Primobolan worth the extra money?

I believe he meant that regular people on an online steroid message board shouldn’t be worrying about taking gear when they are 20% body fat.

Well, if what they try to do is to get bigger and stronger aas will help, I doubt getting to lower body fat first will do much for their goals, although it is probably healthier to be big and strong and lean than big and strong and fat - if one doesn´t need to add lots of drugs to get lean while massive, which doesn´t seem natural
That´s a dumb comment, or at least not taking into consideration what sport someone is into.
Go tell the heavier Plers and Strongmen they shouldn´t take AAS coz they hold too much bodyfat...
You know what I mean a powerlifter is a different scenario thanks for getting your point across.
Thinking to order some primo from it really worth the extra cost? And to get goos results from it you need to run at least 600?
Cause when i run mast e at 400mg I get Great results
IMO you can get equal or better results with high dose mast or mast+EQ combo.
Primo is hands down my favorite anabolic. I get constant compliments on my build when I run primo, much more so than when I use other compounds.

It's not a mass builder nor is the strength from it anything crazy unless you stack other things with it, but the recomp effects from it's ability to preserve muscle and partition nutrients while dieting are second to none in the world of anabolics!!

For the guy who has pretty much gained most of the size he is going to gain and is trying to simply refine his physique more and more, it's the cats ass in my opinion! Hands down probably the best cycle I've ever done in the 20 years I've been using shit was 700/wk primo stacked with 600/wk NPP, and 200/wk TRT. I was a fucking monster on that, and hard as fucking nails! Love me some primo! Totally worth it to me anyways
Do you have any data to support this? Anecdotal evidence from multiple people?
While I cannot link any one specific article I've read, the information on primobolan's ability to preserve muscle mass during dieting much better than other anabolics is definitely out there if you do a search on it.

So based on what I read abt primo before ever trying it and then what I personally experienced from the several times I've ran it, I would agree that the information on that aspect of primo is accurate.
Because he should be able to get down past that naturally with hard work. If he ain't working hard enough naturally then why even take aas.
Ah okay, this is your personal opinion. I thought you meant there was some scientific reason to why somebody shouldn't use AAS when "fat."

So your saying you can preserve muscle and strength just as easly naturally than with aas. Show me the data that supports this.
Haha stop putting words in my mouth! I am pretty particular what I put out statements about.

In regards to why I asked DemonDosage, he is claiming that the nutrition partitioning is the best among the AAS. I honestly think tren is much better at this task, especially on a mg:mg basis.
Ah okay, this is your personal opinion. I thought you meant there was some scientific reason to why somebody shouldn't use AAS when "fat."

Haha stop putting words in my mouth! I am pretty particular what I put out statements about.

In regards to why I asked DemonDosage, he is claiming that the nutrition partitioning is the best among the AAS. I honestly think tren is much better at this task, especially on a mg:mg basis.
Have you ever ran primo around 600-700mg a week before? For 12-20 weeks or so?
While I cannot link any one specific article I've read, the information on primobolan's ability to preserve muscle mass during dieting much better than other anabolics is definitely out there if you do a search on it.
Okay, thank you for your response.
Okay, thank you for your response.
Np, tren is great for its ability to build muscle and directly burn fat, but it's a sprint for me and a miserable one at that. I'm just an angry sob on tren and I don't feel good on it, bad sleep etc.

Primo is more of a marathon type anabolic, something to run when you want to look good and feel good. I understand ppl deal with tren better than others but I was just never one of them
I love primo. It is expensive and worth it. Make sure you get it from a solid source. As the guys have stated-- very often not primo or if it is--not dosed correctly. I have gotten great results on 400-600mg per week from the good stuff :)
Did a frontload and ran it for a couple weeks wasn't feeling it.
Not going to be doing primo again :)
See thats just it, there really is nothing to feel from it for awhile. I'm telling you man, right at 6 wks and beyond is when it's like wtf! And one of the things I like most abt it is you just get better and better every week on the shit. Where most compounds wanna plateau out, not primo. I think of it as the HGH of gear. It's expensive as hell, but if anyone could run it 12-20 wks (especially 20 wks) they would know what's up! But I will say, I would not use it myself unless dieting tight went with it. Not worth the money in that regard
It's not a mass builder nor is the strength from it anything crazy unless you stack other things with it, but the recomp effects from it's ability to preserve muscle and partition nutrients while dieting are second to none in the world of anabolics!!
On this agree with Demondosage based on my personal experience.

In regards to why I asked DemonDosage, he is claiming that the nutrition partitioning is the best among the AAS. I honestly think tren is much better at this task, especially on a mg:mg basis.
When you consider nutrition partitioning to side effects ratio, primo makes the top of the list and tren is at the bottom of the list for me.
Yes, your strength will go up to a degree like with all aas, just not as much as some...
As an aging washed up powerlifter who blasts and and cruises ( and probably don't have very many of them left in me) I was looking for something to make cruises a little more effective in gaining strength.
Fortunately/Unfortunately I have a little more money then time left at this game and life for that matter so cost isn't a large factor. Would like to buy some time from some of you youngsters:) (much more then buying AAS) but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. Im still fairly successful with blasts 600test/400mast/200 Deca and oral of choice leading up to competition. Problem is I lose a lot of those gains going back to trt. I think most of this is age related as I keep diet and training pretty solid. Would like to keep more of/carryover of the strength the blasts give me with minimal sides. Would primo be effective at this? Was considering primo or GH to fit this bill.
Maybe @Worf @Ohiopower or @PerrinAybara could chime in from the powerlifting corner.
Thanks to all that read and reply.
Dose? Duration? Stack?
Do you mind explaining exactly what nutrition partitioning is? I don't know if we are talking about the same thing.
Stack: PrimoE 800mg/wk with TestC 450mg/wk (and deca 250mg/wk for joint pain management)
Duration: 20 weeks
For your latter question, my bad for the mixup. I really meant to state body recomposition to side effects ratio during calorie restriction. I find Primo to be a much better option for this purpose than tren, especially for people like me who make a descent living by using the powers of the brain. Primo is also helpful to preserve muscle mass when coming off of a cycle to "TRT" cruise for which i just finished running 200mg/wk of test along with 350mg/wk of primo.