Pristine Anabolics Intro


He’s been MIA for a week now.

He's kept up email conversation with me the whole time. And I received a large portion of my order. But am still missing stuff. He said it should have been here yesterday....nothing came. I'm gonna check today. My order was abnormally large. So I knew it was gonna take alittle more time in TA wise. But 2 weeks is alittle much imo. I emailed him just now. Cause I'm being asked for money back now. Which isn't possible. Hopefully it shows up. Ready to be done with this one.
Well I placed a large order. Not gonna say how much but it was large. I received part of my order last week. He said there was a hiccup with my order being so large. And had to send the rest which should have been here yesterday. Nothing came. It's been 2 weeks now.
For me he said be out the door Monday which is 8 days now...shit I get stuff across the states in 4 days general pretty good nowadays from the post office straight to the airplane straight to where needs to go maybe a state away and a two day ride.. Ill throw out an update after the mail comes later .. all this could be avoided by simple communication unless .......??


On the stopper issue....the part of my order was mostly all oils and it was a large order. None of them have any particles in it. And none of them ordered before have had particles in them either.

I have had particles break off after repeated use with an 18g needle to draw from other sources. Not him though. Haven't had that issue with him. So the particle thing I've seen happen before with my other source and my buddies too. So it happens. Not necessarily the sources fault. Imo. But it's 2 weeks now and I haven't gotten my full order. That's not acceptable
For me he said be out the door Monday which is 8 days now...shit I get stuff across the states in 4 days general pretty good nowadays from the post office straight to the airplane straight to where needs to go maybe a state away and a two day ride.. Ill throw out an update after the mail comes later .. all this could be avoided by simple communication unless .......??

Damn. That sucks. Yea keep us updated. He told me he was shutting down for the weekend to catch up. So hopefully he just got hit with a ton of orders and it got too much. He's kept email conversation with me up until now. But I just emailed him about it cause I was expecting to come home to the rest of my order. Didn't come yesterday
Damn really hate to say this. But I'd stay away until he comes on here and explains. I've ordered a couple times before and had no issues. So I put in a rather large order this last time. And I am missing a big part of it. And now people are asking me for money back which isn't possible.
I've messaged a few people. Not gonna say who. But they haven't gotten their orders either. And they were given a different excuse than I was. I emailed him this morning. Nothing yet. I'll keep posted.
Damn really hate to say this. But I'd stay away until he comes on here and explains. I've ordered a couple times before and had no issues. So I put in a rather large order this last time. And I am missing a big part of it. And now people are asking me for money back which isn't possible.
I've messaged a few people. Not gonna say who. But they haven't gotten their orders either. And they were given a different excuse than I was. I emailed him this morning. Nothing yet. I'll keep posted.
Have you been a frequent customer of his and have you had good progress with his compounds, what have you used of his if you don't mind me asking?
Yea I've ordered a couple times.
Test P Tren A Mast P all good. Other people have used his winny and Dbol. Good to go. This order had a ton of shit though.
Gentlemen, I don’t want to state something that could not be truth, but here it goes. We have to remember that in some cases these sources have to wait on there raw source to deliver, now let’s saw a raw shipment is sent and then seized. That would totally throw a wrench in their game, as well as maybe possibly in someone who has order BULK. Now he would then have two options: option 1 to come on to the board and to try an explain what happened or 2, to avoid it until the problem has ceased, and make up for it later with extra or something. I will be the first to say that if I were in someone waiting’s shoes I would be on here stating my situation immediately, however this has sort of allowed me to step back and look at it from another perspective. Again, I am not here to co-sign trenity’s bullshit, just saying there could be other factors of the equation that could be causing him to be away. Honestly, I would have more respect if he came back and explain the circumstance and rewarded me for my patience that came back told some lie. Something tells me he isn’t the guy that won’t make things right. Anyhow that’s my 2cents. It’s not worth it to him to burn someone on half an order when he could burn them on the entire thing. Rubber stoppers there is no excuse. That is something I would describe as weathered. Meaning they were left outside either in sun or ran and then sun. OR... they had gotten wet at some point and he had to obviously clean them which depending upon how he dried them could possibly cause them to degrade at a fast pace. But at the same time I don’t know this for sure but I had first hand knowledge from my past when breeding tren a on how my own stoppers started becoming destroyed. Hope this helps. It’s not easy waitng. Like I have said before when we wait for our gear it’s like a kid waiting for Xmas and when it doesn’t come when expected it’s like Santa fucked us. Lol
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I think, IMO, maybe we have gone a little soft here. Communication is #1 in my book. That is the most basic form of respect one can offer. If you can’t even get that tiny piece of the puzzle right, you can’t be trusted with other, more important things.
Wanna change my mind, show the fuck up and let us know whats up.
I think, IMO, maybe we have gone a little soft here. Communication is #1 in my book. That is the most basic form of respect one can offer. If you can’t even get that tiny piece of the puzzle right, you can’t be trusted with other, more important things.
Wanna change my mind, show the fuck up and let us know whats up.

