Pristine Anabolics Intro

@Robby550 this right here ^^^
Right I get that I'm just thinking that a reshipper is for raw. There shouldn't be anyone touching finished product other than PA. His hands to the mailbox to me. Any other way is just one more person in the mix and one more process that I feel would only hinder things. Me personally I'd keep as tight a ship as possible. Any time you add a person to an illegal op it gets a lil more flimsy. At this point I'm rambling. Sry. Lol
Right I get that I'm just thinking that a reshipper is for raw. There shouldn't be anyone touching finished product other than PA. His hands to the mailbox to me. Any other way is just one more person in the mix and one more process that I feel would only hinder things. Me personally I'd keep as tight a ship as possible. Any time you add a person to an illegal op it gets a lil more flimsy. At this point I'm rambling. Sry. Lol

A reshipper can be a good line of defense in the opsec. But I’ve also seen them become an excuse when things go wrong. Gives the source someone else to shift the blame towards.
Right I get that I'm just thinking that a reshipper is for raw. There shouldn't be anyone touching finished product other than PA. His hands to the mailbox to me. Any other way is just one more person in the mix and one more process that I feel would only hinder things. Me personally I'd keep as tight a ship as possible. Any time you add a person to an illegal op it gets a lil more flimsy. At this point I'm rambling. Sry. Lol
Several sources have used this method. As @Iron Vett mentioned above it has its good and bad that comes along with it. It’s a good question to ask any source if they use this method (along with many other questions one might have) when one is considering on a source/lab to order from.
@Iron Vett @bolder
I see what you guys mean now. I'm kinda slow sometimes. I've just lost faith in people being solid and if it was me I would have the fewest people possible. Just takes 1 person say something stupid or try to "show off" and all involved are FUKD." And all your "solid" friends are now co-defendants. Btw I'm just speaking in hypotheticals. I think PA is doing pretty good really IMO. I'm hoping things come together for him in light of recent events. Just so many variables prob never know where deca came from.
Yes all at once pre workout. It has a 9 hour half life and my first bodybuilding coach had me taking it this way. It honestly makes more sense to take 25 mg every 8 hours. But I like it pre workout.
Guys I wanted to interject real quick, upon the news regard trenity's DHB results, thoughts started flying frivolously through my mind, and I obviously voiced them here on the forum. The comment I made about his winstrol, needs to be retracted. Reason being is that I woke up this morning feeling so fucking solid, I was started laughing. I felt like a moron . As I looked in the mirror I heard this little voice, and although I have ever spoken to trenity on the telephone or in person, this voice said,"I am trenity, and I told you so!!! " Anyhow just thought I would let you guys know my bad, his winny is g2g in my book
Guys I wanted to interject real quick, upon the news regard trenity's DHB results, thoughts started flying frivolously through my mind, and I obviously voiced them here on the forum. The comment I made about his winstrol, needs to be retracted. Reason being is that I woke up this morning feeling so fucking solid, I was started laughing. I felt like a moron . As I looked in the mirror I heard this little voice, and although I have ever spoken to trenity on the telephone or in person, this voice said,"I am trenity, and I told you so!!! " Anyhow just thought I would let you guys know my bad, his winny is g2g in my book

What’s wrong with his DHB??? What news??