
What’s up guys, been a while since I’ve been on here. Doing a pole for myself to see what the general consensus is these days. Is there still a high demand or high want for actual pharmacy hgh? Or do a majority of people not care anymore they believe that Chinese or lab gh is similar to pharmacy gh? Just a question for whenever feels like chiming in. Personally I use Genotropin or have been consistently for some time now hence the name, mostly because I have easy access to it. Have used different brands, and lab stuff and I feel like there is a difference in quality. Is pharmacy GH still popular amongst everyone
Definitely still a demand for those that can afford it..
haha I guess I’m just used to paying the price. You’re right I forget that some people can only budget a couple hundred bucks a month for it and to get 100iu versus 36iu generic or whatever is probably better in most people’s eyes! What about you @Mac11wildcat which gh do you run when you use it? Your a swole guy lol
haha I guess I’m just used to paying the price. You’re right I forget that some people can only budget a couple hundred bucks a month for it and to get 100iu versus 36iu generic or whatever is probably better in most people’s eyes! What about you @Mac11wildcat which gh do you run when you use it? Your a swole guy lol
I'd love one day to try serostim, but $600 for 126iu is extremely pricey. Compared to good testing generics readily available.
I always thought serostims were more money then 600$! But I agree I would like to try them out also I have yet to try those. Good testing generics go for around 200$-300$ for 100iu right?
I always thought serostims were more money then 600$! But I agree I would like to try them out also I have yet to try those. Good testing generics go for around 200$-300$ for 100iu right?

Cheaper than that Bud. Around $1 an iu for good testing generics. Depending of the source and quantity bought of course.
I think this guy does a pretty good explanation on the quality of pharma vs generic gh
He does not actually explain that nor discuss HGH quality in detail. Considering the state of HGH labtesting back in 1999, trying that would've been an overextension anyways, just as it is nowadays.
He does not actually explain that nor discuss HGH quality in detail. Considering the state of HGH labtesting back in 1999, trying that would've been an overextension anyways, just as it is nowadays.
*2019 not1999
I've been looking into this myself, what's the average cost of pharma? I've been looking into my options, I think you can get prescribed gh norditropin pens 150 iu for around $450 from mexico.
But why? When things test the same?

Its like name brand cialis vs tested generic cialis, its the same thing, same active ingredient
I've been looking into this myself, what's the average cost of pharma? I've been looking into my options, I think you can get prescribed gh norditropin pens 150 iu for around $450 from mexico.
I bought 75iu of norditropin from the darkweb for 100USD it was awesome stuff!
He does not actually explain that nor discuss HGH quality in detail. Considering the state of HGH labtesting back in 1999, trying that would've been an overextension anyways, just as it is nowadays.
He does go into more depth in the paid course, but as a novice what I took from his video is that Chinese HGH was initially very high quality, then later on some suppliers started under dosing or providing poor quality product, therefore it is best to purchase via a middleman (such as yourself) to ensure you are getting a high quality product.
I bought 75iu of norditropin from the darkweb for 100USD it was awesome stuff!
Was it UGL? Minimum price I ever saw at pharmacy was $130 for 45iu of norditropin. Maybe an Indian generic?
Chinese suppliers do 100 iu for around $180 of unmixed powder, so it's quite fascinating the price you found. Was it close to exp date?
He does go into more depth in the paid course, but as a novice what I took from his video is that Chinese HGH was initially very high quality, then later on some suppliers started under dosing or providing poor quality product, therefore it is best to purchase via a middleman (such as yourself) to ensure you are getting a high quality product.
There is essentially no difference between 'supplier' and 'middleman', I drew a map for you showing the accessible areas.

But why? When things test the same?

Its like name brand cialis vs tested generic cialis, its the same thing, same active ingredient
We aren't testing products for all existing variables and we don't know which variables are relevant to which degree beyond the obvious ones like dosage, purity etc. For Cialis/Tadalafil there are certainly properties not shown on the test reports that can affect user experience.

We are testing HGH for quantity, purity and dimer and are at the point where some of the cheapest generic HGH is within the testing margin of error of what is considered the best 1st world pharmaceutical HGH, but reviews of the two are far from each other, so you may conclude that there are variables we aren't testing for that make a difference in user experience between generic and pharma HGH or dismiss these anecdotal reports reporting such, as there is a roughly equal number of reports not reporting any perceived difference.

We've been stuck with this question for at least half a decade and Janoshik has upgraded his HGH testing to a degree surpassing the QC by pharmaceutical companies and lets us test an entire kit of HGH vials for variance between all testable variables at such a low cost that it's affordable to send a kit by every single HGH manufacturer in the world for testing, but that wouldn't give us the answers we are still looking for, and anyone claiming they know better is lying (to themselves).
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Was it UGL? Minimum price I ever saw at pharmacy was $130 for 45iu of norditropin. Maybe an Indian generic?
Chinese suppliers do 100 iu for around $180 of unmixed powder, so it's quite fascinating the price you found. Was it close to exp date?
It was legit, I think it's easier to get in europe
Compare Adderall to generic, there's a big difference I agree. There must be something special in its configuration. Norditropin made me feel amazing
It was legit, I think it's easier to get in europe
Interesting. I thought Nordi was cheapest in Türkiye and when I was there on a trip it was like over $200 US for 45 iu so I bought a ton of genos instead for pretty much half the price.