The Chinese are scum and will counterfeit anything to make a quick buck. I will tell you for a fact that they mix and match their GH, meaning you order a kit with supposedly 10iu x 10 vials. They will take 10 vials of GH with some containing zero GH, some containing 4iu, and some containing 10iu, mix them all together in a kit of 10 vials. This coming straight from the mouth of Kublai who was part of the kigtropin scam years ago.
Humans are scum and will do and sell anything to make money, including the pharmaceutical industry as history has shown. None of these practices are exclusive to any country, and some of these are specifically requested via contract manufacturing by overseas customers. 'The Chinese' isn't a manufacturer nor is 'Pharma', and either category spans the entire width from trash to treasure.
Reporting back. Let me just say that this is anecdotal but fairly surprising results when comparing pharma HGH and UGL HGH.

For reference, I am on HRT and receive very very expensive Omnitrop HGH from a pharmacy here in the USA. The goal was to compare Omnitrope and Optitrope HGH (grey tops).

I currently take 2iu AM and 2iu PM. Last night i took the UGL HGH rather than the Pharma. Here are the differences that i found:

1.UGL had Little more numbness in hands and feet.
2. UGL made made my joints a little sore while sleeping.
3. Little more water retention overnight.

That said, the UGL HGH was actually better for recovery for me than the Pharma, I was able to push my bicycle harder for over an hour, and in the gym my lifts were actually a little stronger, dumbel presses with 105s it was amazing. It appears that the strength and endurance are linked to the additional water in my system but i should not have been that fresh for my bike ride. I did legs yesterday and rode hard for 1.5 on my bicycle. I should have been tired but i wasn't. Very surprising.

A couple of things to note: I have been taking the Omnitrope for 3 months so introducing a different HGH to my system may have resulted in a higher bioavailability of the HGH. I am on a very strict cutting diet, 1000 calories a day, 1.5 hours of cardio fasted plus lifting. only eat from 2pm to 6pm. I take 200mg of Test Cyp a week and am on Trizepitide.

After a few weeks of using the UGL i will report back again on the differences.

1000 calories a day????

How is that going for you?

Not sure if you saw that thread a while back but I’ll try to recap…

Basically a guy posted a Jano test from “a vendor who’s very popular on the underground” of a generic test with like 86% purity and high dimer content. He said he was shocked because the vendor consistently posted Jano reports of 96-97+ purity with zero dimer. The source of course paid him to keep his mouth shut and he hasn’t been back since then. Jano also confirmed the test was legit.

So there’s a 100000% chance of what you’re saying is accurate. I always tell guys to test your own shit and don’t rely on others.. or just stick to Pharma lol.

I missed that one completely. Do you have a link, or some search terms we could use, or could you just tell us the vendor and spare us all the searching?
I missed that one completely. Do you have a link, or some search terms we could use, or could you just tell us the vendor and spare us all the searching?

found it

this guy made an account, logged in, made a post about it. never came back again.

big wtf
So there’s a 100000% chance of what you’re saying is accurate. I always tell guys to test your own shit and don’t rely on others.. or just stick to Pharma lol.

Couldn't it just as easily be a rival source sending in an underdosed vial claiming its whoever's to try to make them look bad? And it seems pretty far reaching that a source would end up with a bunch of 4iu vials that they disperse into 10iu kits, wouldn't it be more likely that they just keep getting the same 10iu vials from their source?
Couldn't it just as easily be a rival source sending in an underdosed vial claiming its whoever's to try to make them look bad? And it seems pretty far reaching that a source would end up with a bunch of 4iu vials that they disperse into 10iu kits, wouldn't it be more likely that they just keep getting the same 10iu vials from their source?
Could be but the guy never mentioned the source lol. He just dropped that bomb on us and left.
1000 calories a day????

How is that going for you?

I missed that one completely. Do you have a link, or some search terms we could use, or could you just tell us the vendor and spare us all the searching?

The diet is going great. I have lost 42 lbs in a couple of months, staying fairly strong and will roll more calories in as i get closer to target weight. I started at a strudy 275lbs and am trying to get to 200lbs. Yes i am losing some muscle. I want to compete in a 12 hour mtb race in Colorado next August and need to be around 200 to do it. I am 48 years old, 5'9.
I will eventually run Pharma. Probably will do it on my next cycle to see what the hype is.
There is no hype, your falling for it….

Its the exact thing as saying i will run pharma test c just to see the hype, there is no difference.

Or name brand aleve vs generic… same thing
There is no hype, your falling for it….

Its the exact thing as saying i will run pharma test c just to see the hype, there is no difference.

