Pristine Anabolics Intro

How long did you Run his DHB for? I am currently on week 4 @400mg a week. I don't know what to contribute my results to as my diet and workout routine has drastically changed since the new year so i credit most of my progress to that. I think it is working haha, first time using it, so was just expecting the strength gains and endurance increase which is currently happening. BUT the strength could be from the 75mg Of winny(different vendor) and the endurance could be from the GW501516 and increased cardio. Too many variables to get a clear cut answer. Which is my fault, if i wanted to see how good his DHB was, I should of just ran it with test, but nahh fuck that.

I ran it about 9 weeks at 1cc eod
Were both DHB runs from the same guy? or was the time you dosed it at 450mg a week from a different vendor and this time around you used Trinity at a lesser dose and felt disappointing?
i'm running 300 mg a week, doing it's job
I didn't get any. My results were impressive as well. Grew alot, and hardened up alot without really adding anything to my workout. Very impressive stuff
It's defiantly there, but nothing drastic. No crippling feeling like some of the reviews I have read. I can't really compare it to much as the only other oils I've used are TestE/C and Tren A/E in the past which for the most part are pipless.
Thank you gentlemen
Hate to do this guys, I really tried, but that’s it for me.

After the inactivity, unresponsiveness to requests for a testing plan, and nothing back on the existing issue I was still trying to be a loyal customer because he’s done well for me.

Yesterday I discovered that two of the vials I was using (test and EQ) were holding rubber bits of the stopper. It appears the grey stoppers are of significantly lower quality as even the ones that aren’t literally dropping cutouts of rubber into my gear show wear and tear far too quickly (visible pin marks, bulging, deformation, etc). Sent an email, got a response in a couple hours with that was essentially “wow that’s no good” and then nothing. It’s been 2 days now.

If I hadn’t noticed, I would’ve pinned a piece of stopper.

I’ve been doing this atleast long enough to know I don’t abuse stoppers badly enough for this to be on me; orange stoppers are in fact some of the best I’ve seen. Oh well.

I just looked at my bottle of DHB and noticed the rubber bits in the bottom. Have to say this is a first for me. Never had this happen. My other bottle crashed but that’s manageable. Idk what to think..
Can you please elaborate on what it’s doinf? What else are you running with it?
test c 400 a week, getting definition and vascularity like no tomorrow. It's like anavar times 10. Considering my diet is nothing special, though I tend to eat clean, and maintaining a steady workout pace, I've been very impressed.
test c 400 a week, getting definition and vascularity like no tomorrow. It's like anavar times 10. Considering my diet is nothing special, though I tend to eat clean, and maintaining a steady workout pace, I've been very impressed.
Oh, I'm running 2 iu's of hgh a day, could be part of things as well
test c 400 a week, getting definition and vascularity like no tomorrow. It's like anavar times 10. Considering my diet is nothing special, though I tend to eat clean, and maintaining a steady workout pace, I've been very impressed.
How long are you
Running dhb for, and when Did you start seeing results?
I just looked at my bottle of DHB and noticed the rubber bits in the bottom. Have to say this is a first for me. Never had this happen. My other bottle crashed but that’s manageable. Idk what to think..
Ok guys yes it’s a present problem and I’m sure a lot of gear for him to deal with opening possibilities of contamination but here’s what you do ..peptidescience sells a variety of things peptides and bottles is one of them and their bottles are pretty good so if you have unused gear stored go ahead pick up as many bottles as you have of gear from there and a pin one time in leaving the needle in extract whats in there into the new bottle that you pin once leaving needle installed as well transferring the fluid from one to the other and that will solve this problem because I believe that the gear is OK but not having particles that is not OK so it’s a one time shot to extract what’s in the there out and his stoppers will hold up long enough for you to accomplish this very safely and then you can store your gear and you don’t have to worry about it falling apart and things of that nature these empty new bottles you receive are highly professionally disinfected heated ect and I’m sure there’s probably a bit of bacteriostatic water in them of some sort .. yes it’s a pain in the ass but if you’ve ever gotten those Sacketts that’s what you’d want to do or to leave them in syringe is an option but I preferred to extract and reinstall in bottles.. now this has to be resolved before any more gear is distributed. Point blank .. what’s not good is the likelihood that it just gets transferred with a different top I like it to be disinfected and the whole process done from start to finish absolutely professional from the start -having to go back over gear that’s when you have problems .. for those that don’t wanna throw it away this is an option and an option that I have chosen to use over throwing it out but that’s not for everybody I live slightly on the edge.. I hope this helps and at least gives options
Ok guys yes it’s a present problem and I’m sure a lot of gear for him to deal with opening possibilities of contamination but here’s what you do ..peptidescience sells a variety of things peptides and bottles is one of them and their bottles are pretty good so if you have unused gear stored go ahead pick up as many bottles as you have of gear from there and a pin one time in leaving the needle in extract whats in there into the new bottle that you pin once leaving needle installed as well transferring the fluid from one to the other and that will solve this problem because I believe that the gear is OK but not having particles that is not OK so it’s a one time shot to extract what’s in the there out and his stoppers will hold up long enough for you to accomplish this very safely and then you can store your gear and you don’t have to worry about it falling apart and things of that nature these empty new bottles you receive are highly professionally disinfected heated ect and I’m sure there’s probably a bit of bacteriostatic water in them of some sort .. yes it’s a pain in the ass but if you’ve ever gotten those Sacketts that’s what you’d want to do or to leave them in syringe is an option but I preferred to extract and reinstall in bottles.. now this has to be resolved before any more gear is distributed. Point blank .. what’s not good is the likelihood that it just gets transferred with a different top I like it to be disinfected and the whole process done from start to finish absolutely professional from the start -having to go back over gear that’s when you have problems .. for those that don’t wanna throw it away this is an option and an option that I have chosen to use over throwing it out but that’s not for everybody I live slightly on the edge.. I hope this helps and at least gives options

