Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

done dnp before worked well lost 10 lbs in like 5 days but i took a walk outside during summer the last day and almost died . was also puking and shitting my brains out on a daily basis also it messes up your organs and destroys your gut and mouth bacteria . have another laugh . not doin that but i’ll do pretty much anything else
How much you took? Avoid carbs when you are on dnp as is heating you bad
Also taking dnp before bed is doing the course more bearable
Also take when is not summer...
How much you took? Avoid carbs when you are on dnp as is heating you bad
Also taking dnp before bed is doing the course more bearable
Also take when is not summer...
took 400mg per day and at day 5 I think I was feeling poisoned and just very ill. zero appetite.. roughed it out a couple more days then the last day I took a walk outside like a long one..like 5 miles.. i was on the last 2 miles and chugged a gatorade for energy but i started feeling like i was gonna fall out at any moment so called an lyft and went home and sat in front of an industrial fan naked to try and not feeling like death.

so i really don’t think it’s wise to use . i suspect it’s a lot harder on the organs and kidneys than we realize
took 400mg per day and at day 5 I think I was feeling poisoned and just very ill. zero appetite.. roughed it out a couple more days then the last day I took a walk outside like a long one..like 5 miles.. i was on the last 2 miles and chugged a gatorade for energy but i started feeling like i was gonna fall out at any moment so called an lyft and went home and sat in front of an industrial fan naked to try and not feeling like death.

so i really don’t think it’s wise to use . i suspect it’s a lot harder on the organs and kidneys than we realize

Isn't...I have took dnp many many times and had blood work done after I finish the course and was ok. I have a bit high white cell but I can't say because of dnp. I have that since years ago( probably training and pinning many ml have something to do with this)
The big issue is the oxidation of the fat cells too fast but not the dnp itself is toxic. The toxicity is overrated same as the toxicity of orals but that other topic.

At 200mg you should tolerate the dnp okish
Isn't...I have took dnp many many times and had blood work done after I finish the course and was ok. I have a bit high white cell but I can't say because of dnp. I have that since years ago( probably training and pinning many ml have something to do with this)
The big issue is the oxidation of the fat cells too fast but not the dnp itself is toxic. The toxicity is overrated same as the toxicity of orals but that other topic.

At 200mg you should tolerate the dnp okish
i think i’ll try clen and t3 first.. only dnp source i know is international and would be a pain to even procure
Dont forget though bro, GH and androgens cause intramuscular water retention and glycogenesis. Basically they make your muscles swell up with water and glycogen inside them. This can result in fairly rapid “muscle gains” even if you were eating way below maintenance calories. But much of that muscle gain will disappear after stopping use as its just temporary.

This intramuscular water retention can give the impression your making muscle gains in a steep deficit, and while you probably are as your body will get calories from its fat reserves, dont buy into the hype of the intramuscular water retention. The onLy true gauge of your muscle growth progress will come after you get off the cycle and see what you can actually retain, as your probably going to lose a lot of the fullness post-cycle.
will do…ready to kick it up a notch on the cardio anyway. i’ll try for 2 sessions a day 30 mins each..will try for more
Suggestion: progressively increase your cardio, week by week.
Write down your cardio, if you do treadmill, write down the key parameters - speed, incline, duration, final estimated total calories.
Each week push yourself to do a bit more. Higher speed, higher incline, longer duration- and higher total calorie spend.
The calculated total calorie spend on the machine is wildly inaccurate, but it serves to check that you are increasing effort every week.

You need to make this a sustainable habit, not push yourself half to death for 3 weeks and then throw in the towel.

I use the above method, it works for me, every week a bit more cardio. I don't like machine cardio, but trying to beat last week's numbers helps to motivate me.

If you're motivated by numbers, Get yourself a heart rate chest strap too, massively more accurate than even the best wrist watches. Cheap too, e.g. Polar H9.
I just need to get these love handles gone. my stomach is much smaller but now it’s making the love handles look bigger …thinking I may have to utilize some injectable helios to spot reduce them when I get leaner.
I highly doubt that injectable helios shit will actually spot reduce anything. My love handles are the last thing to go for me too. Right now I have them *almost* all the way gone. So, so close. I don't quite have the indent yet showing off the oblique, but my right one is flat and my left one is barely noticeable.

