I believe HGH is one of those things highly highly individual, both benefits and sides.
Has Meso ever had a thread researching (via anecdotal reports of course) if these individual experiences/effects are consistent between batches of the same pharma HGH brand? It seems like a foregone conclusion but I'd love some veteran pharma HGH users to dig into their memory about this just to be sure.
I’ve never ran gh or insulin before, are they both big game changers?

HGH definitely is but I don't have too much experience with insulin, only 5 weeks of doing a shot of Log eod pw with a vial of HGH and a few months of dabbling with 1 to 4 iu's eod pw with <8iu HGH on HRT, but for a <220lb dude my pancreas seems to be able to take care of the food pretty well without slin on this dose as long as I'm on a little bit of semaglutide, I'm gonna swap for humalog soon, though. If you're taking less than 10iu gh and are less than 220 pounds and eating less than 4500 calories a day I don't think insulin is really needed at all and won't help much, your own pancreas can pump that intra-workout shake in just fine, and as long as you stay active enough and eat clean enough I don't think you'll become diabetic

You can push the dose to whatever you want, you just have to increase it as side effects go away, if you start off too big or increase the dose by too much you might get broken off by the sides and have to stop altogether and restart at a lower dose, just increase it an iu at a time at first. I was able to get to 30iu in 2.5 to 2 months and 3 weeks, but if I was having to work right now and use my hands I wouldn't have been able to increase the dosage so quickly or even be on the dose I'm on now, I'd be fucked with cts badly I think so the dose would be at least a good bit lower right now.
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Has Meso ever had a thread researching (via anecdotal reports of course) if these individual experiences/effects are consistent between batches of the same pharma HGH brand? It seems like a foregone conclusion but I'd love some veteran pharma HGH users to dig into their memory about this just to be sure.
I don't remember one, although I don't use pharma so i easily could have skipped one over if it did exist. I do recall only seeing anecdotal reports from pharma hgh users scattered throughout many different threads.

It would be interesting if one existed. With the testing and availability of good generics, i have a hard time pulling the trigger on any pharma. Maybe @SkankHunt might know of such a thread.
We need the teams of pharma and ugl medical scientists that created the shit in here to explain the difference between them. I don't see us understanding it without that if it hasn't yet. Type2x doesn't even know for God's sake! The ugl and pharma scientists would probably just end up arguing and calling each other liars and we still wouldn't know what's going on.
We need the teams of pharma and ugl medical scientists that created the shit in here to explain the difference between them. I don't see us understanding it without that if it hasn't yet. Type2x doesn't even know for God's sake! The ugl and pharma scientists would probably just end up arguing and calling each other liars and we still wouldn't know what's going on.
All I know is that if you have run both pharma and generics from qsc and barely see any difference than who the hell would pay 8x more.
I don't remember one, although I don't use pharma so i easily could have skipped one over if it did exist. I do recall only seeing anecdotal reports from pharma hgh users scattered throughout many different threads.

It would be interesting if one existed. With the testing and availability of good generics, i have a hard time pulling the trigger on any pharma. Maybe @SkankHunt might know of such a thread.
I don’t believe a thread exists but I agree with you it’s very individual from person to person. Generics cause a little more water retention and the CTS is more profound compared to pharma. Jins and Serostim are my top 2 favs. However I’m not a pro or competing so shelling out $600 isn’t worth it to me, I’d rather just grab Optis or QSC.
All I know is that if you have run both pharma and generics from qsc and barely see any difference than who the hell would pay 8x more.
Go read his posts in Serono's thread. He sounds a lot different than he does here. @LSDPowerlifting ran Serostim for 21 days between Ansomes and different generics. He's confused or trying to convince himself and others. He sounds silly.

I try to stay out of these threads with guys who have 2 weeks of experience with Serostim swearing the .68cents/iu stuff is "on par". Guys who don't want to pay,,,,actually its the guys who can't, usually, because they hate on the expensive stuff and those that can use it.

I can respect @SkankHunt and his opinion. its not worth it to him. He can afford to run the best. That's not what's keeping him away. He's given them all an honest go.

On par....Do yourself a favor and do a little more research.
Personally Ive used both generics and almost every kind of pharm grade hgh the biggest with pharm grade hgh is I get less sides because some generics it felt like my hands were on fire at night so bad I would have to sleep with my arms off the bed!Only reason I will go back to generics is money but I def feel and look better on pharm grade hgh.One kit of seros is def not a good test to judge pharm grade hgh you need more time than that!
I’ve never ran gh or insulin before, are they both big game changers?
Short answer yes!
Hgh will gradually induce an insulin resistance. To keep shuttling those nutrients, your going to add Metformin to improve sensitivity, and add insulin as needed. You must have a glucose meter and know how to use it. There isn't much room for error tho. The possibility of going to sleep and not waking up is there.
Will it pack on pounds? Absolutely. Whether its fat or muscle is entirely dependent on your training. Taken with Testosterone, your workouts will be more productive, faster recovery time, you get out what you put in.

