anyone.

Also I have nothing bad to say abut Pharmacon actual gear. Using their Test C 200 amps currently.

That was mature to apologize bro ( no sarcasm )
On another note , glad you having a good run so far on the test. aren’t the amps 250mg as well ?
[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] oh your truly scary lil bitch [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] I’d post my week three so bloated that I already explained was technically week five genius. Can you read? Probably not at the rate you’ve been going on.. [emoji23] you’re so dark @darkmarine lil bitch! You need to read threads before you talk cause I have gone over all the shit that’s come out of that Dick sucker of yours Dickmarine [emoji8] lmao grow up little boy!

oh yeah im fucking would love for you to come to my house look im station in va us marine corp base come and i swear to god that i will show you what i did when i went to iraq.
you want to talk shit about me been 29yrs mother fucker you dont ever know how to do a fucking pct second look below

may 15 2018 you were 200lbs and 3 week on your cycle so if you lost your weight after that tag me on didnt see that post and if you didnt that mean you should be 237 lbs my weight and you dont look 237 in your pix

im really cool but dont come here behind your pc saying that you will knock my door because im about about this shit and if you want to become my # 62 come and try mother fucker
Last edited:
Thanks man! I am bummed I can’t post pics to the site right now. Oh well I’ll post it tomorrow. Pcom gears been great for me and I can’t wait to try their growth out too. So far no complaints though. Glad to be healthy and back in the gym though I’ll tell you hat. I had to wait from about Halloween last year to April this year before I could start weight training again. I had to get the all clear 100% from my cardiologist, pulmonary doctor most of all and I go in monthly for TRT bloods and checkups on liver and IGF. It is definitely not been cheap but worth every penny!

Dude , if I could , I’d run blood like every 3-4 weeks but I can’t afford that haha