Pristine Anabolics Intro

No problem man. I really wasn’t trying to make you look like an idiot. If I was I’d be having a lot of fun right now. I just didn’t want anyone else getting confused is all.

I really believe the Deca was put in there on purpose and it sucks that the guy that had the sample tested isn’t on here to clear it up. Maybe he put the Deca in to try to trip Jano up (in which case Jano did well). Who knows though.

But it’s too proportional to be an accidental mess up or cross-contamination by @Trenity.
Did you ever get your answers regarding the BA/BB concentration?
Did you ever get your answers regarding the BA/BB concentration?
I think we were told it wasn’t a good indicator as the accuracy on readings could be far enough apart to skew our impressions of who brewed it, and if there were cross contamination’s.
Did you ever get your answers regarding the BA/BB concentration?

Ah, I really thought I was onto something with that and then W&M checked with his analyst who told him the same tests could be run for BA/BB on the same vials and vary by 2%.

Jano was very cooperative and he and I exchanged a bunch of PMs. @Trenity provided his BA/BB amounts via PM too. But with the 2% accepted variability W&M indicated its impossible to get a concrete conclusion. It’d be speculation.

I don’t think Jano fucked up the testing based on his cooperation and the PMs. I wish BrianNOLA was around to answer
Ah, I really thought I was onto something with that and then W&M checked with his analyst who told him the same tests could be run for BA/BB on the same vials and vary by 2%.

Jano was very cooperative and he and I exchanged a bunch of PMs. @Trenity provided his BA/BB amounts via PM too. But with the 2% accepted variability W&M indicated its impossible to get a concrete conclusion. It’d be speculation.

I don’t think Jano fucked up the testing based on his cooperation and the PMs. I wish BrianNOLA was around to answer
He’ll be back soon enough
Our other options aren’t any more likely than Jano fucking a test up.

There will probably not be a concensus reached because there’s not going to be any traceability. Only if it happens again do we have anywhere to go with it...
Ok. This is ridiculous. From now on Tren is only guna make one product.

It’s called “The Secret Sauce”
And its:
50mg of test
25mg DHB
25mg deca
25mg EQ
25mg tren
25mg mast e
50mg primo

3CCs EOD. No more confusion. Then we’ll see if Jano’s real.

Bro, the super secret shill sauce was supposed to stay between us! Now I'm gonna have to make another batch. I think it needs more deca though :cool:
Ah, I really thought I was onto something with that and then W&M checked with his analyst who told him the same tests could be run for BA/BB on the same vials and vary by 2%.

Jano was very cooperative and he and I exchanged a bunch of PMs. @Trenity provided his BA/BB amounts via PM too. But with the 2% accepted variability W&M indicated its impossible to get a concrete conclusion. It’d be speculation.

I don’t think Jano fucked up the testing based on his cooperation and the PMs. I wish BrianNOLA was around to answer

Oh, it didn't occur to me that he'd have that high variance with BA/BB, not sure why, I have to admit, and I'm scared to ask.

I ran a retest just now and deca is still clearly there. I'm relieved to be honest because I was starting to question my own sanity.

I'm talking about W&M's chemist having that high margin of error, if he means absolute numbers, not relative. (+-2% absolute is 16-20% total BB for example, while if it was relative, then it would be 17.64 - 18.36% )

I assumed he meant absolute, because with relative error it would not be a problem for the purpose that BBBG wanted it for.

Not sure if I'm being clear here.
place an order.... send payment.... don’t expect anything else..hope your gears better then your communication..

That's all that's really necessary. Does anyone need a daily update on their pack? If so, you mother fuckas is too needy.

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Wait patiently. Two weeks goes by? Raise a stink.

Beyond that, sources don't want to hold a customer's hand and sure don't want to talk about the weather. Meso sources have many customers, not all of them participate, so it's far more than just the dudes in the thread. Keep all that in mind.