Pristine Anabolics Intro

Ok so what other sources on here are good to go? Fuck it's a pain in the ass having to do this shit. Lol
Someone got bumped for saying a source never saw that before screen did something crazy ..ya there is another just look
Someone got bumped for saying a source never saw that before screen did something crazy ..ya there is another just look

Whaaaa!? Are you referring to my post that i deleted? It sounded funny when i typed it out, then after posting it, it didn't seem all that funny.
Well here is the part of my order that I got.
Tried to upload it to this site. But it wouldn't fully upload. So hope imgur is ok....
I just hope this isn't an army of "UnSullieds" standing outside my walls. GOT reference. If u don't get it. Lol UnSullieds have no balls or cocks.

I'm still missing most of my orals and the "freebies" he told me he sent to make up for the delay.
So I emailed him about the bold deca thing and he explained the whole situation. Made total sense to me. So I took a chance on him and ordered a large order. 50plus vials and 30 plus orals.... I got a good size of the oils and a small amount of the orals.

But like someone mentioned he very well may have sent me what he had left and bounced. Cause his last email to me was other pack should be Monday (yesterday) and we are shutting down for the weekend or alittle more to recoup and catch up on what was causing delays for us. So he very may well be telling the truth about having issues and needing to stop for a bit and I very may well get the rest of my stuff this week. When he said should be Monday I assume he was looking at the tracking. But I guess I was wrong. Cause now it's Weds. On the USPS cycle. Cause today has passed. So officially 2 weeks since my payment. Fuck. Never been part of an issue like this. Always got lucky. Lol.

Bro, I’m sorry to break it to you but a 50 vial order is not a very large order and should have been able to be filled with no problem by this guy. I probably could have filled it out of my personal stash. With the use of an excuse of running out of vials, I think this dude bounced.
And you can’t find a source with tested raws and tested products here?

Haven't tried. I went to SST first. Then came here. Cause my source was out of stock. Found Trenity and he's been good. So I stuck with him. Haven't researched any other ones. I'm sure I can. Me saying I'm over there too. Wasn't a shot at this forum.
Bro, I’m sorry to break it to you but a 50 vial order is not a very large order and should have been able to be filled with no problem by this guy. I probably could have filled it out of my personal stash. With the use of an excuse of running out of vials, I think this dude bounced.

Lol well sorry a 50 vial oral and 30 plus oral order is a large order imo.
Lol well sorry a 50 vial oral and 30 plus oral order is a large order imo.

I’m sorry but I didn’t mean a large order to you. I meant that is not a large order for a source to fill. I guess I could have worded that a bit better.