I didn't get there by spot reducing anything--I just at a deficit, just like you're doing.

I remember hearing about a guy on a podcast, I believe there was a case report done on it, where he was insanely overweight, like 450 pounds or something, and he didn't eat anything for a whole year under the guidance of a doctor. He took multivitamins to not be deficient, I believe they did some sort of injectable amino acids too. But at the end of it all he lost a ton of weight and looked like a normal guy with a lot of extra skin (one of the downsides of losing weight too fast).

So yeah, what Grey said is exactly correct.

If I were you I would avoid PEDs at this time. There's no point, you will likely just raise your cholesterol and blood pressure. Diet down, cut that fat, lift the whole time. By lifting you are conditioning your tendons and ligaments to be stronger. This will prevent injury when you do hop on gear later on. You don't want to be one of the guys that literally tears a tendon in their chest or bicep because you hopped on gear too soon and now you're never going to be able to bench normally again...it's important that you know there ARE consequences to using gear too soon and they can be very extreme. So again, I would strongly suggest not doing the gear. You want to cut weight and maintain muscle. You truly don't need gear to do that.
I highly doubt that injectable helios shit will actually spot reduce anything. My love handles are the last thing to go for me too. Right now I have them *almost* all the way gone. So, so close. I don't quite have the indent yet showing off the oblique, but my right one is flat and my left one is barely noticeable.

I didn't get there by spot reducing anything--I just at a deficit, just like you're doing.

I remember hearing about a guy on a podcast, I believe there was a case report done on it, where he was insanely overweight, like 450 pounds or something, and he didn't eat anything for a whole year under the guidance of a doctor. He took multivitamins to not be deficient, I believe they did some sort of injectable amino acids too. But at the end of it all he lost a ton of weight and looked like a normal guy with a lot of extra skin (one of the downsides of losing weight too fast).

So yeah, what Grey said is exactly correct.

If I were you I would avoid PEDs at this time. There's no point, you will likely just raise your cholesterol and blood pressure. Diet down, cut that fat, lift the whole time. By lifting you are conditioning your tendons and ligaments to be stronger. This will prevent injury when you do hop on gear later on. You don't want to be one of the guys that literally tears a tendon in their chest or bicep because you hopped on gear too soon and now you're never going to be able to bench normally again...it's important that you know there ARE consequences to using gear too soon and they can be very extreme. So again, I would strongly suggest not doing the gear. You want to cut weight and maintain muscle. You truly don't need gear to do that.
Based off his test levels I think doing trt dosing would be helpful to fix that. Like a 600 test Ng/DL target. But OP is a dip shit who can't take criticism

Omg i died at his reply.. guess he dont like being called obese..
For real though you said nothing to insult him and the dude flipped off
Ninja turtle is a former fatty too.
Based off his test levels I think doing trt dosing would be helpful to fix that. Like a 600 test Ng/DL target. But OP is a dip shit who can't take criticism

Ninja turtle is a former fatty too.
Absolutely nothing wrong with being a fatty, or having been i hope i did not come off that way. Whats wrong is going manic when someone tries to give you advice

Edit: well there is health complications and such, but i dont make fun of obese people.
Ninja turtle is a former fatty too
There are a few former fatties here myself included... The OP does not want to put in the work the right way like the rest of is have, he wants to load up on gear and make it easy. His excuse why not do it inhanced.

