Primobolan worth the extra money?

Stack: PrimoE 800mg/wk with TestC 450mg/wk (and deca 250mg/wk for joint pain management)
Duration: 20 weeks
For your latter question, my bad for the mixup. I really meant to state body recomposition to side effects ratio during calorie restriction. I find Primo to be a much better option for this purpose than tren, especially for people like me who make a descent living by using the powers of the brain. Primo is also helpful to preserve muscle mass when coming off of a cycle to "TRT" cruise for which i just finished running 200mg/wk of test along with 350mg/wk of primo.
What's the secret to the calves? My can't grow. I have been walking f*cking miles to make them grow and it seems to be working very little...

Low weight high reps? Slow reps?
What's the secret to the calves? My can't grow. I have been walking f*cking miles to make them grow and it seems to be working very little...

Low weight high reps? Slow reps?
TBH, It is mostly family genetics. I dont train the calves nearly as hard as other muscle groups; just seated and standing calf raises only, 5 sets each, 25-30 reps to irresistible burning sensation/set, about 200lbs for both exercises.
I think our friendly member @Roger rabbit had a good program for building bigger calves. I dont remember exactly what it was but it was something like really high reps and training them everyday. If you search for his posts, you will find his recommendations.
Did a frontload and ran it for a couple weeks wasn't feeling it.
Not going to be doing primo again :)

How can you comment on primo by taking it 2 are joking right?
I love how you say you been doing primo. You probably been doing olive oil;)
I use canola oil, so it would be straight canola oil not olive oil. Olive branches are a symbol of peace. At first I thought you were mentioning olives for that reason, because olive oil isn't used commonly as a carrier oil. But that just goes to prove you don't know what you are talking about :P

How can you comment on primo by taking it 2 are joking right?
Demondosage asked me a question if I had ran Primo at 600mg for 12-20 weeks. I said no, I have only done a frontload and 2-3 weeks of continual usage. Am I not allowed to answer questions truthfully?

Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Phew :P
Okay, let's talk about it!

Why is
Because they don’t know how to diet.

Why would you bulk when you are 20% body fat?

Why would you start taking gear if you are 20% body fat and want to cut?

The only reason you need gear to cut is to preserve muscle mass, if you are a natural you don’t need gear to cut because you shouldn’t even be bulking or cutting drastically, so you might aswell just lean out before you start using, because the hormones work best if you are lean.
Because they don’t know how to diet.
What do you mean how to diet?

Why would you bulk when you are 20% body fat?
So you can gain muscle and strength?

Why would you start taking gear if you are 20% body fat and want to cut?
I don't know, I don't think that's the topic. But if anybody wants to take gear for whatever reason. Who am I to say what's right or wrong?

because the hormones work best if you are lean.
Oh really? Can you please provide more information about this? At what bodyfat percentage does hormones start "working best?" I have never heard this hypothesis before.
I use canola oil, so it would be straight canola oil not olive oil. Olive branches are a symbol of peace. At first I thought you were mentioning olives for that reason, because olive oil isn't used commonly as a carrier oil. But that just goes to prove you don't know
Why do you use canola oil bro? We just use grapeseed oil.
As an aging washed up powerlifter who blasts and and cruises ( and probably don't have very many of them left in me) I was looking for something to make cruises a little more effective in gaining strength.
Fortunately/Unfortunately I have a little more money then time left at this game and life for that matter so cost isn't a large factor. Would like to buy some time from some of you youngsters:) (much more then buying AAS) but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. Im still fairly successful with blasts 600test/400mast/200 Deca and oral of choice leading up to competition. Problem is I lose a lot of those gains going back to trt. I think most of this is age related as I keep diet and training pretty solid. Would like to keep more of/carryover of the strength the blasts give me with minimal sides. Would primo be effective at this? Was considering primo or GH to fit this bill.
Maybe @Worf @Ohiopower or @PerrinAybara could chime in from the powerlifting corner.
Thanks to all that read and reply.

I started this lifting game many moons ago power lifting in high school and for years after only switching to body building after a couple shoulder dislocations ( flat bench has and never will be the same).
So as far as keeping gains while going back to a trt dose after a blast, either adding in primo with it, or having used it in your blast, i find the quality gains you get from primobolan "stick with you". Also, primo i read (encyclopedia of anabolics) has one of the highest nitrogen retention ratios, even though it doesn't have the highest anabolic ratings.
I myself am on trt, Dr. prescribed, and do 2 blasts a year. The hard part for me is to make sure i'm clean enough for my Dr's blood tests. He knows i blast, just frowns on it.
As far as keeping gains while on a trt dose, i find i have to eat a little heavier, and train a little harder. It's all in your head for the most part. Your central nervous system knows you can lift "x" amount of weight, your muscles are trained to lift "x" amount of weight, it's your conscious mind that holds you back for the most part. I make myself move the weight i do when on cycle, just can't do as many reps. That's where you fill the gap with volume. My 2c's
What do you mean how to diet?

