Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

expecting posts like yours my man. thanks for the input. so far about 3 ppl out of everyone which includes you actually have advice on things to change instead of just trolling me, calling me a kfc fat fuck, etc…

will 100% come back here in a couple months to shit on everyone who took the trolling too far.. I can take respectful jabs like “bro you’re fat just do this this this” not “hahahaha stupid fat fuck go eat a burger”…i get it , trolling is fun and a fat guy getting back in the gym is an easy target. But don’t try and save face like y’all aren’t assholes trying to bait a reaction. toxic ass shit . and apparently you aren’t allowed to even say that word or you’re a pussy. you can’t make this shit up lmaoooo

Broski you can come here and show whatever you want but it doesn't matter because you mean nothing to no one. No one cares if you put another 50lbs of fat or not. No one care if you continue to go to gym and actually change your attitude towards everything regarding that or continue to binge the food down. No one cares even if you wake up next morning or not. You are just a nobody. And the person who are you shit is yourself. Look who you let yourself become and now how you act.
To prove something to someone first you must mean something to that person but you are just another kfc lover who try to get in shape asap.
Change everything you believe because you are in a wrong spot.
But whatever another lost cause on the internet
I appreciate your input, I’ll up the calories and maybe up cardio from 20mins (200 cals) to 30 mins or 300 cals. I think this is the move .
I burn 500 calories in 30 minutes on a treadmill doing half asses cardio at a 4-6 mph speed with a 14% incline. It sounds like you aren’t even trying and just using drugs to use them.

Eating 1000 calories won’t do shit. You need a life style change. This will all be temporary. You can’t survive on 1000 calories for very long.

Learn to control yourself and change your life style and you’ll need less drugs and be way more successful long term.

Edit: also you’re unhealthy as fuck to begin with using roids will only worsen things. I’d love to see your blood work. Losing weight isn’t the end all be all cure for issues at this point. You’re worsening your issues currently instead of fixing and resetting.
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i’m on about 500mg buddy. gyno was partly from puberty as well as from running prohormones 6+ years ago but i’ve kept it the exact same since then so sorry to disappoint you. it’s there but it’s small and not noticeable to a regular person. but troll harder
Troll harder? I'm not trolling.

You clearly don't know the conversion of test u to test p.

Pro hormones for 6 years doing what? Eating pizza and donuts all day and the most exercise you do is walking to the front door and to the couch?

You don't disappoint me. I just hope you show progress pics so we can laugh as the shit show this is gonna become.

Your username has become an oxymoron since you made it 6 years ago.
You all are wasting your time. OP is one of those people that you can’t tell them shit. He didn’t come wanting advice, he came for affirmation. OP will do whatever dumb shit he wants, compromise his health and grow some righteous titties in the progress.
lmao how am I a clown for using steroids at a high bodyfat? sure let’s just stop taking everything and go natty that will help my gains. you’re just another troll pos . you types will talk shit until the VERY last bit of fat is gone.
You might wanna listen to ninja. He's got a great transformation thread on himself.
If it was me I'd drop all the drugs down a bit. Take 200 test a week.
2iu hgh only.
No insulin ! WTF lol
Do starting strength 5x5 for a year 3x a week. Do a one hour bike ride 5x a week and only after the 5x5. Eat good 2200 to 2500 cals a day. After three months the bike is gonna have you in decent cardio shape. Add in some clenbuterol for 60 days. In a year you may be ready to blast 500 test and 50 mg anavar then increase calories more. Also the test just blew up your delts and traps since you have more androgen receptors there. It happens to some without even working out when you get on trt. Starting Strength 5x5 will get you ready for the bigger stuff ahead once you build a base.
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I used muscle growth to control my weight. Get enough muscle you’ll start losing weight pretty fast. You should be taking full advantage of ‘newbie gains’ and the bear. Muscle is highly metabolic tissue and it costs energy to make and keep. So tank up, and the weight will gradually come down.
And this here is the EXACT problem with your kind - You have NO discipline or drive to do things properly. Sheer Laziness ...... and KFC
Well fucking said. .. OP is a lazy fuck looking for an easy way out so typical of kids these days. He has some extremely knowledgeable people here trying to help him.
How did your bloods look before cycle? Why the insulin? Keep a good eye on your blood work up, chunky dudes typically convert estrogen a lot more than leaner dudes. Not just talking about gyno as a side effect. If you blood work was shit before because of your diet and life style, throwing drugs and high e2 on top of it will make it worse hell man it could cause you to have a heart attack. Big picture here man long healthy life.
Hey guys so from what i’ve read online it should be scientifically impossible for me to build muscle on 1000 cal per day.

Well I started this recomp cycle about 2 weeks ago, utilizing -

150mg test U (base trt) every 14 days
110mg test Prop EOD
HGH 4iu split into 2 doses (morn/afternoon)
Humulin R 8iu mon/tues/wed (sometimes less)

Here is my 2 week progress eating only 1000k cal per day or even a little less. I’ve lost fat and also built muscle insanely fast as you can see in my traps and chest/shoulders.

any input ? I just am not hungry at all since my stomach shrank when I started the cycle and almost gag when I eat anything besides protein shakes. I only eat like 1x per day usually post workout, always train fasted .

I just need to get these love handles gone. my stomach is much smaller but now it’s making the love handles look bigger …thinking I may have to utilize some injectable helios to spot reduce them when I get leaner. It’s the last spot to go but my upper body gets lean very quickly . I’ve always put muscle on quickly but never had abs
Love handles/ back fat is the last to go, sorry to tell you. Just keep cutting until they are gone.

Suggestion, stop attacking everybody. Just track your progress here.

What are you eating? All you mentioned was a protein shake. At 1000 calories, I would tell you that you probably are not getting enough protein in your daily diet to meet your physique goals.

So questions:

What does your diet look like?

What does your training look like?


You lost 10 pounds in two weeks - what did you weigh before and after? How tall?

As a side note, you realize the first 8-10 pounds is not fat, right? It's glycogen and the water (2:1) that drops off when the glycogen leaves. Now, after 10 pounds, is when you are getting into fat stores.
6+ years of prohormones. doesn't look like he even lifts

I don't bash people on forums but being honest I had to put my specs on when he posted 2 photos showing how his traps/delts/chest had blown up in 2 weeks eating 1000 cals.

There was no literally no difference in the 2 photos. Dropped a bit of water weight and looked skinnier in the 2nd pic that's all. No muscle growth.

I hope for his own sake that he starts listening soon if he wants to make actual progress and not end up looking like a pencil neck twiglet.
How did your bloods look before cycle? Why the insulin? Keep a good eye on your blood work up, chunky dudes typically convert estrogen a lot more than leaner dudes. Not just talking about gyno as a side effect. If you blood work was shit before because of your diet and life style, throwing drugs and high e2 on top of it will make it worse hell man it could cause you to have a heart attack. Big picture here man long healthy life.
bloods were not that good. i can post them for ya …although these are in october 2021 so about 6 months ago. i’m eating a lot healthier and doing cardio and eat zero processed sugar so all my markers should be better. besides the hemocrit. getting new bloods next week


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I don't bash people on forums but being honest I had to put my specs on when he posted 2 photos showing how his traps/delts/chest had blown up in 2 weeks eating 1000 cals.

There was no literally no difference in the 2 photos. Dropped a bit of water weight and looked skinnier in the 2nd pic that's all. No muscle growth.

I hope for his own sake that he starts listening soon if he wants to make actual progress and not end up looking like a pencil neck twiglet.
I don't bash people like this unless he is acting like a piece of shit. Which he is. He can't take criticism or advice