Reasons to do it
1. You learn what to eat and howntp modify nutrition to meet specific goals
2. What you loose is kept off for many reasons. Less likely to come back
3. You are healthier for it
4. No gear to have to deal with sides
5. Gear after weight loss works better with fewer sides

The list goes on but its a waste of time typing it all out as it will fall on deaf ears
Absolutely nothing wrong with being a fatty, or having been i hope i did not come off that way. Whats wrong is going manic when someone tries to give you advice

Edit: well there is health complications and such, but i dont make fun of obese people.
My point is that ninja turtle could relate. Hell I still think I'm 30%+ bodyfat in my head sometimes. Makes it hard to intentionally ear in surplus

I wouldn't attack someone that is trying to better themselves in general but OP can't take advice
Not sure where I am not taking advice, I’ve thanked multiple people in the thread and literally said I’ll take their advice and adjust. I’m just not keen to half the people in here being assholes. it’s really not that hard. would you talk to someone like that IRL? I highly doubt it. There are
so so many forums that wouldn’t even allow shit like that. You don’t have to insult someone to give advice, crazy concept I know for some of you here….
Not sure where I am not taking advice, I’ve thanked multiple people in the thread and literally said I’ll take their advice and adjust. I’m just not keen to half the people in here being assholes. it’s really not that hard. would you talk to someone like that IRL? I highly doubt it. There are
so so many forums that wouldn’t even allow shit like that. You don’t have to insult someone to give advice, crazy concept I know for some of you here….
If you took what some very experienced members said as advice seriously, you would drop all gear, up your calories, and do things the right way. I have been there 325 when I started, I looked at all the possible magic pills, oils I could to speed it up. Never touched a damn thing until I had my diet in check, workout in check, bodyweight and bodyfat in check.

I started AAS when I hit 185lbs and somewhere around 15% bf. So I do have an idea what it takes. If you dont want to listen then good luck
If you took what some very experienced members said as advice seriously, you would drop all gear, up your calories, and do things the right way. I have been there 325 when I started, I looked at all the possible magic pills, oils I could to speed it up. Never touched a damn thing until I had my diet in check, workout in check, bodyweight and bodyfat in check.

I started AAS when I hit 185lbs and somewhere around 15% bf. So I do have an idea what it takes. If you dont want to listen then good luck
the thing is the cats already out the bag, I took prohormones at 18 and now I need TRT. So i’ll be on test anyway. I’m only adding an extra 300 on top of what I already take for replacement , and then added HGH which is pretty safe and healthy. So i’m not sure why everyone thinks I’m running 1g of test and 400 tren a week .. someone even suggesting DNP for me and not a single person said anything yet about that which is odd
Not sure where I am not taking advice, I’ve thanked multiple people in the thread and literally said I’ll take their advice and adjust. I’m just not keen to half the people in here being assholes. it’s really not that hard. would you talk to someone like that IRL? I highly doubt it. There are
so so many forums that wouldn’t even allow shit like that. You don’t have to insult someone to give advice, crazy concept I know for some of you here….
Matey, no one was an asshole before you called them a fucking clown. You need to check your own attitude before calling out others on bad manners jesus:p:p
Not sure where I am not taking advice, I’ve thanked multiple people in the thread and literally said I’ll take their advice and adjust. I’m just not keen to half the people in here being assholes. it’s really not that hard. would you talk to someone like that IRL? I highly doubt it. There are
so so many forums that wouldn’t even allow shit like that. You don’t have to insult someone to give advice, crazy concept I know for some of you here….
People are being assholes for you because you are doing everything wrong and when this was pointed out, you had a hissy fit calling people names.

Stick to TRT and stop starving yourself, that's all you have to do in order to lose weight.
the thing is the cats already out the bag, I took prohormones at 18 and now I need TRT. So i’ll be on test anyway. I’m only adding an extra 300 on top of what I already take for replacement , and then added HGH which is pretty safe and healthy. So i’m not sure why everyone thinks I’m running 1g of test and 400 tren a week .. someone even suggesting DNP for me and not a single person said anything yet about that which is odd
You don't need trt because you took once prohormons at 18. Don't be stupid...well never mind
Taking dnp is more "healthy" than being obese or being retarded so not a issue here or taking clen for that matter
You clearly do a better job at testing new kfc products than comprehending a simple text so I say remain with that
You don't need trt because you took once prohormons at 18. Don't be stupid...well never mind
Taking dnp is more "healthy" than being obese or being retarded so not a issue here or taking clen for that matter
You clearly do a better job at testing new kfc products than comprehending a simple text so I say remain with that
Clen isnt that bad. Just don't do too much.