Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

You didn't build shit in those 2 weeks. Is called glycogen storage from insulin,gh and test and actually train a bit or whatever gimmick you do in the gym

And what happened to you that now you are in a hurry to build muscle? What have you done in the last 5 years? You had been a tester for new kfc products
1000cal a day and using insulin?

Either that's some fancy form of suicide or OP wants to run on the next Mr Auschwitz competition.

With this said, stop being lazy and put the necessary work to lose weight, TRT alone will help you A LOT, you don't need all this stuff to lose weight.
lmao how am I a clown for using steroids at a high bodyfat? sure let’s just stop taking everything and go natty that will help my gains. you’re just another troll pos . you types will talk shit until the VERY last bit of fat is gone.
Let’s see what you used to look like before ….
As usual the trolls love to talk shit..should be mandatory to post a current physique to even begin to talk shit but whatever i’m way stronger and energetic from 2 weeks ago. lifts are going up and i’ve lost 10 lbs so far. so y’all hating can suck my atrophied nuts
Hating on what?
You look like shit, eat like shit and are pumping yourself full of drugs without basic understanding of it, the only person who looks like a troll here it's you.
People tried to help you but you are too arrogant to take a minimal amount of criticism, but whatever, not my body not my money, just don't stop posting your... Progress.
As usual the trolls love to talk shit..should be mandatory to post a current physique to even begin to talk shit but whatever i’m way stronger and energetic from 2 weeks ago. lifts are going up and i’ve lost 10 lbs so far. so y’all hating can suck my atrophied nuts
However my life suck I'm not hating on a fat clown who is arrogant and clueless. If everything goes well for you why you asking questions
Who hurt you man? And to answer your question no you can't and you can't keep eating 1000 calories for a long time and building muscle takes time and a lot.


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However my life suck I'm not hating on a fat clown who is arrogant and clueless. If everything goes well for you why you asking questions
Who hurt you man? And to answer your question no you can't and you can't keep eating 1000 calories for a long time and building muscle takes time and a lot.
lmao coming into a recomp thread only 2 weeks in and just straight making fun of me. what do you want me to do, control space and time now? I didn’t get fit at the same time you did so you can shit on me right! this forum has been and always will be toxic … smh.
Hating on what?
You look like shit, eat like shit and are pumping yourself full of drugs without basic understanding of it, the only person who looks like a troll here it's you.
People tried to help you but you are too arrogant to take a minimal amount of criticism, but whatever, not my body not my money, just don't stop posting your... Progress.
does it make you feel good to just speak like that to people that wish nothing on you? asshole
lmao coming into a recomp thread only 2 weeks in and just straight making fun of me. what do you want me to do, control space and time now? I didn’t get fit at the same time you did so you can shit on me right! this forum has been and always will be toxic … smh.
Recomp is a complex thing to do and is not doing with 1000 calories. Don't use terms you don't understand remain with word that you actually understand like "big regular cola", "extra fries", " double cheeseburger " or whatever have you done all those past years
If you want to learn be more humble and members will help you but is not the case here
stupid motherfuckers i know i’m obese that’s the entire reason i’m doing all this shit! but y’all still feel the need to put me down and call me fat like i didnt fucking know that. fucking thriving on negative energy some of you. it’s really just sad
Hi everyone.

I've taken the time to create an account here because I've concluded that this forum is all around the best in my interest. Lots of good info and respected seniors that share their experiances, and I love it. Been lurking for a couple months on and off.

As for me:

168 lbs
-have done 1 cycle of super dmz 3.0 (2 caps /day) 4weeks
-btw if anyone is wondering super dmz 3.0 is amazing. Gained 15 lbs in 4 weeks and only like 3 was fat..was very little water retention. Had sides like acne/oily skin, always hot, hard time sleeping (due to night sweats mostly, shit sucked ass. AC would be full blast and I would still sweat), and back pumps. Unfortunate but I didnt care because it let me know it was working.

I've been slowly building my physique for a few years but sort of "relapsed" 1 year ago from smoking herb and being lazy as shit. Diet slipped, training slipped, motivation was gone. Almost decided to give the bb'ing a rest and stop giving a shit but I'm glab I stopped that stupid shit.

Anyway I'm back on track and ready to build some lean muscle! Hopefully I can meet some friends here and contribute. I just picked up another bottle of super dmz but havent decided when to cycle again...anyway, whaddup!
Interesting post from years ago ... I was wondering why your account is so old
Very interesting. I would be surprised to see the results. Hgh, insulin. He is running about 3500+ worth of test a week. Sounds like a good recipe for solid gyno growth when he already has that issue. He's gonna have bigger tittays than my avatar
Very interesting. I would be surprised to see the results. Hgh, insulin. He is running about 3500+ worth of test a week. Sounds like a good recipe for solid gyno growth when he already has that issue. He's gonna have bigger tittays than my avatar
He is at about 500mg/week not 3,5g of test
Not sure what kind of response you were expecting when you came in here with an attitude right out of the gate. 1000 calories is to low, start at a 500 deficit, once progress stalls, add more cardio. If it stalls again drop calories another 200, if it stalls again increase cardio, rinse repeat.
expecting posts like yours my man. thanks for the input. so far about 3 ppl out of everyone which includes you actually have advice on things to change instead of just trolling me, calling me a kfc fat fuck, etc…

will 100% come back here in a couple months to shit on everyone who took the trolling too far.. I can take respectful jabs like “bro you’re fat just do this this this” not “hahahaha stupid fat fuck go eat a burger”…i get it , trolling is fun and a fat guy getting back in the gym is an easy target. But don’t try and save face like y’all aren’t assholes trying to bait a reaction. toxic ass shit . and apparently you aren’t allowed to even say that word or you’re a pussy. you can’t make this shit up lmaoooo
Don't focus on just calories bro, especially not as low as 1000 per day.

Focus on eating clean and building muscle and you will see better/faster results in terms of fatloss and growth.

Starving yourself to shrink your belly and using too much gear is not a good idea.
I appreciate your input, I’ll up the calories and maybe up cardio from 20mins (200 cals) to 30 mins or 300 cals. I think this is the move .
Very interesting. I would be surprised to see the results. Hgh, insulin. He is running about 3500+ worth of test a week. Sounds like a good recipe for solid gyno growth when he already has that issue. He's gonna have bigger tittays than my avatar
i’m on about 500mg buddy. gyno was partly from puberty as well as from running prohormones 6+ years ago but i’ve kept it the exact same since then so sorry to disappoint you. it’s there but it’s small and not noticeable to a regular person. but troll harder
stupid motherfuckers i know i’m obese that’s the entire reason i’m doing all this shit! but y’all still feel the need to put me down and call me fat like i didnt fucking know that. fucking thriving on negative energy some of you. it’s really just sad
Most are happy you are making a change and losing some weight. Whay most also worry about and anyone with any AAS experience is what you are using, not to mention your attitude when told you are wrong and have no clue what you are doing.

I care for others health up until become an arrogant prick because they didn't hear what they wanted to hear.

Here you go.
Well done, and great choice on compounds, might I suggest some Abombs and Tren. 1000 cals perfect number but an even better one try 750...
See how fucking ridiculous that sounds...

Fuck dude read up on eating 1000 cals a day. Read up on estrogen conversion and high BF. Gain some fucking knowledge before coming in here all big and tough thinking you know your shit you no nothing about AAS.

The troll in your thread is you