Pristine Anabolics Intro

Hate to do this guys, I really tried, but that’s it for me.

After the inactivity, unresponsiveness to requests for a testing plan, and nothing back on the existing issue I was still trying to be a loyal customer because he’s done well for me.

Yesterday I discovered that two of the vials I was using (test and EQ) were holding rubber bits of the stopper. It appears the grey stoppers are of significantly lower quality as even the ones that aren’t literally dropping cutouts of rubber into my gear show wear and tear far too quickly (visible pin marks, bulging, deformation, etc). Sent an email, got a response in a couple hours with that was essentially “wow that’s no good” and then nothing. It’s been 2 days now.

If I hadn’t noticed, I would’ve pinned a piece of stopper.

I’ve been doing this atleast long enough to know I don’t abuse stoppers badly enough for this to be on me; orange stoppers are in fact some of the best I’ve seen. Oh well.
Exact same thing happened to me (not with pristine) even while using 23g to draw with. We should expect sources to be using stoppers that hold up but from here on out I'm taking others advice and using syringe filters. I couldn't imagine what would happen if you injected pieces of rubber into your muscle tissue.
Wow, that's not good. :D:p

So walk us through the process. What gauge needle are you drawing with? How many times did you draw before you noticed the first pieces of stopper showing up?
Only just noticed the specks this time, but by the time I did there were already 4-5 in there. Shame on me. 20g draw pin at an angle to prevent this exact issue. The stopper bulging started only a few pins in.

Like I said, the orange stoppers are grade A, best I’ve ever used. Seem indestructible.
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Hate to do this guys, I really tried, but that’s it for me.

After the inactivity, unresponsiveness to requests for a testing plan, and nothing back on the existing issue I was still trying to be a loyal customer because he’s done well for me.

Yesterday I discovered that two of the vials I was using (test and EQ) were holding rubber bits of the stopper. It appears the grey stoppers are of significantly lower quality as even the ones that aren’t literally dropping cutouts of rubber into my gear show wear and tear far too quickly (visible pin marks, bulging, deformation, etc). Sent an email, got a response in a couple hours with that was essentially “wow that’s no good” and then nothing. It’s been 2 days now.

If I hadn’t noticed, I would’ve pinned a piece of stopper.

I’ve been doing this atleast long enough to know I don’t abuse stoppers badly enough for this to be on me; orange stoppers are in fact some of the best I’ve seen. Oh well.
Fug dat.
Hate to do this guys, I really tried, but that’s it for me.

After the inactivity, unresponsiveness to requests for a testing plan, and nothing back on the existing issue I was still trying to be a loyal customer because he’s done well for me.

Yesterday I discovered that two of the vials I was using (test and EQ) were holding rubber bits of the stopper. It appears the grey stoppers are of significantly lower quality as even the ones that aren’t literally dropping cutouts of rubber into my gear show wear and tear far too quickly (visible pin marks, bulging, deformation, etc). Sent an email, got a response in a couple hours with that was essentially “wow that’s no good” and then nothing. It’s been 2 days now.

If I hadn’t noticed, I would’ve pinned a piece of stopper.

I’ve been doing this atleast long enough to know I don’t abuse stoppers badly enough for this to be on me; orange stoppers are in fact some of the best I’ve seen. Oh well.

Yeah that’s a no from me. I’ve had bottles with 5+ mls left and have chunks in it. Such a waste.
Hate to do this guys, I really tried, but that’s it for me.

After the inactivity, unresponsiveness to requests for a testing plan, and nothing back on the existing issue I was still trying to be a loyal customer because he’s done well for me.

Yesterday I discovered that two of the vials I was using (test and EQ) were holding rubber bits of the stopper. It appears the grey stoppers are of significantly lower quality as even the ones that aren’t literally dropping cutouts of rubber into my gear show wear and tear far too quickly (visible pin marks, bulging, deformation, etc). Sent an email, got a response in a couple hours with that was essentially “wow that’s no good” and then nothing. It’s been 2 days now.

If I hadn’t noticed, I would’ve pinned a piece of stopper.

I’ve been doing this atleast long enough to know I don’t abuse stoppers badly enough for this to be on me; orange stoppers are in fact some of the best I’ve seen. Oh well.
I also noticed some pieces of stopper in a vial of test prop, after bout three weeks, so roughly 12 pins maybe less, threw it in the garbage....but I was using 20g to draw till recently.
Somehow I didn't even notice the change from the orange stoppers to the new grey. Will definitely keep my eye on my new vials. I've only pinned the new stopper twice so far. No floaties but it is bulging as mac said.

@Trenity I've always been one to think your lesser presence wasnt an issue usually but its been a while with no update on testing or anything for that matter. Even if the results aren't available yet, what's going on man? Where you been?
Here are my reviews so far of pristine’s products:

Test P - as expected
Test E - as expected
Anavar - as expected
Tren A - as expected
Masteron P - as expected

DHB 100 - I’ve used this before at 450 mg per week. It was very strong. I ran his at 300 mg per week and didn’t get the same results as last time. Could be I was running less of it. Somewhat expected more.

NPP 150 - First time using it. Didn’t notice anything major. 150 mg EOD. Expected a bit more.

Just sharing my experience.
How long did you Run his DHB for? I am currently on week 4 @400mg a week. I don't know what to contribute my results to as my diet and workout routine has drastically changed since the new year so i credit most of my progress to that. I think it is working haha, first time using it, so was just expecting the strength gains and endurance increase which is currently happening. BUT the strength could be from the 75mg Of winny(different vendor) and the endurance could be from the GW501516 and increased cardio. Too many variables to get a clear cut answer. Which is my fault, if i wanted to see how good his DHB was, I should of just ran it with test, but nahh fuck that.
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How long did you Run his DHB for? I am currently on week 4 @400mg a week. I don't know what to contribute my results to as my diet and workout routine has drastically changed since the new year so i credit most of my progress to that. I think it is working haha, first time using it, so was just expecting the strength gains and endurance increase which is currently happening. BUT the strength could be from the 75mg Of winny(different vendor) and the endurance could be from the GW501516 and increased cardio. Too many variables to get a clear cut answer. Which is my fault, if i wanted to see how good his DHB was, I should of just ran it with test, but nahh fuck that.
How's the pip from the DHB?
How's the pip from the DHB?
It's defiantly there, but nothing drastic. No crippling feeling like some of the reviews I have read. I can't really compare it to much as the only other oils I've used are TestE/C and Tren A/E in the past which for the most part are pipless.