I had a 30iu ciinnatropin pin thrown in on an order that arrived today just for shits and giggles since 30iu is my dose and it was only like $1.60 an iu for this pharma, so today I shot 30iu pharma and noticed no difference. The expiration date on the side of the pen said 2025, how do they make it stable for so long? I saw a jano test for generic showing it losing half of its potency after 5 days and I've heard pharma is the same after you reconstitute, but how do they make these pens so that they last? What're they doing?
So you're not just comparing a week or 2 of use between pharm grade and generic, now your comparing 1 injection of pharm grade taken just hours after your last generic gh inj and reporting back that there's basically no difference except a little more water retained with the generic?

You like the water, and you've announced that QSC is superior? You're closing the books on this one?

You just awsered your own question?
You had just posted that the Seros kit you purchased from a source had the script sticker ripped off. You then asked aloud where sources of Seros get their stock from?

Do you envision a janitor smuggling cases of Serostim out the back door of the EMD Serono warehouse in MA?
Or maybe the truck delivering Serostim to specialty pharmacies is being held up regularly at gunpoint or maybe falling off the back of the truck or any # of scenarios you can think of involving a delivery truck and the contents of it finding its way into the Black Market?

Usually, the most obvious answer is the correct answer....when the answer presents itself to you and you're staring at it, I'd say you answered your own question.
I finally agree….because if you can run 10x the amount of IU for same price from QSC to Seros, and its same tested quality, fools would use serostim….
I respect your opinion as well as your tenacity when it comes to the subject we've been at odds about for years. It sounds like you're believing the tide has swung your way on the subject in a major way the last couple of years with the # of guys signing up on your side? I wouldn't want them on my team with them spelling out how they've come to agree with your side.
Read through this thread and found some good posts along with some regurgitated bs.
Generics can be just as good as pharma if the gens are dosed properly and purity is high. The only notable difference between the two for me was water retention.

Back in the day everyone talked about Humatrope as the holy grail of gh so I ran some at 2-3 ius for several months. My body looked great but my ankles were swollen and my shoes felt tight. When I stopped using I pissed out about 4 lbs of water and I no longer had sock rings on my ankles. I should've monitored my blood pressure but didn't. In hindsight I really wish I had.

Nutropin AQ - Ran at 2 ius, occasionally pinned 3ius but it was super expensive and most of my run was at 2ius. This gh was clean AF. Almost no sides other than my jaw ached. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything. If not for the crazy dreams and the physical changes I would've suspected my shit was bunk even though I picked it up at the guys house, from one cooler to another, just hours after a Pro BB bought most of it to prep for the Olympia. He placed in the top 5. Basically I bought what he didn't want or couldn't afford. For a minute I thought maybe I'm the sucker and big man got the real shit and I got some expensive ass bunk gh. Wrong. That shit was fire.

Serostim - Ran this at 3-4 ius since it's the cheapest. I found this to be the best bang for buck, definitely held water, blood pressure was elevated borderline high but no other sides and results were as expected.

Saizen - Ran this at 3-4 ius. This gh was like I custom ordered the perfect product for my body. Almost no water retention, no numbness, blood pressure was only a couple points above my baseline and the mirror test said it all.
This is my holy grail.

Geno's, Nords, Omni's were run at 2-3 ius. Typical sides, nothing amazing or bad about any of these comes to mind. ATM I've got a nice stash of Geno's left over from last year and will be starting again in January.

I no longer run generics mainly because I want to be sure of what's going in my body. The last generic gh I used was years ago and I had a bad reaction. I stopped the gh, went to my PCP and got some meds and was better a couple weeks later. Several weeks later I started up again and the same thing happened. The first time I didn't consider the gh could have something to do with it and I chalked it up to getting older. I wasn't using any gear at the time just gh. The second time was enough for me to say that's it. I don't believe in coincidences. A lot of people use this product so I'm not really sure what to make of it.
This experience was the reason I decided to only use pharma gh and since I only run it at 2 ius it won't break the bank.

IMO anyone who thinks all pharma is the same or all generics are trash is fucking retarded.

I've been using gh on and off since 2002. I have used most pharma brands and plenty of generics.
I've seen Rick Kane around for many years and he's one of the Community members that can be looked to if an honest opinion is wanted by a guy with more experience, where GH is concerned, than 95% of those posting on the subject.
So you're not just comparing a week or 2 of use between pharm grade and generic, now your comparing 1 injection of pharm grade taken just hours after your last generic gh inj and reporting back that there's basically no difference except a little more water retained with the generic?

You like the water, and you've announced that QSC is superior? You're closing the books on this one?

You had just posted that the Seros kit you purchased from a source had the script sticker ripped off. You then asked aloud where sources of Seros get their stock from?

Do you envision a janitor smuggling cases of Serostim out the back door of the EMD Serono warehouse in MA?
Or maybe the truck delivering Serostim to specialty pharmacies is being held up regularly at gunpoint or maybe falling off the back of the truck or any # of scenarios you can think of involving a delivery truck and the contents of it finding its way into the Black Market?

Usually, the most obvious answer is the correct answer....when the answer presents itself to you and you're staring at it, I'd say you answered your own question.

I respect your opinion as well as your tenacity when it comes to the subject we've been at odds about for years. It sounds like you're believing the tide has swung your way on the subject in a major way the last couple of years with the # of guys signing up on your side? I wouldn't want them on my team with them spelling out how they've come to agree with your side.

