Positive Outcome Of Clomiphene Citrate Treatment In Young Hypogonadal Men

[2] Dont throw the excess T away unless it cant be sealed properly. It should be good for 90 days (minimum, maybe more!) and it doesnt hurt to have some spare around..

As always another thanks to you LW. The T I have is by Pfizer and is in the small glass ampules. I snap off the small red plastic cap which then exposes the rubber ampule top. Not sure who told me that once I inject air into the ampule to draw out the T it would shorten shelf life on the remainder to like 3 or 4 days. If injecting the vial with air does not do so I will save them absolutely . I know the ampules rubber top is going to reseal as soon as I withdraw the syringe.
In conclusion, CC is an effective and safe alternative to testosterone supplementation therapy in hypogonadal men...(QUOTE)

First my apologies to Dr. Scally, the original creator of this thread. I lost track of the fact the I had entered and existing thread. Again my apologies for that oversight.

A comment on the original top of this thread. My compliments to DR. Scally on discussing this very valid topic on the part of testicle size , function etc and the effects test. has on them. I realize male opinions on this will vary however in my case since I am no longer procreating testicle size etc is not an issue. However I can also understand it being so for many men even if only from a cosmetic standpoint. So many times in today's world the medical field takes the view that if a man is no longer young and actively reproducing then he should have no real concern for sexual function and most definitely not for the cosmetic perception of his testicles. I hate to say this but this is actually of many female practitioners in medicine. My view is, if the guy is 100 and has one leg in the grave, if he wants to keep his huge testicles simply because he likes them , let him. His age or virility should play little to no role in the matter.

Excellent topic DR. Scally . I cannot recall where, but recently I read an article on an ED clinic here in the USA. I cannot recall the clinic name or location. What I can recall though is that their approach to treating ED generally include multiple meds. They actually aim to no only restore erectile function but to also preserve both the size and function of the testicles. In their article I do recall seeing the mention of Test, Standard ED drugs as well as Anadrol, HGH as well as other drugs. This all of course hinging on the outcome of each patients labs.
Great thread!

Bump to hear from those who tried using Clomid at the time, and also members who have started it but not posted.

I found the article on why Clomid may be a poor substitute for TRT very interesting too.
Great thread!

Bump to hear from those who tried using Clomid at the time, and also members who have started it but not posted.

I found the article on why Clomid may be a poor substitute for TRT very interesting too.

Posted this in another thread but here you go.

Diagnosed with hypogonadism in late November. Been on Clomid the last 2 weeks tapering up from 12.5mg ed to 21mg ed. No sides as of yet. Just got my lab results back from labcorp.

Before Clomid:

Total T: 300 (348-1197)
LH: 2.4 (1.7-8.6)
FSH: 2.5 (1.5-12.4)
Estradiol: 7.8 (7.6-42.6)

After 2 weeks on Clomid:

Total T: 724
LH: 9.6
FSH: 5.8
Estradiol: 25.3