Pristine Anabolics Intro

Wasn’t that you that pitched the initial idea that Prissy was an original member of Assquatch?

I wish I was that smart but it wasn’t me. I just happened to step in shit this morning when I looked at SST to see whether they were talking about the latest MESO scam. The other forums throw shit at us every time a lab leaves.

If Sasquatch and Pristine are one and the same then guys might still get what they paid for. Sasquatch isn’t a source here but they never fucked anyone over.
Jokes are supposed to be funny. i didn't laugh, and i know funny when i see it. This ain't funny.

Never underestimate the naivety of a noob that doesn't take time to thoroughly read anything.

--- Not directed at anyone in particular ---


Before some bitch ass punk comes in here whining about not having time to read because they're sooooo busy. Fuck you.

i have a full time job, a family, a secret 2nd family and i lift 5x a week. So blow your excuses out your ass. You got time to shit? Then you got time to do a little research before you go injecting some strangers homemade steriods into your body.

Secret 2nd family? Like a hot lil Latina girl and her sister?
is it just me or does sst seem like it's filled with pure cold hearted shillers/2nd accounts. Almost every review on a source is the members first post.

SST is huge on shills - I tried posting over there but I give up.. the forum is filled with nonsense by reddit.. which is typically filled with guys who don't even lift anyways..

honestly i've had a huge problem with it lately, i've seen peoples cycles logging weird numbers like 250mast/250trest/500test/500eq which makes literally no sense.

here - although it can be raging gibberish at times.. it's backed by members who actually lift and test products, don't get overly gear whore-ish and give actual well rounded advice.

they have very little Q/C on those forums
Ok tinfoil hat on...

Maybe not so coincidentally, Sasquatch is MIA over at the SST, the emailed excuse “about to take a week off to focus on a large restock”

Reading the SST posts for Sasquatch and they went MIA around the beginning of March. Same as Prissy.
Ok tinfoil hat on...

Maybe not so coincidentally, Sasquatch is MIA over at the SST, the emailed excuse “about to take a week off to focus on a large restock”

Reading the SST posts for Sasquatch and they went MIA around the beginning of March. Same as Prissy.
Just an FYI - both Prissy and Assquatch ship out of the same area, in case you thought there might not be any correlation between the two.
Just an FYI - both Prissy and Assquatch ship out of the same area, in case you thought there might not be any correlation between the two.
kind of hope it's true, sasquatch usually showed up eventually and made things right. I didn't lose anything in this situation, but hate it when anybody loses out in these situations
@MisterSuperGod yeah definitely should have read the last few pages.... Set myself up for that.... Welp AA away

It happens, man. Like i mentioned earlier. These threads can be an absolute pain in the ass to sift through sometimes.

At the very least, i would suggest reading the last 5 pages (10 is even better) to get a feel for the current climate of the source.

If members aren't demanding a parade with the sources head on a pike through the town square, then there's a good chance they're still hanging in there and doing what's expected of them.
So it's official I got scammed out of the rest of my order. Just realized my GF has it set up to see every package that is being sent to me/us.... It shows the first package. Cause I checked the tracking. And there is NO other shipments coming to me.... So if he sent it like he said he did. It would show up on there. I looked thru the history and it literally shows every package that has ever been delivered or is in transit to me....the only 2 in transit are things I just ordered yesterday.

So he never send the 2nd half of my order.

That it guys. He unloaded his stock on me. Screwed all of the rest of the guys and bounced. With me getting screwed out of about 400 or 500 possibly more. Haven't totalled it up.

DO NOT reply to him if he emails you. I got a strange PM today from someone saying. He talked to Trenity Sunday night. Said he had a long day and possibly got busted Monday morning or decided to exit scam.... So do not reply if he emails you.

I didn't even think to check this tracking thing until she told me this morning I have 2 packages coming to me. I said wait a min. U can see all my packages she said yea it shows everything that's being shipped to this address. So I looked. It shows the first part of my order and then nothing else. And like I said the only 2 that are enroute are things I ordered yesterday. I checked the tracking numbers in my email. So he never sent the other part of my order. Like he said he did.

We got scammed.
So it's official I got scammed out of the rest of my order. Just realized my GF has it set up to see every package that is being sent to me/us.... It shows the first package. Cause I checked the tracking. And there is NO other shipments coming to me.... So if he sent it like he said he did. It would show up on there. I looked thru the history and it literally shows every package that has ever been delivered or is in transit to me....the only 2 in transit are things I just ordered yesterday.

So he never send the 2nd half of my order.

That it guys. He unloaded his stock on me. Screwed all of the rest of the guys and bounced. With me getting screwed out of about 400 or 500 possibly more. Haven't totalled it up.

DO NOT reply to him if he emails you. I got a strange PM today from someone saying. He talked to Trenity Sunday night. Said he had a long day and possibly got busted Monday morning or decided to exit scam.... So do not reply if he emails you.

I didn't even think to check this tracking thing until she told me this morning I have 2 packages coming to me. I said wait a min. U can see all my packages she said yea it shows everything that's being shipped to this address. So I looked. It shows the first part of my order and then nothing else. And like I said the only 2 that are enroute are things I ordered yesterday. I checked the tracking numbers in my email. So he never sent the other part of my order. Like he said he did.

We got scammed.

So you used your real name for deliveries?
Edit:just saw I was too late

So it's official I got scammed out of the rest of my order. Just realized my GF has it set up to see every package that is being sent to me/us.... It shows the first package. Cause I checked the tracking. And there is NO other shipments coming to me.... So if he sent it like he said he did. It would show up on there. I looked thru the history and it literally shows every package that has ever been delivered or is in transit to me....the only 2 in transit are things I just ordered yesterday.

So he never send the 2nd half of my order.

That it guys. He unloaded his stock on me. Screwed all of the rest of the guys and bounced. With me getting screwed out of about 400 or 500 possibly more. Haven't totalled it up.

DO NOT reply to him if he emails you. I got a strange PM today from someone saying. He talked to Trenity Sunday night. Said he had a long day and possibly got busted Monday morning or decided to exit scam.... So do not reply if he emails you.

I didn't even think to check this tracking thing until she told me this morning I have 2 packages coming to me. I said wait a min. U can see all my packages she said yea it shows everything that's being shipped to this address. So I looked. It shows the first part of my order and then nothing else. And like I said the only 2 that are enroute are things I ordered yesterday. I checked the tracking numbers in my email. So he never sent the other part of my order. Like he said he did.

We got scammed.

You know, for being a member here for a whole 53 days you sure do have a lot of knowledge and behind the scenes info on this ordeal with Trenity.
Not that it bothers me any because I never bought the Sasquatch cloned gear but you seem to be way too involved.
And lucky you to receive everyone’s pack when he unloaded.
Fucking lucky I guess huh?
You know, for being a member here for a whole 53 days you sure do have a lot of knowledge and behind the scenes info on this ordeal with Trenity.
Not that it bothers me any because I never bought the Sasquatch cloned gear but you seem to be way too involved.
And lucky you to receive everyone’s pack when he unloaded.
Fucking lucky I guess huh?

Hmmmm....Curiosity ensues.