Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

All of Pharmastar oils 20ml correct? My old vials are 10ml and looks like they arnt listed anymore on the pricelist. I assume it's all 20ml now on?
So just to be clear, it has been a total of about 6 weeks?
Yes I received tracking info on 2 packages shipped at the same time on 2-23-19, on 3-1-19 I recieved one pack. And the other says it’s still in transit. I ordered a replacement pack 3-21-19 waiting on tracking now. I haven’t had any other issues from pharmasource, it’s the usps. I also plan to send some of the pharmastar test enanthate 350 off for some testing shortly. Some of the guys I ordered for requested it so I’ll post up results when they come in. It’s testing the name of the compounds and the mg/ml.
Yes I received tracking info on 2 packages shipped at the same time on 2-23-19, on 3-1-19 I recieved one pack. And the other says it’s still in transit. I ordered a replacement pack 3-21-19 waiting on tracking now. I haven’t had any other issues from pharmasource, it’s the usps. I also plan to send some of the pharmastar test enanthate 350 off for some testing shortly. Some of the guys I ordered for requested it so I’ll post up results when they come in. It’s testing the name of the compounds and the mg/ml.
Leave out the dates homie... no need to be that informative.
just about to stop a run of dhb (300 for around 8 weeks the a month at 500) pip wasnt an issue at all at 300 but is becoming a bit uncomfortable now im at 500 although my sites always get a little pippish on a blast after a couple of months whatever the compound. as for sides to be honest i havent noticed anything, strength is definitely up since i upped to 500 and vascularity is nice.. i havent had any bloods taken so cannot comment on whether or not my bloods like wall paper paste, giving blood in a couple weeks to bring it down a bit anywhoo. only thing i noticed is i get "pec pumps" more than usual. mood hasnt been negatively affected and sleep has been fine

DHB pip is the most insane pip ever. Makes you want to saw off your leg if pinned in the quads!
anyone have problen in europe?

Perhaps some more people can chime in but without giving too many details I am in Western Europe and I got my package very very fast. I thought it would take much longer than it did. Extremely happy with the results thus far as well.

Will order again once I figure out what I want :D its a big menu haha
Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

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