Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

OP you should read this. There are consequences to losing weight too fast. Your body WILL fight back and it will fight back HARD. And even harder as you lose more weight. Not to mention the excess skin which sometimes requires surgical removal and leaves massive scars.

I strongly suggest you read that whole thread, maybe even twice. Look at some of the references.

Look, you are on a steroid/bodybuilding/powerlifting forum. This is a way of life. It's not just about being realy really, really, ridiculously good looking. (Anyone catch that quote ;) ?)

You are not eating enough. Starvation diets really should only be undertaken under the advisement of a seasoned medical professional who has experience with extreme weight loss.

Eat whole foods. Stop buying any junk food, soda, fruit juices, cut out alcohol. Your fridge and pantry should be full of whole foods that you have to actually cook to eat. (Plus side: once you get to the point where you are low BF and looking good, now you can learn to cook for the ladies). No frozen dinners or any of that shit.

Lift weights, do cardio. Go for walks/hikes. Create a healthy lifestyle that isn't built around instant gratification. To me that is your biggest problem. You've deciddd you want to lose weight and you want to lose it all right now. Nothing will do that except liposuction and you don't want or need that

If you are serious about this, then consider getting a coach, too. Its shown when people have a coach they are more likely to stick with thingsz less likely to have cheat meals or skip workouts, etc. Just realize you are starting a journey and you likely will need 12-18 months to lose that weight in a healthy way that isn't going to cause your body to freak out and make you miserable. Steroids will not help with that.

If you truly need TRT and had a hormone panel done then that's one thing. But if you are on TRT then that's actually an argument AGAINST blasting. Just reap those TRT gains man don't go blasting extra test when it isn't needed and will really only cause side effects.
There is a lot of good advice in this thread which OP should seriously consider.

As someone currently doing an extreme deficit I can attest to the fact you will not build new muscle while in a deficit of nutrition. Even then I modified intake over a couple of months to get down to 1400 calories and I’m only eating so little because I wasn’t eating much more than this before my diet started so you need to figure out how much you’re supposed to be eating and how much you’re eating and modify slowly for the body you want not the body you have.

Eating extremely well with good adherence to a plan and not using cheat meals as an excuse to gorge sets your body up for success

Increasing daily energy expenditure is where most of your deficit should come from. Lifting and hiking is really what you need for fat loss.

Be patient like I am. It’s a slow process where your body craves homeostasis and will fight fat loss every step of the way. If you don’t want to rebound in extra fat you need to go slow. Over the last couple months I’ve only lost 14lbs but it has been almost exclusively fat and very little muscle loss. Though I’m doing this enhanced I would still suggest trt+ to maintain muscle while dieting. I wouldn’t suggest you do a full cycle like I am but I’m running a 900 calorie deficit so hanging onto my muscle is extremely important to me, more than just losing weight.

If you’re serious about getting help with this I suggest you start a cycle log in the sub forum where you can log your progress until you’re ready to start a cycle at which point you have a history on the forum where people can jump in and give advice that you should usually take since the people usually helping are seasoned vets who have gained muscle and lost fat before and understand the nuts and bolts of it.

You don’t NEED AAS to build an impressive physique but it’s another tool you use to build yourself better and can be used only when you’re ready which when the time comes you’ll know.

People at the end of the day don’t want to see another newbie to this lifestyle jack themselves up, causing lasting damage to their body. This is why this forum is all about harm reduction first.

And honestly good luck. If I can do it anyone can
Already said I was increasing fasted cardio and clearly put the fork down at 1k cals daily but again, this is just another shitcomment that really doesn’t even deserve a explained response.

here’s an current pic, my traps and such are smaller today so yes I do believe it was just a glycogen pump. But stomach is looking better. attached starting pic for comparison. increasing hgh to 5iu per day

gonna eat more and do double cardio today


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i’ll continue to update the thread for my loyal fans.
My guess is you have non. We can't stop you. At some point admin will see through your deranged existence and no longer inflict your childish ignorance on the board.
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Already said I was increasing fasted cardio and clearly put the fork down at 1k cals daily but again, this is just another shitcomment that really doesn’t even deserve a explained response.

here’s an current pic, my traps and such are smaller today so yes I do believe it was just a glycogen pump. But stomach is looking better. attached starting pic for comparison. increasing hgh to 5iu per day

gonna eat more and do double cardio today
What does this prove? Eating 1k calories for a short period means nothing. You have zero idea what to do or how to diet properly. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just your ignorance to everything.

Are we supposed to be amazed by your progress? It’s something EASILY attainable without the dumb shit you’re doing.

You said you’ve ran DNP before too. You have zero business taking anything. You obviously have zero discipline or consistency with this. You’re taking steroids for nothing. You’re taking HGH for nothing.

You need a life style change. That’s it. Youre unhealthy as it is. Just adding fuel to the fire.

Keep looking like an asshole for your loyal fans though man. You’re killing it.
i don't know how you can get by on 1k. i hit just shy of that every morning for breakfast. i'd be miserable and fungry all day... Make that even moreso than usual. LOL.

Starting so low also gives you no room to adjust down. Seems a bit drastic to me, but if it's working for you, i guess don't fix it until it breaks.
i don't know how you can get by on 1k. i hit just shy of that every morning for breakfast. i'd be miserable and fungry all day... Make that even moreso than usual. LOL.

Starting so low also gives you no room to adjust down. Seems a bit drastic to me, but if it's working for you, i guess don't fix it until it breaks.
i’m well i kinda get manic with my cutting sometimes and always push it too far and end up losing muscle which i was thinking my stack would prevent.

anyway it is working quite well, strength up and weight is down. looks like i’m on the right track and just need to wait . regardless of everyone talking this and that, my progress shows i’m losing fat and i’m feeling better everyday
Already said I was increasing fasted cardio and clearly put the fork down at 1k cals daily but again, this is just another shitcomment that really doesn’t even deserve a explained response.

here’s an current pic, my traps and such are smaller today so yes I do believe it was just a glycogen pump. But stomach is looking better. attached starting pic for comparison. increasing hgh to 5iu per day

gonna eat more and do double cardio today
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation
appreciate it bro!! will be sending you PM of a sick rear glute spread. I’d appreciate a donation for my services but i’m desperate so i’ll give you a freebie