Pressure cooker for steriliIzing

This is the one I was checking out on AliExpress 120KPA looks well done but I have no fucking clue to be honest

Looks.... Okay. I'd be concerned about that valve. If it fails, there are no parts.

Most of the failures of those things are from the fact that one cooks meat or beans or whatever in them and food matter gets stuck in the valve, so maybe fine for your case.

It talks about UVC light for sterilzing.

Could make a box for it and put all the vials etc in it to have concentrated UVC exposure. Not sure how much heat it produces so It might be wise to monitor temp with such a small space.

After covid I bought 2 of this in a supermarket. Original price was 60 euro, and it was off 90%, so got it for 6 eur lol.

What if no pressure cooker, but:
1. standard rinsing (dishsoap + water, then isopropyl bath, rinsing with sterile water)
2. UVC light with disassembled vials+ stoppers (60mins)
4. Philips Baby bottle sterilizer with drying function, maybe 2 rounds (1 round is 45 mins with drying)
5. another round of UVC light this time with assembled vials, so no more contaminant can get in, just the light.

A) is it a viable option having no pressure cooker that is capable 15psi+?
B) what about sterilizing the finished product for less time with the UVC light? Does it harm the standard test C brew for example?
Also keep in mind, most people who are sterilizing glass want it to look clean. So either dry sterilization (oven or toaster oven) or an autoclave WITH A DRYING cycle option. Most cheap autoclaves don’t have a drying cycle. This led me to seek a name brand autoclave from a legitimate medical supply company by using a friend who has medical credentials and a vets office to hide my identity.

Your best bet if you have limited options is a large toaster oven and use it ONLY for sterilization. You can use a loose aluminum foil tent to cover any openings in glassware. This is the method I’ve used for years and it’s worked great.
The brand new toaster is a great idea. I could buy one and send it back to Amazon every few months and exchange a new one. I have access to a fancy autoclave at a research center but it still seems to leave some question of cleanliness because I lack full control of the autoclave and it’s immediate surroundings. Also even after it’s finished with the drying cycle there is some residual moisture trapped inside of the vials so I have to transfer to a secondary oven to get it completely dry. The glass looks shiny tho.
First dish soap. Then alcohol bath. Then distilled water. Then one more bath if alcohol. Then if I have it. Ethanol that I light on fire after most is evaporated.

Then straight into autoclave bags with gloves. Sealed. Pressure cook. Then dry out in oven in the sealed auto clave bags at low temp to get rid of any moisture from the inside if it exists at all
That’s a lot of steps! My QM used to tell me cleanliness is godliness!