Pristine Anabolics Intro

I’m sorry but I didn’t mean a large order to you. I meant that is not a large order for a source to fill. I guess I could have worded that a bit better.

Totally understand what u meant now. At first I thought we were comparing cocks on who orders more hahaha. But I gotcha after rereading it. Lol
Just cause I think it got missed. He DID send me all this. But still missing stuff.

Well here is the part of my order that I got.
Tried to upload it to this site. But it wouldn't fully upload. So hope imgur is ok....
I just hope this isn't an army of "UnSullieds" standing outside my walls. GOT reference. If u don't get it. Lol UnSullieds have no balls or cocks.

I'm still missing most of my orals some oils and the "freebies" he told me he sent to make up for the delay.
Whaaaa!? Are you referring to my post that i deleted? It sounded funny when i typed it out, then after posting it, it didn't seem all that funny.
Yea ...I never saw that before you were rather quick and on my end it said some crazy deal then
Honestly shocked he's just MIA....on here and on email.....this is his business. And it will bleed into other boards he tries to go to.
Yea man. They totally get the deal that u take the risk. But they are my friends. So I feel bad. I would want the same from them had this happened. They trusted me and I vouched for this guy. And it screwed them. They are all saying don't worry about it. But me being me. I will do something to compensate for it.
However, to protect your business in the future I would try and stay away from you bashing your source. Because that makes you more or less look like a fool. It’s not my business but I am trying to look out for you.
Not if he rebrands
Exactly. He could literally be in the process of making New labels, moving around some lab furniture, taking pics and bam. New Source

What really bothers me is that he didn’t really do much wrong, yet he’s running like he just dumped a body. He had an accident with one of the EQ vials, and some rubber filters. Shit, rubber stoppers wear out, and they’re not all the same.
This is why I’m worried. It’s almost as if something happened, like he got raided and is now in the process of giving out names and addresses. I’m paranoid, but I’m not really seeing anything that would warrant his exit in such a manner.
Be safe out there. I wouldn’t send out any emails, or try to communicate. He knows what he has to do. Even if he* comes back, who is to say it’s him and not an entrapment operation. I doubt LE would go to such lengths to bust some recreational users of roids, or that LE even has the resources, but still, you can never be too cautious. If you’re missing a big order, take the loss as a learning opportunity that this shit happens in our line of fun.
However, to protect your business in the future I would try and stay away from you bashing your source. Because that makes you more or less look like a fool. It’s not my business but I am trying to look out for you.

What u mean? Like how I came on here and just explained what happened? And he isn't responding to emails now? How's that bashing? Serious question. Cause I wanna know what I did wrong.
Just cause I think it got missed. He DID send me all this. But still missing stuff.

Well here is the part of my order that I got.
Tried to upload it to this site. But it wouldn't fully upload. So hope imgur is ok....
I just hope this isn't an army of "UnSullieds" standing outside my walls. GOT reference. If u don't get it. Lol UnSullieds have no balls or cocks.

I'm still missing most of my orals some oils and the "freebies" he told me he sent to make up for the delay.

So pretty much you are saying that you ordered x amount of vials/products and Pristine accepted your payment and didn’t actually have enough finished product on hand to fill your order?
In other words he took payment even though he didn’t have the finished product ready to go! No excuse for doing that! None!

Just like @Iron Vett has mentioned there’s no reason a source shouldn’t already have plenty of stock.
He should have made sure before excepting your payment to begin with!

Note: whenever I have a sizable order I want to place with a ‘domestic source’ (meaning fast turnaround time) I will usually place separate orders. For ex, say altogether my total is $1000. I’ll break that order down into 3-4 smaller orders. As one comes in I’ll place another until it’s completed. I do this for the very issue that you’re having. When/if something fails I’ll be out a smaller amount of coin than if I’d have placed a large order and something bad happens. That’s just me though.
(Just a suggestion for maybe future orders).
Hopefully you, and others that are waiting will get what they paid for!
So pretty much you are saying that you ordered x amount of vials/products and Pristine accepted your payment and didn’t actually have enough finished product on hand to fill your order?
In other words he took payment even though he didn’t have the finished product ready to go! No excuse for doing that! None!

Just like @Iron Vett has mentioned there’s no reason a source shouldn’t already have plenty of stock.
He should have made sure before excepting your payment to begin with!

Note: whenever I have a sizable order I want to place with a ‘domestic source’ (meaning fast turnaround time) I will usually place separate orders. For ex, say altogether my total is $1000. I’ll break that order down into 3-4 smaller orders. As one comes in I’ll place another until it’s completed. I do this for the very issue that you’re having. When/if something fails I’ll be out a smaller amount of coin than if I’d have placed a large order and something bad happens. That’s just me though.
(Just a suggestion for maybe future orders).
Hopefully you, and others that are waiting will get what they paid for!

From what I gathered from the email. Yes. That's what he did. Cause 5 days went by and I didn't get anything in the mail. And I emailed him and that's when he told me they didn't have the Cyp to fill the order at the time. So it was a hiccup and was sent out late.
However, to protect your business in the future I would try and stay away from you bashing your source. Because that makes you more or less look like a fool. It’s not my business but I am trying to look out for you.

If you mean my "business" like a reseller. I'm not at all. I don't charge them anymore. I send them the list and charge them the same. So I'm not making any money off of this. Which now that I look at it. I could turn around and sell these for 80 a bottle like some guys do. But these are my friends. The way I get something from it is....with a large order I get a percent off and usually some freebies. So I basically get my stuff for free. But I don't make any cash off of the orders. So I don't have a business. Per say .
From what I gathered from the email. Yes. That's what he did. Cause 5 days went by and I didn't get anything in the mail. And I emailed him and that's when he told me they didn't have the Cyp to fill the order at the time. So it was a hiccup and was sent out late.
That’s what it sounded like to me also. To me that’s just false advertising (idc if it’s an illegal business or not lol).
If you state you have products to sell and except payment and do not have said products that’s scamming! I mean fuck!?
Everyone knows problems can occur and it’s bound to happen from time to time. A lot of bs could’ve been avoided by @Trenity being more active here and communicating on this thread.

ONLY HE can be the one to either turn this shit show around or let this ship sink. Looks to me as he’s abandoned ship though...
That’s what it sounded like to me also. To me that’s just false advertising (idc if it’s an illegal business or not lol).
If you state you have products to sell and except payment and do not have said products that’s scamming! I mean fuck!?
Everyone knows problems can occur and it’s bound to happen from time to time. A lot of bs could’ve been avoided by @Trenity being more active here and communicating on this thread.

ONLY HE can be the one to either turn this shit show around or let this ship sink. Looks to me as he’s abandoned ship though...
It’s over with pristine. Time to move on the next shady UGL until they exit.