As far as generic Ugl vs. Pharma, there is no comparison. God, I hope those .05% impurities aren't heavy metals or ???
It's been said, you have to use alot of cheap Hgh, or a lil Pharma to get the desired effect.
I started off with ansomone at 2iu and switched to serostim at 4iu and ended with the rest of the ansomone kit 6 weeks later at 9iu, then switched to qsc at 9iu, I'm not seeing pharma doing anything more than generic, and I didn't notice any difference between serostim and ansomone either. They were all excellent. Someday I'll try a 3 month run at around 10iu and switch to generic, or should I start with the generic? There is pharma GH for as low as $1.60 right now, it's doable. And aren't generics testing purer with less dimer than pharma sometimes now? I thought I'd seen guys post results like this a few times. Also, I trust an underground Chinese lab trying to get my money by selling me something quality more than a big pharma company after the release of MRNA
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I started off with ansomone at 2iu and switched to serostim at 4iu and ended with the rest of the ansomone kit 6 weeks later at 9iu, then switched to qsc at 9iu, I'm not seeing pharma doing anything more than generic, and I didn't notice any difference between serostim and ansomone either. They were all excellent. Someday I'll try a 3 month run at around 10iu and switch to generic, or should I start with the generic? There is pharma GH for as low as $1.60 right now, it's doable. And aren't generics testing purer with less dimer than pharma sometimes now? I thought I'd seen guys post results like this a few times. Also, I trust an underground Chinese lab trying to get my money by selling me something quality more than a big pharma company after the release of MRNA
You trust a Chinese lab making GH over GH coming from an American pharmacy? What does MRNA have to do with GH? I'm guessing you're referring to the vaccines? American pharmaceutical companies have been producing the best GH for decades, long before the vaccines ever came out so that makes no sense at all. The Chinese are scum and will counterfeit anything to make a quick buck. I will tell you for a fact that they mix and match their GH, meaning you order a kit with supposedly 10iu x 10 vials. They will take 10 vials of GH with some containing zero GH, some containing 4iu, and some containing 10iu, mix them all together in a kit of 10 vials. This coming straight from the mouth of Kublai who was part of the kigtropin scam years ago.
Reporting back. Let me just say that this is anecdotal but fairly surprising results when comparing pharma HGH and UGL HGH.

For reference, I am on HRT and receive very very expensive Omnitrop HGH from a pharmacy here in the USA. The goal was to compare Omnitrope and Optitrope HGH (grey tops).

I currently take 2iu AM and 2iu PM. Last night i took the UGL HGH rather than the Pharma. Here are the differences that i found:

1.UGL had Little more numbness in hands and feet.
2. UGL made made my joints a little sore while sleeping.
3. Little more water retention overnight.

That said, the UGL HGH was actually better for recovery for me than the Pharma, I was able to push my bicycle harder for over an hour, and in the gym my lifts were actually a little stronger, dumbel presses with 105s it was amazing. It appears that the strength and endurance are linked to the additional water in my system but i should not have been that fresh for my bike ride. I did legs yesterday and rode hard for 1.5 on my bicycle. I should have been tired but i wasn't. Very surprising.

A couple of things to note: I have been taking the Omnitrope for 3 months so introducing a different HGH to my system may have resulted in a higher bioavailability of the HGH. I am on a very strict cutting diet, 1000 calories a day, 1.5 hours of cardio fasted plus lifting. only eat from 2pm to 6pm. I take 200mg of Test Cyp a week and am on Trizepitide.

After a few weeks of using the UGL i will report back again on the differences.
You trust a Chinese lab making GH over GH coming from an American pharmacy? What does MRNA have to do with GH? I'm guessing you're referring to the vaccines? American pharmaceutical companies have been producing the best GH for decades, long before the vaccines ever came out so that makes no sense at all. The Chinese are scum and will counterfeit anything to make a quick buck. I will tell you for a fact that they mix and match their GH, meaning you order a kit with supposedly 10iu x 10 vials. They will take 10 vials of GH with some containing zero GH, some containing 4iu, and some containing 10iu, mix them all together in a kit of 10 vials. This coming straight from the mouth of Kublai who was part of the kigtropin scam years ago.
Not sure if you saw that thread a while back but I’ll try to recap…

Basically a guy posted a Jano test from “a vendor who’s very popular on the underground” of a generic test with like 86% purity and high dimer content. He said he was shocked because the vendor consistently posted Jano reports of 96-97+ purity with zero dimer. The source of course paid him to keep his mouth shut and he hasn’t been back since then. Jano also confirmed the test was legit.

So there’s a 100000% chance of what you’re saying is accurate. I always tell guys to test your own shit and don’t rely on others.. or just stick to Pharma lol.
I trust them more, pharma companies want us sick.

You do realize big pharma is the one that developed rhgh right? The one that Chinese companies are copying?

I don't know where you come up with these idiotic comments.

You are a troll or a straight up moron.

You do realize big pharma is the one that developed rhgh right? The one that Chinese companies are copying?

I don't know where you come up with these idiotic comments.

You are a troll or a straight up moron.
Have fun with your mrna infused hgh and being sick and dying
You trust a Chinese lab making GH over GH coming from an American pharmacy? What does MRNA have to do with GH? I'm guessing you're referring to the vaccines? American pharmaceutical companies have been producing the best GH for decades, long before the vaccines ever came out so that makes no sense at all. The Chinese are scum and will counterfeit anything to make a quick buck. I will tell you for a fact that they mix and match their GH, meaning you order a kit with supposedly 10iu x 10 vials. They will take 10 vials of GH with some containing zero GH, some containing 4iu, and some containing 10iu, mix them all together in a kit of 10 vials. This coming straight from the mouth of Kublai who was part of the kigtropin scam years ago.
Are you talking about ansomone hgh ?