Use a syringe filter too... along with punctuation! But the syringe filter makes it safe and you won’t have to live on the edge.
Use a syringe filter too... along with punctuation! But the syringe filter makes it safe and you won’t have to live on the edge.
Hey What’s up with the syringe filter I’m dumb in that area so maybe that is even one step better I mean does it have a filter in it? God I a hate asking stupid questions but you know I find in my life as long as I never ask I simply never learned so therefore years and years go by and it never got answered so I’d be like slot older and still not knowing and then when they found out I never knew they just looked at me like I was a complete idiot .. where do you get A syringe with a filter in it and if people were getting pharmaceutical stuff which is the only stuff that should be used when you buying it from a pharmacy wouldnt the pharmacy say what the hell do you need a filter for what are you talking about ...HELP HELP BIGBOLDTUFFGUY where,how,clueless
Hey What’s up with the syringe filter I’m dumb in that area so maybe that is even one step better I mean does it have a filter in it? God I a hate asking stupid questions but you know I find in my life as long as I never ask I simply never learned so therefore years and years go by and it never got answered so I’d be like slot older and still not knowing and then when they found out I never knew they just looked at me like I was a complete idiot .. where do you get A syringe with a filter in it and if people were getting pharmaceutical stuff which is the only stuff that should be used when you buying it from a pharmacy wouldnt the pharmacy say what the hell do you need a filter for what are you talking about ...HELP HELP BIGBOLDTUFFGUY where,how,clueless

Cmon I was trying to help you and you close by insulting my handle?
Hey What’s up with the syringe filter I’m dumb in that area so maybe that is even one step better I mean does it have a filter in it? God I a hate asking stupid questions but you know I find in my life as long as I never ask I simply never learned so therefore years and years go by and it never got answered so I’d be like slot older and still not knowing and then when they found out I never knew they just looked at me like I was a complete idiot .. where do you get A syringe with a filter in it and if people were getting pharmaceutical stuff which is the only stuff that should be used when you buying it from a pharmacy wouldnt the pharmacy say what the hell do you need a filter for what are you talking about ...HELP HELP BIGBOLDTUFFGUY where,how,clueless

I believe the proper term would be “filter needle”
Anyone have any problem receiving from these guys
Never had a problem ordering from @Trenity before but placed an order recently which has encountered a problem of which I don’t believe is my business to place on here however I am still awaiting it’s arrival, will post on here upon arrival (hopefully won’t be too much longer)