I've seen Rick Kane around for many years and he's one of the Community members that can be looked to if an honest opinion is wanted by a guy with more experience, where GH is concerned, than 95% of those posting on the subject.
I dont believe there is sides, as both get one from A to B. I also buy generic advil over name brand, and chicken too.
I dont believe there is sides, as both get one from A to B. I also buy generic advil over name brand, and chicken too.
Even I don't personally use pharma hgh and stick with generic...but I can't believe you're actually comparing it to OTC meds and chicken. Like WTF are you thinking Making that comparison.
So you're not just comparing a week or 2 of use between pharm grade and generic, now your comparing 1 injection of pharm grade taken just hours after your last generic gh inj and reporting back that there's basically no difference except a little more water retained with the generic?

You like the water, and you've announced that QSC is superior? You're closing the books on this one?

You had just posted that the Seros kit you purchased from a source had the script sticker ripped off. You then asked aloud where sources of Seros get their stock from?

Do you envision a janitor smuggling cases of Serostim out the back door of the EMD Serono warehouse in MA?
Or maybe the truck delivering Serostim to specialty pharmacies is being held up regularly at gunpoint or maybe falling off the back of the truck or any # of scenarios you can think of involving a delivery truck and the contents of it finding its way into the Black Market?

Usually, the most obvious answer is the correct answer....when the answer presents itself to you and you're staring at it, I'd say you answered your own question.

I'm posting to Craigslist now to find me an AIDS patient, I need to run 20iu 30iu serostim asap to make a fair comparison. DEADASS AIDS FREAKS WHERE ARE YOOOOOOOOOOOO!!??
Even I don't personally use pharma hgh and stick with generic...but I can't believe you're actually comparing it to OTC meds and chicken. Like WTF are you thinking Making that comparison.
Fine then , generic cialis vs name brand cialis….

Name brand insulin vs store brand insulin…

Name brand oxy vs generic brand oxy…

Name brand adderall vs generic…

Its the same

Name brand hgh vs generic hgh
Fine then , generic cialis vs name brand cialis….

Name brand insulin vs store brand insulin…

Name brand oxy vs generic brand oxy…

Name brand adderall vs generic…

Its the same

Name brand hgh vs generic hgh
Dude please, you need to stop talking stupid things
Dude please, you need to stop talking stupid things
Its the same, active ingredient is active ingredient, shows every single lab test.

Like pharma test C is same as brewed test C.

How can you say otherwise….

If a vial of test C hase 20/2, BA to BB plus actuve hormone, from pharmacy vs Brewed at home.

How is that different?

If the SAME compounding pharmacy is making hgh and then under the table making HGH to sell to make money? How is that different?
Its the same, active ingredient is active ingredient, shows every single lab test.

Like pharma test C is same as brewed test C.

How can you say otherwise….

If a vial of test C hase 20/2, BA to BB plus actuve hormone, from pharmacy vs Brewed at home.

How is that different?

If the SAME compounding pharmacy is making hgh and then under the table making HGH to sell to make money? How is that different?
it's as if you told me beef is beef, but depending on the diet we give them their nutritional qualities can be drastically different, their omega 3/6 ratio can be day and night.

it's the same principle for hgh, on the other hand for testo and other simple molecules, yes you are right.

but hgh is a totally different specimen
Having a history with prescription medication I can say with complete certainty that each different generic will offer different “feelz” the end result may be the same but you will definitely feel different as you work thru generic or name brand to find your favorites
Having a history with prescription medication I can say with complete certainty that each different generic will offer different “feelz” the end result may be the same but you will definitely feel different as you work thru generic or name brand to find your favorites
Placebo…how can that make sense?
it's as if you told me beef is beef, but depending on the diet we give them their nutritional qualities can be drastically different, their omega 3/6 ratio can be day and night.

it's the same principle for hgh, on the other hand for testo and other simple molecules, yes you are right.

but hgh is a totally different specimen
That is totally different because the meat is digesting and processing the foods they eat, and the good beef is not getting pumped with chemicals to make it bigger.

Medications is a chemical….

Hgh i dont know enough about…. But pure hgh is hgh.

If someone had hgh generic and thought it was pharma….and then someone given pharma and thought it was generic…they would never know which is which…..but someone knowing generic is generic, they already have a predispostion its worse…

Its like the commercial of pepsi and coke… lol… the mind is very powerful
Placebo…how can that make sense?
It’s really not even debatable. The active ingredients are all the same however the dyes. Fillers preservatives. Rate of absorption. There is more but they will all affect you differently. Hgh is no different. You undoubtedly have foundation brand or batch you’ve preferred
I'm thinking of switching from pharma to generic, due to cost it will allow me to up my dose from 1iu to 3 per day, is it worth the switch?
I guess its the only way to know, looking at most generic lab results the purity is as strong as pharma, it seems like a more cost effective solution
Have you only used 1 iu pharma per day?
Seems a little low to form a proper opinion .
3iu generic should be better for pumps and recovery.
Im also using generic now and i use 1.5-2x the amount of Pharma.
Im satisfied with the results, just my skin never gets so smooth like on the pharma but i can live with that right now.
It’s really not even debatable. The active ingredients are all the same however the dyes. Fillers preservatives. Rate of absorption. There is more but they will all affect you differently. Hgh is no different. You undoubtedly have foundation brand or batch you’ve preferred
All i prefer is the ones that work…regardless who or how or what they are…
Have you only used 1 iu pharma per day?
Seems a little low to form a proper opinion .
3iu generic should be better for pumps and recovery.
Im also using generic now and i use 1.5-2x the amount of Pharma.
Im satisfied with the results, just my skin never gets so smooth like on the pharma but i can live with that right now.
I’ve used more than 1iu per day in the past to experiment with different doses, I would take more pharma per day if I could afford it, I’m thinking a switch to generic at higher doses could be a better option