Possession of HCG


Is it illegal to posses hcg? Can’t find a definite answer, long story short a kid got it out of my fridge and decided to put it in his pocket and take it to school, just wondering what could come out of it if anything
Also, if nobody tells them what it is, then what is the chance they will run the correct tests on it to show what it is?

IF any law enforcement contacts you, do not talk. Don't admit. Don't deny. Don't talk to them, period. Believe it or not, this is much harder to do in real life than it is on the internet. Everybody thinks they look innocent by talking, or that they can talk their way out of it, or if they are a nice guy by talking the officer will leave him alone . . . none of that is true. Do not talk.
In every state it’s illegal to possess a prescription drug without a prescription. In a few states like cuckifornia HCG is a controlled substance at a state level. Federally it is not a controlled substance in the US
Also, if nobody tells them what it is, then what is the chance they will run the correct tests on it to show what it is?

IF any law enforcement contacts you, do not talk. Don't admit. Don't deny. Don't talk to them, period. Believe it or not, this is much harder to do in real life than it is on the internet. Everybody thinks they look innocent by talking, or that they can talk their way out of it, or if they are a nice guy by talking the officer will leave him alone . . . none of that is true. Do not talk.
This. I come from a family of LE. Do not talk to the police. In the US you have the right to remain silent, use it.

Anything you say to a police officer that can be used in your defense (exculpable) is not admissible after transcription and is hearsay. Yet testimony can be used AGAINST you.

It quite literally does you NO GOOD even if you are innocent. As a matter of fact sometimes it is WORSE to talk to the police if you are innocent.

In 27 years of investigations, you know how many people talked their way out of being arrested and charged when my father suspected criminal intent? ZERO
Dude i think mommy bloggers use hcg as a weight loss drug. I think you will be okay. Plus you should be keeping it in your fridge anyway. If LEO has enough to get a search warrant on you, your problems are probably much bigger than the HCG.
Is it illegal to posses hcg? Can’t find a definite answer, long story short a kid got it out of my fridge and decided to put it in his pocket and take it to school, just wondering what could come out of it if anything
Yes it is illegal but not a very serious crime in most states unless it's a large quantity.

Worst case scenario: they use it to get a warrant to search your house and find your stash. They they charge you with felony schedule 3 controlled substance possession and felony intent to distribute.

Best case scenario: because it isn't a scheduled drug they decide it's not worth their trouble.
There are so many unknown variables at play none of us can say how likely or unlikely anyone is to get arrested. In my state and county it is extremely unlikely, and its extremely unlikely in most urban counties.

How zealous LEO will be in going after simple HCG is going to vary by quite a lot.

OP should start with finding out if HCG is even a controlled substance in his jurisdiction.
I believe Vermont is the best jurisdiction for AAS possession. It's the only US state that doesn't have it scheduled/controlled. The Feds could still charge you though.
Happened to me. Not because of HCG though. But he's not really giving us all the circumstances just a long story short and if they want to get you they will get you.

And I suppose its possible Child Protective Services could get involved.

This exact situation happened to you? Suuure. The vial would have to be tested for actual drugs first, that can take weeks because a field test ain't going to pop hot. Finding a judge to believe a child about where he got some unknown vial of something from and issuing a warrant over it? LOL. All OP has to do if the law comes around is to shut the fuck up, don't say anything and close the door or walk away.

No doubt CPS will be involved(If it is OPs child) but they are 95% of the time completely fucking useless so I wouldn't even worry about that. Your only 'issue' is going to be when the CPS worker comes around they will want to walk around your house with an officer, so you should never let them inside or even speak to them, you gain NOTHING.
This exact situation happened to you? Suuure. The vial would have to be tested for actual drugs first, that can take weeks because a field test ain't going to pop hot. Finding a judge to believe a child about where he got some unknown vial of something from and issuing a warrant over it? LOL. All OP has to do if the law comes around is to shut the fuck up, don't say anything and close the door or walk away.

No doubt CPS will be involved(If it is OPs child) but they are 95% of the time completely fucking useless so I wouldn't even worry about that. Your only 'issue' is going to be when the CPS worker comes around they will want to walk around your house with an officer, so you should never let them inside or even speak to them, you gain NOTHING.
What's your problem? I told you it wasn't due to HCG. Customs intercepted a 500 pill package of 5mg dianabol pills.

But in this case, if a school principal goes to law enforcement and has a child with a vial that tells them "my daddy uses steroids" that's absolutely enough to get a warrant to toss up someone's house and send over CPS. Why all the drama in your post?

Now, will the warrant lead to anything or even stand after the arrest and a challenge from a lawyer, who knows? Depends on a lot of things.
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Why all the butt hurt in your reply? Customs intercepting your package and OPs situation is completely different, yet you claim "happened to me". That's absolutely not enough to get a warrant but you keep telling yourself that. More than likely CPS will come over with an officer and hope to spot something in plain view in order to get said warrant.