There seems to be a multitude of anecdotal evidence from users on this forum who claim that their hands go numb or they can’t sleep because of a burning sensation.

Also, I’m not making a comparison between pharma or UGL. But because of influencers like Chase Irons, we know that 18iu of Serostim can be used without side effects. In his case, it would be illogical to assume that he’s using UGL. He’s actually stated that he hates generic and baffles at the thought of anyone using it.

Taking all of this into account, I still have no idea how Chase is able to source Serostim, testosterone, or a DHT derivative because no doctor would ever prescribe 3g of test, 1g of masterone, and 18iu of growth to any individual for any reason. Could 18iu of growth be prescribed to an AIDS patient? Sure. 18iu of growth prescribed to Chase? Not a chance.

At the end of the day, generic or pharma, everyone on this sub is putting themselves at a major risk and possibly exposing themselves to toxic chemicals. In a 2006 study from United States Government Accountability Office, the subject of the matter was whether or not AAS could be purchased without a prescription. The most astounding evidence collected by law enforcement officers stated that, out of 22 orders placed, 10 shipments were in fact anabolic substances from foreign countries, and four shipments were from the United States were mislabeled or didn’t contain any anabolics whatsoever: “We also received 4 shipments from within the United States but the substances they contained, though marketed as anabolic steroids or other "muscle building" products, were not anabolic steroids according to the FDA.”

So, a more important question is why are people still ordering from within the states?
So test your stuff with a testing service before use, problem solved.

And if pharma hgh has a 98% purity and a generic had a 96 purity, its the same…
There seems to be a multitude of anecdotal evidence from users on this forum who claim that their hands go numb or they can’t sleep because of a burning sensation.

Also, I’m not making a comparison between pharma or UGL. But because of influencers like Chase Irons, we know that 18iu of Serostim can be used without side effects. In his case, it would be illogical to assume that he’s using UGL. He’s actually stated that he hates generic and baffles at the thought of anyone using it.

Taking all of this into account, I still have no idea how Chase is able to source Serostim, testosterone, or a DHT derivative because no doctor would ever prescribe 3g of test, 1g of masterone, and 18iu of growth to any individual for any reason. Could 18iu of growth be prescribed to an AIDS patient? Sure. 18iu of growth prescribed to Chase? Not a chance.

At the end of the day, generic or pharma, everyone on this sub is putting themselves at a major risk and possibly exposing themselves to toxic chemicals. In a 2006 study from United States Government Accountability Office, the subject of the matter was whether or not AAS could be purchased without a prescription. The most astounding evidence collected by law enforcement officers stated that, out of 22 orders placed, 10 shipments were in fact anabolic substances from foreign countries, and four shipments were from the United States were mislabeled or didn’t contain any anabolics whatsoever: “We also received 4 shipments from within the United States but the substances they contained, though marketed as anabolic steroids or other "muscle building" products, were not anabolic steroids according to the FDA.”

So, a more important question is why are people still ordering from within the states?
Everything in this post is at least a little off. The thing you were closest on was Chase not having sides, but he did have sides, he had to skip a dose for a day 3 times to lower the sides. I'm very cts prone, probly more than Chase by far, and I was able to increase my dose up to my current 30iu a day dose with very little sides, it has me wondering how far a person could take it and my guess is that they could go as high as they wanted as long as they increased the dose as sides dissipate or use stop/start dosing until sides stop like Chase did. I like a little more water retention anyway, I think it causes better gains, ya I said it QSC > Serostim
Everything in this post is at least a little off. The thing you were closest on was Chase not having sides, but he did have sides, he had to skip a dose for a day 3 times to lower the sides. I'm very cts prone, probly more than Chase by far, and I was able to increase my dose up to my current 30iu a day dose with very little sides, it has me wondering how far a person could take it and my guess is that they could go as high as they wanted as long as they increased the dose as sides dissipate or use stop/start dosing until sides stop like Chase did. I like a little more water retention anyway, I think it causes better gains, ya I said it QSC > Serostim
Testing is a must. Objectively, what did I introduce in my previous reply that’s “a little off,”?
“In the setting of insulin deficiency or excess insulin, it is logical to propose that insulin dysregulation can contribute to neuropathic changes in sensory neurons,” (Front Neurosci. 2016).

So, basically, UGL is just insulin and everyone claiming numb hands or burning sensations is actually experiencing diabetic neuropathy?
Logical? Wtf did I just read?

No, I'm sorry... that wasn't logical.
Everything in this post is at least a little off. The thing you were closest on was Chase not having sides, but he did have sides, he had to skip a dose for a day 3 times to lower the sides. I'm very cts prone, probly more than Chase by far, and I was able to increase my dose up to my current 30iu a day dose with very little sides, it has me wondering how far a person could take it and my guess is that they could go as high as they wanted as long as they increased the dose as sides dissipate or use stop/start dosing until sides stop like Chase did. I like a little more water retention anyway, I think it causes better gains, ya I said it QSC > Serostim
I finally agree….because if you can run 10x the amount of IU for same price from QSC to Seros, and its same tested quality, fools would use serostim….
I finally agree….because if you can run 10x the amount of IU for same price from QSC to Seros, and its same tested quality, fools would use serostim….
I had a 30iu ciinnatropin pin thrown in on an order that arrived today just for shits and giggles since 30iu is my dose and it was only like $1.60 an iu for this pharma, so today I shot 30iu pharma and noticed no difference. The expiration date on the side of the pen said 2025, how do they make it stable for so long? I saw a jano test for generic showing it losing half of its potency after 5 days and I've heard pharma is the same after you reconstitute, but how do they make these pens so that they last? What're they doing?
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I had a 30iu ciinnatropin pin thrown in on an order that arrived today just for shits and giggles since 30iu is my dose and it was only like $1.60 an iu for this pharma, so today I shot 30iu pharma and noticed no difference. The expiration date on the side of the pen said 2025, how do they make it stable for so long? I saw a jano test for generic showing it losing half of its potency after 5 days and I've heard pharma is the same after you reconstitute, but how do they make these pens so that they last? What're they doing?

