Pristine Anabolics Intro

You may be in luck… I heard he wanted to go over to SST

Yeah that does no good because if he does move he will be rebranded. I'm not losing faith yet. He disappeared earlier in this thread and came back and took care of everyone. He is a family man and I still believe that we could all be freaking out when he has some sort of life circumstance preventing communication and orders.
I'm a hopeless optimist

Yeah well that sucks. Even so I'm not losing all hope of getting my pack. It's too early. I csnt not give him the benefit of the doubt at this point

Optimism is good and I hope he really is a family man, because it takes a real low life to use imaginary sick kids as a reason to screw people.

You do know what a shill is, right?

Yeah I may have been exit scammed but he wants lying about his kid. As as a respirstory therapist I know there is certain terminology that only we as RTs or sick patients would know. These are things you cant just google or fake.

Post this POS’ info all over SST

What exactly are you posting?

Oh and tell him don’t get into the meso car without his seatbelt on! It’s not a smooth ride so if he comes he better be prepared!

Ah, misread you the first time - thought you were looking to post Pristine’s info all over SST. Probably not the best thing to do (posting your source’s info here) bitmyou can ask @Millard Baker what he thinks.

Yea man I'm not gonna post he he agrees it's not a good idea either. Was just offering. Doesn't wanna make me look bad

Imo it’s probably best for the source to do it himself. I’m just trying to save you some grief and give some helpful advice. Do not associate yourself with any source! If that source or any source does what Pristine has done here and you vouch for that source, then you will be the scapegoat! And you can kiss your member handle goodbye... it’s just a bad idea all around!

Yea I'm not gonna post it. He just offered to help. He's done it a few times when other sources bounced before on other board . It's all good.

Totally didn't mean to shill. I am not a shill. Was just trying to help guys out that got screwed. Cause someone asked it another source would step up and help.

I repeat. If it came across as shilling I apologize. I'm not in anyway trying to shill lol

Have no clue why it quoted all of those random ones lol
This is absolutely horrible. Hate being in this shit ..ive been so lucky ..i too have had many personal conversations with the guy and sent more than I care to share over time and I even thanked him with my last order "which it looks like isnt coming" for always being straight with me and honorable. And even posted bloods of his shit a while ago. I just don't understand how some of these sources can be so cutthroat after building a good relationship with them. I really hope he comes back cause he has always had good gear and looked out ,but its not looking like I can keep my fingers crossed . On another note I checked on SST just to see if there was a new source that popped up there or they were having issues like this and it looks like packs for assquatch arent landing and he lowerd his minimum on the 5th or so and hes not answering emails. Maybee it's the same fucking guy? Conspiracy time...
This is absolutely horrible. Hate being in this shit ..ive been so lucky ..i too have had many personal conversations with the guy and sent more than I care to share over time and I even thanked him with my last order "which it looks like isnt coming" for always being straight with me and honorable. And even posted bloods of his shit a while ago. I just don't understand how some of these sources can be so cutthroat after building a good relationship with them. I really hope he comes back cause he has always had good gear and looked out ,but its not looking like I can keep my fingers crossed . On another note I checked on SST just to see if there was a new source that popped up there or they were having issues like this and it looks like packs for assquatch arent landing and he lowerd his minimum on the 5th or so and hes not answering emails. Maybee it's the same fucking guy? Conspiracy time...
The truth of the matter is that sources do not care about anyone. They are here to benefit from you, I, and others! People should learn that sources are not your friend. It’s business! It’s fine to be friendly and all on the threads but in the end when the choice is you or them, they always choose themselves!

