Pristine Anabolics Intro

I hear yea but I did not

t-bagger not funny !!! I can’t even find what da f I said but my intent wasn’t to butcher his handle so I assume my phone does it’s usual f up shit it occasionally does ...bad people ..what’s up.. you guys are like an assault squadron.. yeah let me just ask a question innocently is like going in for the firing squad -fuckn love it nothing but straight up ALPHA MALES .. i’m pretty fucking brutal but you guys got me beat
Lol, you called him BIGBALDTUFFGUY :p

You’re good in my book bro.
Not gonna argue with this logic. Things are not looking good right now and I would caution anyone to hold off buying until @Trenity comes back and addresses things.
This source does not frequent his thread and should be a red flag considering all the events that have transpired over the last couple of weeks.
I would advise no one orders from this guy until he at least does what he says like getting his shit tested! Or maybe that was a way he could pull in a few more orders on his way out!
He sure doesn’t mind letting people think this way or he’d be on here addressing it! Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit? Cause that’s the vibe I get from Prestine / @Trenity !!!
I’m sure someone has mentioned this shit to him through email but he’s avoiding the shit show this thread is becoming! Smh!
This source does not frequent his thread and should be a red flag considering all the events that have transpired over the last couple of weeks.
I would advise no one orders from this guy until he at least does what he says like getting his shit tested! Or maybe that was a way he could pull in a few more orders on his way out!
He sure doesn’t mind letting people think this way or he’d be on here addressing it! Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit? Cause that’s the vibe I get from Prestine / @Trenity !!!
I’m sure someone has mentioned this shit to him through email but he’s avoiding the shit show this thread is becoming! Smh!
I can say this one thing like last Sunday week plus and he stated he was slammed running circles but promised good that’s what I know up until that time frame .im ok on any lose I just don’t want trouble ..u think everything is ok ??? Anyone hear anything more recent
I hear yea but I did not

t-bagger not funny !!! I can’t even find what da f I said but my intent wasn’t to butcher his handle so I assume my phone does it’s usual f up shit it occasionally does ...bad people ..what’s up.. you guys are like an assault squadron.. yeah let me just ask a question innocently is like going in for the firing squad -fuckn love it nothing but straight up ALPHA MALES .. i’m pretty fucking brutal but you guys got me beat
If I didn't call you out someone else would've. Plus I think BBBG was just bustin your balls aswell.
I can say this one thing like last Sunday week plus and he stated he was slammed running circles but promised good that’s what I know up until that time frame .im ok on any lose I just don’t want trouble ..u think everything is ok ??? Anyone hear anything more recent
Honestly I don’t know. I think it’s his responsibility to his customers to be on his thread to inform and discuss all matters pertaining to his brand. Without his presence on here I (we) can hope for the best but assume for the worst.
I'm talking about W&M's chemist having that high margin of error, if he means absolute numbers, not relative. (+-2% absolute is 16-20% total BB for example, while if it was relative, then it would be 17.64 - 18.36% )

I assumed he meant absolute, because with relative error it would not be a problem for the purpose that BBBG wanted it for.

Not sure if I'm being clear here.
Sorry, I am just now catching up reading on the forum.
I apologize, I did not intend to speak about the variance as a fact. I was not told anything about any acceptable variance regarding the BB concentration from the chemist I use.
I was told once or read once that a sample sent to two different analytical labs could have results that were approximately 2% (I think) different from each other; and it would be an acceptable variance.

It could have actually been 0.2%; I honestly cannot remember. That is why I mentioned that you would be better able to speak about it.

Absolute vs. relative= I have absolutely no idea.

I only asked my chemist if the BB test could be done, and how much it would cost. The rest was directly from my own, possibly mistaken, memory of conversations regarding variations in analytical labs and methods.
I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.
Sorry, I am just now catching up reading on the forum.
I apologize, I did not intend to speak about the variance as a fact. I was not told anything about any acceptable variance regarding the BB concentration from the chemist I use.
I was told once or read once that a sample sent to two different analytical labs could have results that were approximately 2% (I think) different from each other; and it would be an acceptable variance.

It could have actually been 0.2%; I honestly cannot remember. That is why I mentioned that you would be better able to speak about it.

Absolute vs. relative= I have absolutely no idea.

I only asked my chemist if the BB test could be done, and how much it would cost. The rest was directly from my own, possibly mistaken, memory of conversations regarding variations in analytical labs and methods.
I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.
Nothing to worry about, really.
Sorry, I am just now catching up reading on the forum.
I apologize, I did not intend to speak about the variance as a fact. I was not told anything about any acceptable variance regarding the BB concentration from the chemist I use.
I was told once or read once that a sample sent to two different analytical labs could have results that were approximately 2% (I think) different from each other; and it would be an acceptable variance.

It could have actually been 0.2%; I honestly cannot remember. That is why I mentioned that you would be better able to speak about it.

Absolute vs. relative= I have absolutely no idea.

I only asked my chemist if the BB test could be done, and how much it would cost. The rest was directly from my own, possibly mistaken, memory of conversations regarding variations in analytical labs and methods.
I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.

No worries W&M the BB was related to the sample with Deca in the Bold Cyp and we were trying to see if there was any mixing of the sample.

But that appears to be the least of the worries at this point. Degraded rubber stoppers are popping up, except that’s manageable to a point. Some guys are reporting longer than normal delays in packs landing. Ok. And oh I don’t know, um, oh yea, the whole missing @Trenity seems to be a real big concern now.
I ordered March 1st, received my pack a little less than a week after that. Just some Test400. Haven't tried it yet

Well I placed a large order. Not gonna say how much but it was large. I received part of my order last week. He said there was a hiccup with my order being so large. And had to send the rest which should have been here yesterday. Nothing came. It's been 2 weeks now.
From what I have been reading. He hasn’t be active on his own thread longer than the TA should even take.
Well I placed a large order. Not gonna say how much but it was large. I received part of my order last week. He said there was a hiccup with my order being so large. And had to send the rest which should have been here yesterday. Nothing came. It's been 2 weeks now.
Well I placed a large order. Not gonna say how much but it was large. I received part of my order last week. He said there was a hiccup with my order being so large. And had to send the rest which should have been here yesterday. Nothing came. It's been 2 weeks now.
He’s been MIA for a week now.