Primobolan worth the extra money?

Some members' willingness to respectfully challenge conventions and assumptions is probably what I most enjoy about this community so far. Too many echo chambers out there with everyone just jerking each other off.
I am so sick of that!!!
Do you think it's worthwhile to add Primo for the last few weeks of a blast and then stay on it for a few more weeks after going back to TRT dosage? The price, high probability of faked gear, and "weakness" of Primo kept from trying it when I was younger.

I blast short-esters for 6-8 weeks these days and would like to add something mild to help keep appetite up for a few weeks after dropping other compounds.
I dont think it's going to do much at all unless you stay on 300 mg primo to keep gains. I like proviron on trt it's not toxic and raises free test up to help maintain better.
As an aging washed up powerlifter who blasts and and cruises ( and probably don't have very many of them left in me) I was looking for something to make cruises a little more effective in gaining strength.
Fortunately/Unfortunately I have a little more money then time left at this game and life for that matter so cost isn't a large factor. Would like to buy some time from some of you youngsters:) (much more then buying AAS) but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. Im still fairly successful with blasts 600test/400mast/200 Deca and oral of choice leading up to competition. Problem is I lose a lot of those gains going back to trt. I think most of this is age related as I keep diet and training pretty solid. Would like to keep more of/carryover of the strength the blasts give me with minimal sides. Would primo be effective at this? Was considering primo or GH to fit this bill.
Maybe @Worf @Ohiopower or @PerrinAybara could chime in from the powerlifting corner.
Thanks to all that read and reply.
I’d say GH even though I haven’t had much success with it myself