Pristine Anabolics Intro

Like I said know one knows for sure because he is being a turkey about the whole thing which is lame. And you could have said it better should not have taken the orders. Or if he took the order because he only had some of the gear, he should have stated that. Either way, bottom line is WE DONT KNOW. Which is unacceptable.

i agree. i mean, i don't expect any member or source to be here every single day. i have no life, so i'm the exception to that rule. :oops::D But ghosting for a week is, as you said, unacceptable.

Unless he's dead, in a coma, in the joint or hiding out 1 mile beneath the surface of the earth where his cell won't work, then he has time to reply.

If you got time to eat, shit and sleep, then you have 30 seconds to sign in and give a generic "everyone will be taken care of" post.

At this point, i would maintain radio silence with his email. i know that may be difficult for those that have money in limbo, but if the worst case scenario has occurred, you're better safe than sorry.
Didn't happen. It's officially 2 weeks now. Such a shame.
Check this out so mailman comes I get excited it drives by and I got one envelope WTF and then it goes away and 10 minutes later it comes racing back up .. (now the temperature outside is still rather cool but inside my black box feels like 85° 90° ) inside was a box inside the box was my HGH the smallest amount ever 100 iu one little box but no other gear from him .. this is how this goes there is no excuse not to come on here and pacify is with something !!!!! anything !!! some sort of communication it’s rude it’s unethical it’s the worst it’s the foundation of trust to even take our risk
Yea hate to say this but he could have taken my order because he had this much left. Sent what he had and said the rest is on the way and bounced....I'm missing stuff that he sent portions to me. Like test Cyp and Tren A.
He told me he ran into a hiccup with my order because he ran out of vials cause I ordered 20 test Cyp. Along with a ton of other shit. Probably 50 vials total.... So he had to get more vials. So he said that's why mine was delayed.

I'm messaging a few people. The one dude was told they lost the key for the raw room and had to get a new one made....that was his hiccup. Still hasn't gotten his order either. Not looking good at all. I'm assuming I'm going to have to eat about $400 worth of products that I'm owed.
Am I jumping the gun? I sure as fuck hope so .I hope it comes this week and I come back here with my tail between my legs apologizing. And I will. But he still hasn't responded to my email from this morning asking what the fuck is going on because now I'm being asked for money back by people.
Check it out homeboy, if I were you I would say this to the people asking for their money back. Let them know that unfortunately you are not the guy. You are the middle guy. Which I am sure they know. Which means you only have control over what you have control over which is sending money and recieving a package that’s it. Tell them they won’t get their money back and that if they keep bitching that they need to find another connect in the future because you are tired of hearing their shit. Then shit the fuck up and don’t say anything else to them. Then when your package comes with more goodies keep them for yourself. Sorry to seem so harsh but sometime people need a swift slap in the face verbally, to get them to realize reality. Is on the other hand we know the GUY, so when it comes to us. We expect more out of the sources. Trust and believe it all comes out in the wash. I think I speak for us all when I say...that even one post saying,” Dear gentlemen, please forgive meI am backed up. No excuses. For the moment I Not excepting anymore orders, my dearest apologies. Sincerely TRENITY.” This would be more to my liking. What do you guys think??
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Check this out so mailman comes I get excited it drives by and I got one envelope WTF and then it goes away and 10 minutes later it comes racing back up .. (now the temperature outside is still rather cool but inside my black box feels like 85° 90° ) inside was a box inside the box was my HGH the smallest amount ever 100 iu one little box but no other gear from him .. this is how this goes there is no excuse not to come on here and pacify is with something !!!!! anything !!! some sort of communication it’s rude it’s unethical it’s the worst it’s the foundation of trust to even take our risk
Wait, he’s selling GH?
I get that you are poking fun, but not even a little funny. I wouldn’t wish prison on anybody, well Martha Stewart maybe and Gucci Mane, but how many members may be compromised if this is true?
I am not wishing that upon him. Im fully aware that it jeopardize a lot of members. I even made that comment a few pages ago.
Tbag I think he is saying that he was thinking that package was from trenity, but in reality was from another connect. dont really understand what the temperature and gh had to do with trenity though.
Yeah the temperature thing was about keeping the GH cold should not let it get warm and at the same time I’m worried about other things as I stick my hand in the black box and the things like 90° I was glad my GH didn’t sit in there all day ..
Check this out so mailman comes I get excited it drives by and I got one envelope WTF and then it goes away and 10 minutes later it comes racing back up .. (now the temperature outside is still rather cool but inside my black box feels like 85° 90° ) inside was a box inside the box was my HGH the smallest amount ever 100 iu one little box but no other gear from him .. this is how this goes there is no excuse not to come on here and pacify is with something !!!!! anything !!! some sort of communication it’s rude it’s unethical it’s the worst it’s the foundation of trust to even take our risk

