Pristine Anabolics Intro

They make both. For an entire bottle I would assume BBBG was talking about a syringe filter. Goes between syringe and needle. Brewers use them for smaller batches.

Possibly so. I came into the thread while there was talk of stopper material in vials which a filter needle would do a great job at removing. Now if he was wanting to filter for sterilization then of course that would definitely require a .22 syringe filter
Possibly so. I came into the thread while there was talk of stopper material in vials which a filter needle would do a great job at removing. Now if he was wanting to filter for sterilization then of course that would definitely require a .22 syringe filter
Orrrrr you can just throw it all away and buy more!!.... :eek::rolleyes:
Orrrrr you can just throw it all away and buy more!!.... :eek::rolleyes:

I can’t figure out why these guys can’t see that any rubber bits that break off always sink to the bottom and if you have your needle stuck in the upside down bottle drawing, as long as you're not barely sticking it in to get the last few drops, you have a snowballs chance in hell of sucking any of it up
I can’t figure out why these guys can’t see that any rubber bits that break off always sink to the bottom and if you have your needle stuck in the upside down bottle drawing, as long as you're not barely sticking it in to get the last few drops, you have a snowballs chance in hell of sucking any of it up

Probably the best point made yet.
I can’t figure out why these guys can’t see that any rubber bits that break off always sink to the bottom and if you have your needle stuck in the upside down bottle drawing, as long as you're not barely sticking it in to get the last few drops, you have a snowballs chance in hell of sucking any of it up
You shouldn't have to do that, why not just use stoppers that don't have issues? Not only that but it's possible there are smaller piece throughout the vial that aren't visible. I'm not paying for a 10mL bottle so I can leave .5mL inside of it and possibly draw pieces that aren't visible without magnification.
You shouldn't have to do that, why not just use stoppers that don't have issues? Not only that but it's possible there are smaller piece throughout the vial that aren't visible. I'm not paying for a 10mL bottle so I can leave .5mL inside of it and possibly draw pieces that aren't visible without magnification.

You didn’t pay for any of your vials anyway
You shouldn't have to do that, why not just use stoppers that don't have issues? Not only that but it's possible there are smaller piece throughout the vial that aren't visible. I'm not paying for a 10mL bottle so I can leave .5mL inside of it and possibly draw pieces that aren't visible without magnification.

Man shit happens....
Cmon I was trying to help you and you close by insulting my handle?
OH SHIT NO BRO !!!! No no fuck no shit apologies my phone did a correct and I simply just didn’t pay no mind to it absentmindedly ... thanks for calling that out now this is the first thread that I read oh Lord I hope it doesn’t get worse
Man shit happens....
Of course, and I understand that. If I was forced to use gear with pieces of particulates, I would just filter it before hand. I got some awesome advice and recently picked up some needle filters just in case I ever encounter this issue again. Needle filters are also a good idea if you are drawing from amps.
I can’t figure out why these guys can’t see that any rubber bits that break off always sink to the bottom and if you have your needle stuck in the upside down bottle drawing, as long as you're not barely sticking it in to get the last few drops, you have a snowballs chance in hell of sucking any of it up
Yea good point because really years ago we would get equipoise and finajet veterinarian anabolic‘s they would only come in 50cc bottles and after that many stabs you always get little particles in your juice and no one I knew paid any mind to it it was just part of it ..after you use it that many times you have a breakdown of the rubber tearing it was the norm for the 50cc bottles not so much with the 10cc bottles seems a bit premature
Never had a problem ordering from @Trenity before but placed an order recently which has encountered a problem of which I don’t believe is my business to place on here however I am still awaiting it’s arrival, will post on here upon arrival (hopefully won’t be too much longer)
Hey mine is taking way longer than normal he seems to not be on his game which always leads to trouble hope all is good ...
OH SHIT NO BRO !!!! No no fuck no shit apologies my phone did a correct and I simply just didn’t pay no mind to it absentmindedly ... thanks for calling that out now this is the first thread that I read oh Lord I hope it doesn’t get worse
Ha... no chance that was an auto correct
I can’t figure out why these guys can’t see that any rubber bits that break off always sink to the bottom and if you have your needle stuck in the upside down bottle drawing, as long as you're not barely sticking it in to get the last few drops, you have a snowballs chance in hell of sucking any of it up
Exactly right!
Common sense can go a long way in ones life, but it astounds me how many people do not have this trait.

But dumbasses and newbies do have options;
1) throw away your gear and never use any gear for the rest of your life!
2) buy sterile vials and sterile .22 syringe filters and refilter and revial the gear.
3) buy and keep on hand filter needles just in case and for amps to ensure no glass gets in your syringe (That’s what there made for!)
4) be a member here at meso and don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t know (that’s what we’re all here for! Lol)
If this sounds rude in any way then just blame it on the titty Tren! :cool::p
Never had a problem ordering from @Trenity before but placed an order recently which has encountered a problem of which I don’t believe is my business to place on here however I am still awaiting it’s arrival, will post on here upon arrival (hopefully won’t be too much longer)
I wont go into detail but I'm in the same boat no response on questioning email either ....just wanted to know if I was tripping but thanks
Now might be a good time for one of our vets to post a “do not buy until further notice” but I haven’t seen it yet, surprisingly. This has the makings of an exit written all over it.
Now might be a good time for one of our vets to post a “do not buy until further notice” but I haven’t seen it yet, surprisingly. This has the makings of an exit written all over it.
Not gonna argue with this logic. Things are not looking good right now and I would caution anyone to hold off buying until @Trenity comes back and addresses things.
Ha... no chance that was an auto correct
I hear yea but I did not
LMAO, right?
t-bagger not funny !!! I can’t even find what da f I said but my intent wasn’t to butcher his handle so I assume my phone does it’s usual f up shit it occasionally does ...bad people ..what’s up.. you guys are like an assault squadron.. yeah let me just ask a question innocently is like going in for the firing squad -fuckn love it nothing but straight up ALPHA MALES .. i’m pretty fucking brutal but you guys got me beat