Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

Love handles/ back fat is the last to go, sorry to tell you. Just keep cutting until they are gone.

Suggestion, stop attacking everybody. Just track your progress here.

What are you eating? All you mentioned was a protein shake. At 1000 calories, I would tell you that you probably are not getting enough protein in your daily diet to meet your physique goals.

So questions:

What does your diet look like?

What does your training look like?


You lost 10 pounds in two weeks - what did you weigh before and after? How tall?

As a side note, you realize the first 8-10 pounds is not fat, right? It's glycogen and the water (2:1) that drops off when the glycogen leaves. Now, after 10 pounds, is when you are getting into fat stores.
diet - fasted until 4pm everyday . low carbs high protein medium fat. ususally only drink 4 muscle milk zero sugar protein shakes per day along with 1 big meal after working out , consisting of lean beef , or shrimp, and brown rice / white rice. That’s it. nets me about 150g protein and roughly 1000 cals

training - I don’t have any set training log or routine. I will just usually do chest/arms , back/traps, and legs and core/ ….. and just alternate those. This could definitely be improved .. I mix free weight and machines

cardio- 20 mins of medium intensity cardio which burns roughly 200 cals days the machine. heart rate goes to 170 and stays there or 160’s
If it was me I'd drop all the drugs down a bit. Take 200 test a week.
2iu hgh only.
No insulin ! WTF lol
Do starting strength 5x5 for a year 3x a week. Do a one hour bike ride 5x a week and only after the 5x5. Eat good 2200 to 2500 cals a day. After three months the bike is gonna have you in decent cardio shape. Add in some clenbuterol for 60 days. In a year you may be ready to blast 500 test and 50 mg anavar then increase calories more. Also the test just blew up your delts and traps since you have more androgen receptors there. It happens to some without even working out when you get on trt. Starting Strength 5x5 will get you ready for the bigger stuff ahead once you build a base.
thank you awesome reply will do . i’ll start eating more and pick up some clen and focus on building a base.
notice how I act nice to the people not being huge assholes. be better and i’ll treat you better .
I doubt anyone here gives a shit how you talk about them because they don’t value your opinion in the first place. You got this fat because you’re mentally weak and you’re looking for an easy button to unfuck yourself for the same reason. Steroids amplify the effort you’re putting in, they don’t do the work for you. You’ve been given lots of good advice, but you won’t listen because the people trying to help you didn’t kiss your pre-diabetic ass nice enough.
The simple answer is it depends on how developed muscularly you are starting from. A 32 year old, 5’10”, 265lb muscular male isn’t going to add muscle on 1k calories. But a 109lb 16 year old can.
thank you awesome reply will do . i’ll start eating more and pick up some clen and focus on building a base.
Jesus and now throw in some clen. Cmon dude, like I said earlier post a pic when you say you were built back in the day.

Double up those cardio sessions and do it 2-3 times per day. Do 3 40 min sessions not one measly 20 min to only burn 200 cals.
Now you will take clen also. This is getting better and better. Didn't listen to anyone
Just let me grap my popcorn and watch the show(No,you are not allowed popcorn you had enough until now)
Yeah my instructions said to add the clen later down the road after a year and 3 months....not right now LOL
Hey guys so from what i’ve read online it should be scientifically impossible for me to build muscle on 1000 cal per day.

Well I started this recomp cycle about 2 weeks ago, utilizing -

150mg test U (base trt) every 14 days
110mg test Prop EOD
HGH 4iu split into 2 doses (morn/afternoon)
Humulin R 8iu mon/tues/wed (sometimes less)

Here is my 2 week progress eating only 1000k cal per day or even a little less. I’ve lost fat and also built muscle insanely fast as you can see in my traps and chest/shoulders.

any input ? I just am not hungry at all since my stomach shrank when I started the cycle and almost gag when I eat anything besides protein shakes. I only eat like 1x per day usually post workout, always train fasted .
Are you using insulin because your diabetic or retarded?
Jesus and now throw in some clen. Cmon dude, like I said earlier post a pic when you say you were built back in the day.

Double up those cardio sessions and do it 2-3 times per day. Do 3 40 min sessions not one measly 20 min to only burn 200 cals.
will do…ready to kick it up a notch on the cardio anyway. i’ll try for 2 sessions a day 30 mins each..will try for more
Just take dnp and t3 and end this story
Cycle dnp until you don't need to lose the fat(it will take a while for you) and then try not to get fat again
More faster way than this is doing a liposuction surgery
Just take dnp and t3 and end this story
Cycle dnp until you don't need to lose the fat(it will take a while for you) and then try not to get fat again
More faster way than this is doing a liposuction surgery
done dnp before worked well lost 10 lbs in like 5 days but i took a walk outside during summer the last day and almost died . was also puking and shitting my brains out on a daily basis also it messes up your organs and destroys your gut and mouth bacteria . have another laugh . not doin that but i’ll do pretty much anything else