Pristine Anabolics Intro

I just want to leave a short review of my recent order, it was my first with PA. Shipping was delayed a few days but still landed in just over a week. When I emailed him he let me know it was going to be delayed and that he added in some extra goodies for the inconvenience; I was perfectly fine with that. I was missing one pack of winny when it came, he got back to me quickly, told me what happened and said a separate pack was already dropped and on the way with it; it came today. All in all I'm happy, sometimes shit happens but he always got back to me fairly quickly, enough that I never worried, and made up for the hiccups. Even more important is he now has my trust that if something happens he'll make it right; that goes a long way with me.
That’s what I kind of figured he meant but Bold Cyp and DHB are two DIFFERENT compounds so he should be careful what he’s posting.
with all do respect, I am very well aware of what i posted and was correct in what i said. its not fair for YOU to try and make me sound like an idiot because you havent been fallowing the thread closely.
dude that is a totally different situation in which you are talking about, once again your attempt to make me look like an idiot is a failure. Recent test result showed Dhb had trace amt of deca. Do your homework guy. I am not talking about your little bold cyp/tren issue. I was trying to be respectful to trenity because all signs are pointing to set up. by the're excused
dude that is a totally different situation in which you are talking about, once again your attempt to make me look like an idiot is a failure. Recent test result showed Dhb had trace amt of deca. Do your homework guy. I am not talking about your little bold cyp/tren issue. I was trying to be respectful to trenity because all signs are pointing to set up. by the're excused

Dude. I don’t know why you’re being so defensive. If I’m wrong I’m wrong but.... I think you may be wrong. I wasn’t trying to make you look like an idiot. I just want the record straight here.

dude that is a totally different situation in which you are talking about, once again your attempt to make me look like an idiot is a failure. Recent test result showed Dhb had trace amt of deca. Do your homework guy. I am not talking about your little bold cyp/tren issue. I was trying to be respectful to trenity because all signs are pointing to set up. by the're excused
I thought bold had the deca in it?
dude that is a totally different situation in which you are talking about, once again your attempt to make me look like an idiot is a failure. Recent test result showed Dhb had trace amt of deca. Do your homework guy. I am not talking about your little bold cyp/tren issue. I was trying to be respectful to trenity because all signs are pointing to set up. by the're excused

You're confused or replying too hastily. Trenitys DHB came back with trace amounts of tren in it quite a while ago.

His bold cyp "came back" with a sizable amount of deca in it. I use quotes since the validity of that test is highly suspect.

Chill when arguing with others here and make sure you are indeed correct before being so adamant.
Ok. This is ridiculous. From now on Tren is only guna make one product.

It’s called “The Secret Sauce”
And its:
50mg of test
25mg DHB
25mg deca
25mg EQ
25mg tren
25mg mast e
50mg primo

3CCs EOD. No more confusion. Then we’ll see if Jano’s real.
Ok. This is ridiculous. From now on Tren is only guna make one product.

It’s called “The Secret Sauce”
And its:
50mg of test
25mg DHB
25mg deca
25mg EQ
25mg tren
25mg mast e
50mg primo

3CCs EOD. No more confusion. Then we’ll see if Jano’s real.
Lol, he doesn’t even carry Primo yet!!!
dude that is a totally different situation in which you are talking about, once again your attempt to make me look like an idiot is a failure. Recent test result showed Dhb had trace amt of deca. Do your homework guy. I am not talking about your little bold cyp/tren issue. I was trying to be respectful to trenity because all signs are pointing to set up. by the're excused
Don’t get defensive. I learned the hard way :)
yeah my bad.

No problem man. I really wasn’t trying to make you look like an idiot. If I was I’d be having a lot of fun right now. I just didn’t want anyone else getting confused is all.

I really believe the Deca was put in there on purpose and it sucks that the guy that had the sample tested isn’t on here to clear it up. Maybe he put the Deca in to try to trip Jano up (in which case Jano did well). Who knows though.

But it’s too proportional to be an accidental mess up or cross-contamination by @Trenity.