Yea man. They totally get the deal that u take the risk. But they are my friends. So I feel bad. I would want the same from them had this happened. They trusted me and I vouched for this guy. And it screwed them. They are all saying don't worry about it. But me being me. I will do something to compensate for it.
Check this out so mailman comes I get excited it drives by and I got one envelope WTF and then it goes away and 10 minutes later it comes racing back up .. (now the temperature outside is still rather cool but inside my black box feels like 85° 90° ) inside was a box inside the box was my HGH the smallest amount ever 100 iu one little box but no other gear from him .. this is how this goes there is no excuse not to come on here and pacify is with something !!!!! anything !!! some sort of communication it’s rude it’s unethical it’s the worst it’s the foundation of trust to even take our risk

Damn. Not looking good. At all.
Yea man. They totally get the deal that u take the risk. But they are my friends. So I feel bad. I would want the same from them had this happened. They trusted me and I vouched for this guy. And it screwed them. They are all saying don't worry about it. But me being me. I will do something to compensate for it.
I hear you man - it means you have a conscience.
So I emailed him about the bold deca thing and he explained the whole situation. Made total sense to me. So I took a chance on him and ordered a large order. 50plus vials and 30 plus orals.... I got a good size of the oils and a small amount of the orals.

But like someone mentioned he very well may have sent me what he had left and bounced. Cause his last email to me was other pack should be Monday (yesterday) and we are shutting down for the weekend or alittle more to recoup and catch up on what was causing delays for us. So he very may well be telling the truth about having issues and needing to stop for a bit and I very may well get the rest of my stuff this week. When he said should be Monday I assume he was looking at the tracking. But I guess I was wrong. Cause now it's Weds. On the USPS cycle. Cause today has passed. So officially 2 weeks since my payment. Fuck. Never been part of an issue like this. Always got lucky. Lol.
So I emailed him about the bold deca thing and he explained the whole situation. Made total sense to me. So I took a chance on him and ordered a large order. 50plus vials and 30 plus orals.... I got a good size of the oils and a small amount of the orals.

But like someone mentioned he very well may have sent me what he had left and bounced. Cause his last email to me was other pack should be Monday (yesterday) and we are shutting down for the weekend or alittle more to recoup and catch up on what was causing delays for us. So he very may well be telling the truth about having issues and needing to stop for a bit and I very may well get the rest of my stuff this week. When he said should be Monday I assume he was looking at the tracking. But I guess I was wrong. Cause now it's Weds. On the USPS cycle. Cause today has passed. So officially 2 weeks since my payment. Fuck. Never been part of an issue like this. Always got lucky. Lol.
What was his explanation for the Bold Deca?
What was his explanation for the Bold Deca?

He told me everything that happened. Same stuff u guys explained to me. Said 1 guy sent off to Jano. Came back bold and deca. One guy sent to the other place and came back just Bold. He said he basically didn't know how to get back into the good graces at MESO cause he offered to replace and refund anyone that had ordered that. He said he was really clueless on how that would happen. Never had an issue like that before. And he said he sent the raws and the oils off that day to be I said. Well shit man. That seems like something shady went down. I mean....MESO can be tough on people sometimes. Lol u can admit it. There's a reputation on other forums about this place being tough. BUT NOW I GET WHY!

So I said I've ordered from him a couple times already with no issues. And good products. Asked if he could handle a large order. He said of course we are fully stocked. I ordered. Paid the same day. He said it would go out the day after. 5 days go by. Nothing. I email him and ask. That's when he gives me the we ran into a hiccup with vials for your order. And had to get more to fill it. Sorry I sent most of the order. Which I did get and he said another should be right behind it (Monday), which I assumed he was looking at the tracking. Guess not. And he said he was closing up shop to fix their issues and be back up and running. I said cool man. No worries. I expected alittke of a delay since it was a huge order.
But now messaging other people he gave them other excuses on why there's wasn't shipped out and is 2 weeks late as well.

But now he's not responding to my emails.....which could be because he's closed up and concentrating on getting back stocked. But who knows at this point.
He could come here and explain everything and be good. But like u guys said he's been MIA basically since I placed my order with him .