Pristine Anabolics Intro

Yea I sent him the order prior to payment and said it's a large order can u cover this? And he said yes no worries at all.....then after payment it was an issue. 5 days later.....which whatever. I've given this guy the benefit of the doubt with the deca bold stuff and things. I was on his side cause of my other orders with him and the products were quality from what I ordered. But not it's 2 weeks later and I'm missing some oils and most of my orals and the freebies he said he was sending to make up for the hiccup.

So yea i asked him before I paid can u cover this order. And he said yes. And then he ran out of vials.

BUT what gets me most is the other guys I've been messaging today. He told them some other story as to why he hadn't sent their orders. Like losing the key for the raw room. Really? Hell I mean maybe it is true. That's pretty random to say. Who knows. So far I've talked to 3 other guys and they haven't gotten their orders either and it's going on 2 weeks as well. So it seems right when I ordered he filled my order with what he I got 3 T400s and I didn't even order that. Or didn't pick that as a freebie.... So I don't know if he sent me what he had to cover the numbers for the most part and then disappeared. But I was supposed to get the rest of my order yesterday. According to him. I thought he was tracking it when he told me that. But it didn't come and nothing today so now we are on to Weds USPS cycle. So who knows man. Which sucks cause the dude honestly seemed like a stand up dude when we talked. I even asked him some opinions on BTC investing cause he obviously has experience with it and he was cool about it and gave me some advise. Just strange. I really hope he got so backed up and got in a situation where he couldn't fill orders as fast and comes on here and explains and I end up getting the rest of mine.

Which if I do get the rest of mine this week. I will come on here and totally apologize for putting all this info out there and kinda bashing him cause he did end up coming thru if that's the case. But the fact he is MIA on here and now in email to me. Makes me super skeptical.
There is no need to apologize. Sources need to be held accountable. WE ARE NOT BOP!
@InFlames I think you need to write this one off bro. If you happen to get a surprise in the mail, then cool. But, I wouldn’t keep trying to communicate with pristine. You have absolutely no idea what is happening on the other side of that email address...get what I’m saying?
@InFlames I think you need to write this one off bro. If you happen to get a surprise in the mail, then cool. But, I wouldn’t keep trying to communicate with pristine. You have absolutely no idea what is happening on the other side of that email address...get what I’m saying?

Oh yeah totally dude. I am. I sent him 2 emails today and I'm done with it. If I get it. Awesome. If not. Then I'll move on. But I gotcha. Thanks
If you mean my "business" like a reseller. I'm not at all. I don't charge them anymore. I send them the list and charge them the same. So I'm not making any money off of this. Which now that I look at it. I could turn around and sell these for 80 a bottle like some guys do. But these are my friends. The way I get something from it is....with a large order I get a percent off and usually some freebies. So I basically get my stuff for free. But I don't make any cash off of the orders. So I don't have a business. Per say .
Right on I didn’t mean anything by it. I look at like this no one does anything for free. The only thing that is free is advice. Or at least it should be. I guess even then you have to take into account who the source giving the advice is, right??
Yea I sent him the order prior to payment and said it's a large order can u cover this? And he said yes no worries at all.....then after payment it was an issue. 5 days later.....which whatever. I've given this guy the benefit of the doubt with the deca bold stuff and things. I was on his side cause of my other orders with him and the products were quality from what I ordered. But not it's 2 weeks later and I'm missing some oils and most of my orals and the freebies he said he was sending to make up for the hiccup.

So yea i asked him before I paid can u cover this order. And he said yes. And then he ran out of vials.

BUT what gets me most is the other guys I've been messaging today. He told them some other story as to why he hadn't sent their orders. Like losing the key for the raw room. Really? Hell I mean maybe it is true. That's pretty random to say. Who knows. So far I've talked to 3 other guys and they haven't gotten their orders either and it's going on 2 weeks as well. So it seems right when I ordered he filled my order with what he I got 3 T400s and I didn't even order that. Or didn't pick that as a freebie.... So I don't know if he sent me what he had to cover the numbers for the most part and then disappeared. But I was supposed to get the rest of my order yesterday. According to him. I thought he was tracking it when he told me that. But it didn't come and nothing today so now we are on to Weds USPS cycle. So who knows man. Which sucks cause the dude honestly seemed like a stand up dude when we talked. I even asked him some opinions on BTC investing cause he obviously has experience with it and he was cool about it and gave me some advise. Just strange. I really hope he got so backed up and got in a situation where he couldn't fill orders as fast and comes on here and explains and I end up getting the rest of mine.

Which if I do get the rest of mine this week. I will come on here and totally apologize for putting all this info out there and kinda bashing him cause he did end up coming thru if that's the case. But the fact he is MIA on here and now in email to me. Makes me super skeptical.
Imo you aren’t bashing this source you are stating facts and personal experiences you are having. That’s why we’re here! You shouldn’t have to apologize for mistakes this source has made. We all just try to hold these sources accountable for their actions!

Right on I didn’t mean anything by it. I look at like this no one does anything for free. The only thing that is free is advice. Or at least it should be. I guess even then you have to take into account who the source giving the advice is, right??

Yea man I gotcha.
Honestly, it's a pity.

Pristine was one of the few guys who, when there was a funny results, didn't choose the strategy of throwing massive amounts of shit onto me. Because that's easiest, especially over here.
Honestly, it's a pity.

Pristine was one of the few guys who, when there was a funny results, didn't choose the strategy of throwing massive amounts of shit onto me. Because that's easiest, especially over here.
It’s a damn shame and he seemed like he was willing to make things right.
Imo you aren’t bashing this source you are stating facts and personal experiences you are having. That’s why we’re here! You shouldn’t have to apologize for mistakes this source has made. We all just try to hold these sources accountable for their actions!


Yea man totally. I'm definitely not happy about this. But I will come back and say he did come thru.