Treat every source as a business and keep your feelings out of it then maybe your feelings won’t be hurt like a “friend” did you wrong... I’m speaking in general not directing it at anyone. :)
This is absolutely horrible. Hate being in this shit ..ive been so lucky ..i too have had many personal conversations with the guy and sent more than I care to share over time and I even thanked him with my last order "which it looks like isnt coming" for always being straight with me and honorable. And even posted bloods of his shit a while ago. I just don't understand how some of these sources can be so cutthroat after building a good relationship with them. I really hope he comes back cause he has always had good gear and looked out ,but its not looking like I can keep my fingers crossed . On another note I checked on SST just to see if there was a new source that popped up there or they were having issues like this and it looks like packs for assquatch arent landing and he lowerd his minimum on the 5th or so and hes not answering emails. Maybee it's the same fucking guy? Conspiracy time...
There was a theory going around that maybe this ass hat (Pristine) branched off of Sas... maybe this was Jay. He has the same piss poor customer service as Assquatch.
I wouldn’t make any orders for the next few weeks from anyone. Just in case Pristine handed over a list of clients to LE, and now they’re waiting for Us to make another order, intercept and raid. ‍♂️
This keeps getting better and better. Now I have 100% proof that he unloaded his stock on my large order. Everyone that is PMing me ordered what he sent me in my partial order.

They ordered small he got mine. And unloaded it all to me. And screwed all these dudes. Unbelievable.
This keeps getting better and better. Now I have 100% proof that he unloaded his stock on my large order. Everyone that is PMing me ordered what he sent me in my partial order.

They ordered small he got mine. And unloaded it all to me. And screwed all these dudes. Unbelievable.
What a total cock sucker.
I wouldn’t make any orders for the next few weeks from anyone. Just in case Pristine handed over a list of clients to LE, and now they’re waiting for Us to make another order, intercept and raid. ‍[emoji3603]

Or the guy just decided not to order anymore raws, not to brew anymore and had made enough money so he closed up shop.
Well i wasn't even gonna put my business out there just because it didn't matter. I placed my order thur and never got confirmation or anything. First cycle and first time ordering blind on the internet. Story of my life. Only $100 bux thgh. Feel bad for you guys that ordered big. I've done a lot of research too. Mainly chose him due to his minimum because it's my first cycle and didn't need 200$ worth of stuff. Idk. Lesson learned
This is absolutely horrible. Hate being in this shit ..ive been so lucky ..i too have had many personal conversations with the guy and sent more than I care to share over time and I even thanked him with my last order "which it looks like isnt coming" for always being straight with me and honorable. And even posted bloods of his shit a while ago. I just don't understand how some of these sources can be so cutthroat after building a good relationship with them. I really hope he comes back cause he has always had good gear and looked out ,but its not looking like I can keep my fingers crossed . On another note I checked on SST just to see if there was a new source that popped up there or they were having issues like this and it looks like packs for assquatch arent landing and he lowerd his minimum on the 5th or so and hes not answering emails. Maybee it's the same fucking guy? Conspiracy time...
It's greed man, everyone is capable of it.
Jay left Assquatch quite a while ago and I think Dickhead Dino left here before Prissy got here.
Jay, dino, Larry, Harry, sack, probably all the same people. Truth is you never know who's on the other end. I never even post shit on here I usually just wait watch and try to be carefull. But i geuss eventually everyone gets got sooner or later. And bolder your exactly right about that, it is buisness and sources will always cover their ass first, wouldnt it be nice to just have some sort of P.O.D way to receive it? Ahh one day drones will just be able to fly it in my window withing hours Maybee....
Optimism is good and I hope he really is a family man, because it takes a real low life to use imaginary sick kids as a reason to screw people.
Man, fuck his kids.
This is the dark side of the steroid underworld. His kids don’t mean shit. He’s a bitch for ever saying anything about them.

Yea, you’ve made it clear 415 times that you’re greedy as fuck!

Got em!!!
Never ordered from this source but followed along with it for awhile. Not saying he did get pinched bc I honestly assume he took the money and bailed, BUT if he did get busted that's a very scary scenario. If he was too careless to do the simple things like brewing without error, testing raws, donating to testing, etc then it's probably safe to assume he was too careless to delete customer info, have proper computer security, and so on.