Or name brand aleve vs generic… same thing
I disagree, there is difference.

Omnadrens Jelfa ive run A LOT, definetly better than any UG sustanon ive used.

Ive run Omnitropin, Norditropin and bunch of different UG growths. Pharma tends to hold less water, so the muscle fullness, and pump from HGH is much more cut looking.

UG growth works, but with more water

Reporting back. Let me just say that this is anecdotal but fairly surprising results when comparing pharma HGH and UGL HGH.

For reference, I am on HRT and receive very very expensive Omnitrop HGH from a pharmacy here in the USA. The goal was to compare Omnitrope and Optitrope HGH (grey tops).

I currently take 2iu AM and 2iu PM. Last night i took the UGL HGH rather than the Pharma. Here are the differences that i found:

1.UGL had Little more numbness in hands and feet.
2. UGL made made my joints a little sore while sleeping.
3. Little more water retention overnight.

That said, the UGL HGH was actually better for recovery for me than the Pharma, I was able to push my bicycle harder for over an hour, and in the gym my lifts were actually a little stronger, dumbel presses with 105s it was amazing. It appears that the strength and endurance are linked to the additional water in my system but i should not have been that fresh for my bike ride. I did legs yesterday and rode hard for 1.5 on my bicycle. I should have been tired but i wasn't. Very surprising.

A couple of things to note: I have been taking the Omnitrope for 3 months so introducing a different HGH to my system may have resulted in a higher bioavailability of the HGH. I am on a very strict cutting diet, 1000 calories a day, 1.5 hours of cardio fasted plus lifting. only eat from 2pm to 6pm. I take 200mg of Test Cyp a week and am on Trizepitide.

After a few weeks of using the UGL i will report back again on the differences.
Which clinic do you go through to get pharma omnitrope? Asking because I’m also in the USA and would prefer to go through a clinic than an UGL
Personally Ive used both generics and almost every kind of pharm grade hgh the biggest with pharm grade hgh is I get less sides because some generics it felt like my hands were on fire at night so bad I would have to sleep with my arms off the bed!Only reason I will go back to generics is money but I def feel and look better on pharm grade hgh.One kit of seros is def not a good test to judge pharm grade hgh you need more time than that!
“In the setting of insulin deficiency or excess insulin, it is logical to propose that insulin dysregulation can contribute to neuropathic changes in sensory neurons,” (Front Neurosci. 2016).

So, basically, UGL is just insulin and everyone claiming numb hands or burning sensations is actually experiencing diabetic neuropathy?
“In the setting of insulin deficiency or excess insulin, it is logical to propose that insulin dysregulation can contribute to neuropathic changes in sensory neurons,” (Front Neurosci. 2016).

So, basically, UGL is just insulin and everyone claiming numb hands or burning sensations is actually experiencing diabetic neuropathy?
That's probably part of the reason for cts, I think the main reason is water in the wrists tightening them up. But where is the evidence showing generics to cause more insulin dysregulation than pharma?
That's probably part of the reason for cts, I think the main reason is water in the wrists tightening them up. But where is the evidence showing generics to cause more insulin dysregulation than pharma?
There seems to be a multitude of anecdotal evidence from users on this forum who claim that their hands go numb or they can’t sleep because of a burning sensation.

Also, I’m not making a comparison between pharma or UGL. But because of influencers like Chase Irons, we know that 18iu of Serostim can be used without side effects. In his case, it would be illogical to assume that he’s using UGL. He’s actually stated that he hates generic and baffles at the thought of anyone using it.

Taking all of this into account, I still have no idea how Chase is able to source Serostim, testosterone, or a DHT derivative because no doctor would ever prescribe 3g of test, 1g of masterone, and 18iu of growth to any individual for any reason. Could 18iu of growth be prescribed to an AIDS patient? Sure. 18iu of growth prescribed to Chase? Not a chance.

At the end of the day, generic or pharma, everyone on this sub is putting themselves at a major risk and possibly exposing themselves to toxic chemicals. In a 2006 study from United States Government Accountability Office, the subject of the matter was whether or not AAS could be purchased without a prescription. The most astounding evidence collected by law enforcement officers stated that, out of 22 orders placed, 10 shipments were in fact anabolic substances from foreign countries, and four shipments were from the United States were mislabeled or didn’t contain any anabolics whatsoever: “We also received 4 shipments from within the United States but the substances they contained, though marketed as anabolic steroids or other "muscle building" products, were not anabolic steroids according to the FDA.”

So, a more important question is why are people still ordering from within the states?