So you can gain muscle and strength?

I don't know, I don't think that's the topic. But if anybody wants to take gear for whatever reason. Who am I to say what's right or wrong?

Oh really? Can you please provide more information about this? At what bodyfat percentage does hormones start "working best?" I have never heard this hypothesis before.

Unless you want to be a power lifter or a strongman competitor, I don’t see why you would want to “gain muscle and strength” while being fat, and even then there’s people like Larry wheels, that pretty much dispel the myth that you need to be fat to be strong.

As for the body fat and hormones, John Meadows talks about it extensively on his members website, and I believe in his YouTube videos aswell.
Unless you want to be a power lifter or a strongman competitor, I don’t see why you would want to “gain muscle and strength” while being fat, and even then there’s people like Larry wheels, that pretty much dispel the myth that you need to be fat to be strong.
What does strong mean?

As for the body fat and hormones, John Meadows talks about it extensively on his members website, and I believe in his YouTube videos aswell.
John Meadows? YouTube channel? That's called entertainment for people that bodybuild... Or are you saying that he provides studies that supports that?

Here is the thing, people like to look down upon fat people and people revere themselves like they are the hottest thing on Earth. So, what happens is that people look upon fat people and deem that they are not "worthy" but that's just a crock of shit. Anybody that does cycles doesn't NEED it, not for survival at least. You may paint that picture that you NEED it. But it's all a psychological disorder ;)
What does strong mean?

John Meadows? YouTube channel? That's called entertainment for people that bodybuild... Or are you saying that he provides studies that supports that?

Here is the thing, people like to look down upon fat people and people revere themselves like they are the hottest thing on Earth. So, what happens is that people look upon fat people and deem that they are not "worthy" but that's just a crock of shit. Anybody that does cycles doesn't NEED it, not for survival at least. You may paint that picture that you NEED it. But it's all a psychological disorder ;)
Did you just act like you know more than John Meadows?


And regarding the “need” for cycling, yeah no one needs it, but if you are gonna do it, there are optimal ways to do it.
Did you just act like you know more than John Meadows?


And regarding the “need” for cycling, yeah no one needs it, but if you are gonna do it, there are optimal ways to do it.
Now words for his comment lol everyone knows John is one the smartest guys in the industry
Now words for his comment lol everyone knows John is one the smartest guys in the industry
No, I think there has been hype developed to make guys like you admire him.

I can't possibly fathom he knows more than Dr Scally or Bill Roberts, Millard probably knows more too!

You guys see other men with large muscles and equate that to knowledge. "His arms are so big his brain must be as well."
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No, I think there has been hype developed to make guys like you admire him.

I can't possibly fathom he knows more than Michael Scally or Bill Roberts, Millard probably knows more too!

You guys see other men with large muscles and equate that to knowledge. "His arms are so big his brain must be as well."

As much as i hate agreeing with Mr. Contrarian, Sworder. He does make a valid point on occasion....
I started this lifting game many moons ago power lifting in high school and for years after only switching to body building after a couple shoulder dislocations ( flat bench has and never will be the same).
So as far as keeping gains while going back to a trt dose after a blast, either adding in primo with it, or having used it in your blast, i find the quality gains you get from primobolan "stick with you". Also, primo i read (encyclopedia of anabolics) has one of the highest nitrogen retention ratios, even though it doesn't have the highest anabolic ratings.
I myself am on trt, Dr. prescribed, and do 2 blasts a year. The hard part for me is to make sure i'm clean enough for my Dr's blood tests. He knows i blast, just frowns on it.
As far as keeping gains while on a trt dose, i find i have to eat a little heavier, and train a little harder. It's all in your head for the most part. Your central nervous system knows you can lift "x" amount of weight, your muscles are trained to lift "x" amount of weight, it's your conscious mind that holds you back for the most part. I make myself move the weight i do when on cycle, just can't do as many reps. That's where you fill the gap with volume. My 2c's

Do you think it's worthwhile to add Primo for the last few weeks of a blast and then stay on it for a few more weeks after going back to TRT dosage? The price, high probability of faked gear, and "weakness" of Primo kept from trying it when I was younger.

I blast short-esters for 6-8 weeks these days and would like to add something mild to help keep appetite up for a few weeks after dropping other compounds.
That's my MO, be as annoying as humanly possible while still making valid points :)

Some members' willingness to respectfully challenge conventions and assumptions is probably what I most enjoy about this community so far. Too many echo chambers out there with everyone just jerking each other off.