Pristine Anabolics Intro

Wow. Well that’s another piece to the puzzle. How long is it gonna take the reddit dorks at SST to figure this all out too?

I've already made it clear to the Mods there cause Trenity did tell me in an email that he was planning on going over there and moving away from this board. Told me not to mention it and I didn't until he screwed me.

But unless he somehow finds a way to weasel his way over there.....they are well aware of what's going on with him over here and made it clear to me they would be looking out for him.
I've already made it clear to the Mods there cause Trenity did tell me in an email that he was planning on going over there and moving away from this board. Told me not to mention it and I didn't until he screwed me.

But unless he somehow finds a way to weasel his way over there.....they are well aware of what's going on with him over here and made it clear to me they would be looking out for him.

He could be refocusing on their Sasquatch venture though. In which case he didn’t necessarily lie to you but there’s not going to be anything the mods at SST will do. In true Sasquatch fashion they’ll just ignore the Trenity/Pristine questions.
He could be refocusing on their Sasquatch venture though. In which case he didn’t necessarily lie to you but there’s not going to be anything the mods at SST will do. In true Sasquatch fashion they’ll just ignore the Trenity/Pristine questions.

Yea..... Sasquatch is already over there. Hmmmm. Shits getting even more interesting.
Yea..... Sasquatch is already over there. Hmmmm. Shits getting even more interesting.

When Sasquatch was here he’d disappear periodically and pretty frequently. His benders were 3 days to as long as 2 weeks (if I remember correctly). Guys would panic and the thread would blow up with people wondering what was up. Then Dino would pop back in with no excuse other than “restock and here’s an updated list”. And people would still order. Low cost and low minimum with decent enough products. If Sasquatch and Pristine are the same, there’s a chance Pristine will return and make shit right.

Fast, cheap, good. Pick two.
When Sasquatch was here he’d disappear periodically and pretty frequently. His benders were 3 days to as long as 2 weeks (if I remember correctly). Guys would panic and the thread would blow up with people wondering what was up. Then Dino would pop back in with no excuse other than “restock and here’s an updated list”. And people would still order. Low cost and low minimum with decent enough products. If Sasquatch and Pristine are the same, there’s a chance Pristine will return and make shit right.

Fast, cheap, good. Pick two.
I normally don't buy into conspiracy theories...but squatch has been mia on sst for a week or so...hmmmmm?
When Sasquatch was here he’d disappear periodically and pretty frequently. His benders were 3 days to as long as 2 weeks (if I remember correctly). Guys would panic and the thread would blow up with people wondering what was up. Then Dino would pop back in with no excuse other than “restock and here’s an updated list”. And people would still order. Low cost and low minimum with decent enough products. If Sasquatch and Pristine are the same, there’s a chance Pristine will return and make shit right.

Fast, cheap, good. Pick two.

I'm willing to bet he is done here. He would have to make about 20 people whole before he could even begin to resell here. Cause he scammed alot of people. But who knows. I know I won't be buying from him ever again. Cause me being me. I'm gonna come out of pocket to replace the money my friends lost .They know the deal and it's a risk. But It will bother me that I vouched for him and I lost their cash.
Because this clown was part of Squatch, I’m guessing he will return to Squatch, fly under the radar for a minute until this blows over with the SST mods and will rebrand. Look for about a 6 month timeframe on this. He won’t do it right away.