Patients with HIV wasting syndrome sell their prescriptions. Insurance covers it, so they can sell it much more cheaply than it costs if you were to buy it with a prescription but paying out of pocket. The middleman has plenty of room to mark it up.

These supplies are necessarily limited, however, which means that sources of this nature can only grow so much.


Patients with HIV wasting syndrome sell their prescriptions. Insurance covers it, so they can sell it much more cheaply than it costs if you were to buy it with a prescription but paying out of pocket. The middleman has plenty of room to mark it up.

These supplies are necessarily limited, however, which means that sources of this nature can only grow so much.

So we should all just find a terminal aids patient to supply us with our Serostim? How do we go about finding one? Fuck they get a kit per week, I'll give a bill per kit. We're talking under 80c an iu for Serostim here. Fuck these guys charging $600 a kit, let's all get us an AIDS patient.
Has anyone had any issues with pharma HGH scanning as not registered on ITS?
I picked up 5 boxes from a sponsor here and none of them scanned, he requested the codes and pics and scanned them in iTS himself and said sometimes there are issues with iTS outside of the country not working correctly.
Source is popular one here that has had many others receive their pharma gh no problem. However, I have not had this experience before with ITS and scanning showing not registered.
Has anyone had any issues with pharma HGH scanning as not registered on ITS?
I picked up 5 boxes from a sponsor here and none of them scanned, he requested the codes and pics and scanned them in iTS himself and said sometimes there are issues with iTS outside of the country not working correctly.
Source is popular one here that has had many others receive their pharma gh no problem. However, I have not had this experience before with ITS and scanning showing not registered.
What brand are they? Post the pics and name the source you’ll get the help you need
What brand are they? Post the pics and name the source you’ll get the help you need
They're saizen, which I have used before, but never had an issue with them not scanning with ITS. I did speak with the source and they sent me screenshots of them scanning through their ITS, and was told it is because sometimes these don't scan right with the app out of country.
I don't want to start any issues if this is a common thing, I just haven't had any experience with this issue.


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They're saizen, which I have used before, but never had an issue with them not scanning with ITS. I did speak with the source and they sent me screenshots of them scanning through their ITS, and was told it is because sometimes these don't scan right with the app out of country.
I don't want to start any issues if this is a common thing, I just haven't had any experience with this issue.
Anyone able to help with this?
Read through this thread and found some good posts along with some regurgitated bs.

Generics can be just as good as pharma if the gens are dosed properly and purity is high. The only notable difference between the two for me was water retention.

Back in the day everyone talked about Humatrope as the holy grail of gh so I ran some at 2-3 ius for several months. My body looked great but my ankles were swollen and my shoes felt tight. When I stopped using I pissed out about 4 lbs of water and I no longer had sock rings on my ankles. I should've monitored my blood pressure but didn't. In hindsight I really wish I had.

Nutropin AQ - Ran at 2 ius, occasionally pinned 3ius but it was super expensive and most of my run was at 2ius. This gh was clean AF. Almost no sides other than my jaw ached. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything. If not for the crazy dreams and the physical changes I would've suspected my shit was bunk even though I picked it up at the guys house, from one cooler to another, just hours after a Pro BB bought most of it to prep for the Olympia. He placed in the top 5. Basically I bought what he didn't want or couldn't afford. For a minute I thought maybe I'm the sucker and big man got the real shit and I got some expensive ass bunk gh. Wrong. That shit was fire.

Serostim - Ran this at 3-4 ius since it's the cheapest. I found this to be the best bang for buck, definitely held water, blood pressure was elevated borderline high but no other sides and results were as expected.

Saizen - Ran this at 3-4 ius. This gh was like I custom ordered the perfect product for my body. Almost no water retention, no numbness, blood pressure was only a couple points above my baseline and the mirror test said it all.
This is my holy grail.

Geno's, Nords, Omni's were run at 2-3 ius. Typical sides, nothing amazing or bad about any of these comes to mind. ATM I've got a nice stash of Geno's left over from last year and will be starting again in January.

I no longer run generics mainly because I want to be sure of what's going in my body. The last generic gh I used was years ago and I had a bad reaction. I stopped the gh, went to my PCP and got some meds and was better a couple weeks later. Several weeks later I started up again and the same thing happened. The first time I didn't consider the gh could have something to do with it and I chalked it up to getting older. I wasn't using any gear at the time just gh. The second time was enough for me to say that's it. I don't believe in coincidences. A lot of people use this product so I'm not really sure what to make of it.
This experience was the reason I decided to only use pharma gh and since I only run it at 2 ius it won't break the bank.

IMO anyone who thinks all pharma is the same or all generics are trash is fucking retarded.

I've been using gh on and off since 2002. I have used most pharma brands and plenty of generics.


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