Damn. Lol well said. About to go check my mail. Gonna guess it's not there. Hope I eat my words though.
Gentlemen, I don’t want to state something that could not be truth, but here it goes. We have to remember that in some cases these sources have to wait on there raw source to deliver, now let’s saw a raw shipment is sent and then seized. That would totally throw a wrench in their game, as well as maybe possibly in someone who has order BULK. Now he would then have two options: option 1 to come on to the board and to try an explain what happened or 2, to avoid it until the problem has ceased, and make up for it later with extra or something. I will be the first to say that if I were in someone waiting’s shoes I would be on here stating my situation immediately, however this has sort of allowed me to step back and look at it from another perspective. Again, I am not here to co-sign trenity’s bullshit, just saying there could be other factors of the equation that could be causing him to be away. Honestly, I would have more respect if he came back and explain the circumstance and rewarded me for my patience that came back told some lie. Something tells me he isn’t the guy that won’t make things right. Anyhow that’s my 2cents. It’s not worth it to him to burn someone on half an order when he could burn them on the entire thing. Rubber stoppers there is no excuse. That is something I would describe as weathered. Meaning they were left outside either in sun or ran and then sun. OR... they had gotten wet at some point and he had to obviously clean them which depending upon how he dried them could possibly cause them to degrade at a fast pace. But at the same time I don’t know this for sure but I had first hand knowledge from my past when breeding tren a on how my own stoppers started becoming destroyed. Hope this helps. It’s not easy waitng. Like I have said before when we wait for our gear it’s like a kid waiting for Xmas and when it doesn’t come when expected it’s like Santa fucked us. Lol

If it is delayed raws, then he shouldn't be taking money for something he doesn't have on hand. Assquach strikes again. The similarities are uncanny sometimes.

And If raws are the reason, a simple email with an offer of substitution or partial refund would take care of that problem.

If @Trenity really wants to turn this around, he needs to come here, address the issues and consider closing up shop until he has things running smoothly like he did in the beginning.
Gentlemen, I don’t want to state something that could not be truth, but here it goes. We have to remember that in some cases these sources have to wait on there raw source to deliver, now let’s saw a raw shipment is sent and then seized. That would totally throw a wrench in their game, as well as maybe possibly in someone who has order BULK. Now he would then have two options: option 1 to come on to the board and to try an explain what happened or 2, to avoid it until the problem has ceased, and make up for it later with extra or something. I will be the first to say that if I were in someone waiting’s shoes I would be on here stating my situation immediately, however this has sort of allowed me to step back and look at it from another perspective. Again, I am not here to co-sign trenity’s bullshit, just saying there could be other factors of the equation that could be causing him to be away. Honestly, I would have more respect if he came back and explain the circumstance and rewarded me for my patience that came back told some lie. Something tells me he isn’t the guy that won’t make things right. Anyhow that’s my 2cents. It’s not worth it to him to burn someone on half an order when he could burn them on the entire thing. Rubber stoppers there is no excuse. That is something I would describe as weathered. Meaning they were left outside either in sun or ran and then sun. OR... they had gotten wet at some point and he had to obviously clean them which depending upon how he dried them could possibly cause them to degrade at a fast pace. But at the same time I don’t know this for sure but I had first hand knowledge from my past when breeding tren a on how my own stoppers started becoming destroyed. Hope this helps. It’s not easy waitng. Like I have said before when we wait for our gear it’s like a kid waiting for Xmas and when it doesn’t come when expected it’s like Santa fucked us. Lol
I wrote “breeding tren A.” Suppose to say brewing tren A.
If it is delayed raws, then he shouldn't be taking money for something he doesn't have on hand. Assquach strikes again. The similarities are uncanny sometimes.

And If raws are the reason, a simple email with an offer of substitution or partial refund would take care of that problem.

If @Trenity really wants to turn this around, he needs to come here, address the issues and consider closing up shop until he has things running smoothly like he did in the beginning.
Like I said know one knows for sure because he is being a turkey about the whole thing which is lame. And you could have said it better should not have taken the orders. Or if he took the order because he only had some of the gear, he should have stated that. Either way, bottom line is WE DONT KNOW. Which is unacceptable.
If it is delayed raws, then he shouldn't be taking money for something he doesn't have on hand. Assquach strikes again. The similarities are uncanny sometimes.

And If raws are the reason, a simple email with an offer of substitution or partial refund would take care of that problem.

If @Trenity really wants to turn this around, he needs to come here, address the issues and consider closing up shop until he has things running smoothly like he did in the beginning.
He’s probably in cuffs lawl.
Like I said know one knows for sure because he is being a turkey about the whole thing which is lame. And you could have said it better should not have taken the orders. Or if he took the order because he only had some of the gear, he should have stated that. Either way, bottom line is WE DONT KNOW. Which is unacceptable.

Yea hate to say this but he could have taken my order because he had this much left. Sent what he had and said the rest is on the way and bounced....I'm missing stuff that he sent portions to me. Like test Cyp and Tren A.
He told me he ran into a hiccup with my order because he ran out of vials cause I ordered 20 test Cyp. Along with a ton of other shit. Probably 50 vials total.... So he had to get more vials. So he said that's why mine was delayed.

I'm messaging a few people. The one dude was told they lost the key for the raw room and had to get a new one made....that was his hiccup. Still hasn't gotten his order either. Not looking good at all. I'm assuming I'm going to have to eat about $400 worth of products that I'm owed.
Am I jumping the gun? I sure as fuck hope so .I hope it comes this week and I come back here with my tail between my legs apologizing. And I will. But he still hasn't responded to my email from this morning asking what the fuck is going on because now I'm being asked for money back by people.