Pristine Anabolics Intro

What’s funny about his orals is the protein powder fillers. I am in prep and I look forward to opening the capsules and dumping them into my mouth tasting the protein filler. It’s coffee or chocolate flavor. Haha

Right now it is ON chocolate mocha or chocolate peanut butter depending on the oral. The peanut butter flavor is straight up delicious!
Another TD some time ago; multiple packs to multiple addresses. One delayed but quickly resolved. All contents correct.

I think we’re still waiting for a testing plan outline, yes? I wouldn’t be upset if the next raw out the door was the primo coming soon.
Another TD some time ago; multiple packs to multiple addresses. One delayed but quickly resolved. All contents correct.

I think we’re still waiting for a testing plan outline, yes? I wouldn’t be upset if the next raw out the door was the primo coming soon.

It looks like he’s hoping that the whole little Deca Cypionate thing will fade from memory. It’s been a few weeks now anyway. [emoji106]
I've been pinning pristine's test prop for the last four weeks, Tuesday I pinned my quad, the next morning 12hrs later and I haven't been able to f@#king walk literally, it's bad I've been using crutches. Anybody been that bad so quick from prop? This isn't the usual pain it's 10 times worse. It's not red or abscessed either
I've been pinning pristine's test prop for the last four weeks, Tuesday I pinned my quad, the next morning 12hrs later and I haven't been able to f@#king walk literally, it's bad I've been using crutches. Anybody been that bad so quick from prop? This isn't the usual pain it's 10 times worse. It's not red or abscessed either
Sounds like a bad spot if the other ones hve gone well. It happens. Less to do with the product morneto do with the location if it’s the first time it happened.
I've been pinning pristine's test prop for the last four weeks, Tuesday I pinned my quad, the next morning 12hrs later and I haven't been able to f@#king walk literally, it's bad I've been using crutches. Anybody been that bad so quick from prop? This isn't the usual pain it's 10 times worse. It's not red or abscessed either

But how are the gains ?
I've been pinning pristine's test prop for the last four weeks, Tuesday I pinned my quad, the next morning 12hrs later and I haven't been able to f@#king walk literally, it's bad I've been using crutches. Anybody been that bad so quick from prop? This isn't the usual pain it's 10 times worse. It's not red or abscessed either
You know what’s worse? Prop 200, or winny inject.
It’s normal. Keep an eye out for infection though. Did it bleed after you removed the needle?
You know what’s worse? Prop 200, or winny inject.
It’s normal. Keep an eye out for infection though. Did it bleed after you removed the needle?
No, no bleeding really, no more than usual, however there was a little that came back up in the plastic part of the needle after I finished injecting. But none when I aspirated before I injected
And yeah sorry, gains, fat loss, and strength are all up and good, only running 500mg prop week, with dbol, proviron. The scale hasn't really moved much but I'm getting more muscular and grainy
And yeah sorry, gains, fat loss, and strength are all up and good, only running 500mg prop week, with dbol, proviron. The scale hasn't really moved much but I'm getting more muscular and grainy

Right on.

You prob hit a vessel and the internal bleeding is pressing on a nerve. Hurts like a bitch for a few days but just go train some legs and it’ll get better. Every 20-30 pins, I pull the syringe out and blood squirts across the room. Put some pressure on it for a min and go on about my business. Shit happens
No, no bleeding really, no more than usual, however there was a little that came back up in the plastic part of the needle after I finished injecting. But none when I aspirated before I injected
You should be good then. Lay off it for the time being, and you should be good. Take care homie
I've been pinning pristine's test prop for the last four weeks, Tuesday I pinned my quad, the next morning 12hrs later and I haven't been able to f@#king walk literally, it's bad I've been using crutches. Anybody been that bad so quick from prop? This isn't the usual pain it's 10 times worse. It's not red or abscessed either
I believe @Mac11wildcat is right on with his response man. One inch off on my quads can determine no pip or 2-3 days of it. I’m sure it’s just in a bad spot for you, especially if other pins have been smooth. I’ve experienced the same thing that you’re saying here and it sucks lol.
I've been pinning pristine's test prop for the last four weeks, Tuesday I pinned my quad, the next morning 12hrs later and I haven't been able to f@#king walk literally, it's bad I've been using crutches. Anybody been that bad so quick from prop? This isn't the usual pain it's 10 times worse. It's not red or abscessed either
ounds like you hit/pierced a nerve. Give it another day, but seriously try and put some weight on it. Staying off it is not gonna to help you, it’s not a fracture or sprain. By the way, just started using his prop yesterday, and I only put prop in my quads, sustanon in my glutes and masteron in my delts. But his prop went in smooth. His sustanon has a bit of a bite though. If there is no bruise (black/blue) than you DID NOT hit a vein.

ounds like you hit/pierced a nerve. Give it another day, but seriously try and put some weight on it. Staying off it is not gonna to help you, it’s not a fracture or sprain. By the way, just started using his prop yesterday, and I only put prop in my quads, sustanon in my glutes and masteron in my delts. But his prop went in smooth. His sustanon has a bit of a bite though. If there is no bruise (black/blue) than you DID NOT hit a vein.
Yeah glutes really don't hurt at all for me, and yeah I was thinking nerve too, it stung going in but my dumb ass injected anyway, I did go a little higher on my leg than usual, but still within the right area