Pristine Anabolics Intro

I don’t ever look at any source ever getting through the vetting process. What I mean is if a source tries to do business here then we are constantly watching and vetting him throughout his stay. They might get through the initial first round of beatings but their always open to be pointed out for their mistakes! Constantly being vetted. Then we make an informed decision on how one is currently doing and decide to order from them or not. I think once we say that a source has been “vetted” and start being complacent is when shit could start to become relaxed for that source and the wheels start falling off.

A simple recommendation I said from the start in this thread was for @Trenity to be active in his thread. I ordered from him once early on but after I noticed his presence here was almost non existent I didn’t dare order again. My thoughts were, if/when a problem does occur with this guy and him being inactive how will he ever fix that problem in a timely manner? That’s all it took for me to hold off on doing business with him again.
All people see is low prices and low minimum and they’re all over that source like white on rice. I think R & R was probably one of the best scammers, because he played the game well.
Sure do. He was so quick to anger, very amusing to watch.
And what did he do? Scammed the one or two guys that placed an order, despite everyone in the thread repeatedly telling the shadow dwellers not to take a chance with him.

You can only lead the horses to water, i suppose.
Dude was selling 50 ml vials or some shit like that. Imagine the pieces of rubber stopper at the end of that fucking bottle.
Long time reader second time poster. I also received one of two packages. Seems weird he'd send one and not the other. If he was going to burn anyone why go through the trouble of sending half an order?
My theory to why he did things like this was to buy more time and cash in on some orders that were coming in before shit got out that people wasn’t getting their shit. I mean if you get half of your order your gonna think the other half is gonna come, which buys the scamming source a little more time to scam a little more. Just my opinion.
Makes little sense

i think Trinity fucked up, (or got caught trying to be slick when his raws for DHB ran out) figured that he may not recover from it and decided to get rid of the rest of his finished product and will probably start fresh again with a new label.

If nothing else, he did at least donate to AL while he was here.
So there's still a small win buried under all the members losses.
I was just about to recommend this asshole to a guy I know. Funny thing my buddy who’s not that close, didn’t want to hassle with all the crypto and requested for me to aid him. Glad I helped him otherwise than feeding him to this bottom feeder.

I used pristine once for anavar. Lousy Var it was. Popped a 100mg and barelt felt shit. Others were praising that @ 40mg their shit was poppin hard. Mothafukka pls....
I posted that shit here and I looked like the fukin bad guy.

Either they were on some different shit, shillin at the time or I’m just a super human mother fucker that can handle some serious doses. Cuz that shit at 100mg was water downed to fuck. I’ll take water downed for $500 please.
Dude was selling 50 ml vials or some shit like that. Imagine the pieces of rubber stopper at the end of that fucking bottle.

If he actually had any product to sell. i don't believe that he did.
i think whatever pics he provided were of his personal stash and if i recall correctly, no one ever claimed to get a TD.
All people see is low prices and low minimum and they’re all over that source like white on rice. I think R & R was probably one of the best scammers, because he played the game well.
Sadly I agree. I didn’t see any warning signs with that pos! He burned a lot of mother fuckers. Smh. More than what people probably even realize. I talked to a member that got burned with like $300 on his first time ordering ever! He didn’t post about it but got me realizing he fucked over a lot we know about but there was also a lot he fucked over that never said anything. Pisses me off thinking about it!! :mad:
Sadly I agree. I didn’t see any warning signs with that pos! He burned a lot of mother fuckers. Smh. More than what people probably even realize. I talked to a member that got burned with like $300 on his first time ordering ever! He didn’t post about it but got me realizing he fucked over a lot we know about but there was also a lot he fucked over that never said anything. Pisses me off thinking about it!! :mad:
Yeah, that scamming POS was estimated to get away with $25k.

Before some bitch ass punk comes in here whining about not having time to read because they're sooooo busy. Fuck you.

i have a full time job, a family, a secret 2nd family and i lift 5x a week. So blow your excuses out your ass. You got time to shit? Then you got time to do a little research before you go injecting some strangers homemade steriods into your body.


Best fucking rant I've ever read . Lost it at "secret 2nd family."
Ok tinfoil hat on...

Maybe not so coincidentally, Sasquatch is MIA over at the SST, the emailed excuse “about to take a week off to focus on a large restock”

Reading the SST posts for Sasquatch and they went MIA around the beginning of March. Same as Prissy.
Lol this is exactly what I posted the other day in here! I think the same exact thing
Lol this is exactly what I posted the other day in here! I think the same exact thing

Holy shit, you did at the end of your post on 3/13. Fuck man, I’m sorry for stealing your thunder. @brow33 gets all the credit guys.

This is absolutely horrible. Hate being in this shit ..ive been so lucky ..i too have had many personal conversations with the guy and sent more than I care to share over time and I even thanked him with my last order "which it looks like isnt coming" for always being straight with me and honorable. And even posted bloods of his shit a while ago. I just don't understand how some of these sources can be so cutthroat after building a good relationship with them. I really hope he comes back cause he has always had good gear and looked out ,but its not looking like I can keep my fingers crossed . On another note I checked on SST just to see if there was a new source that popped up there or they were having issues like this and it looks like packs for assquatch arent landing and he lowerd his minimum on the 5th or so and hes not answering emails. Maybee it's the same fucking guy? Conspiracy time...
Holy shit, you did at the end of your post on 3/13. Fuck man, I’m sorry for stealing your thunder. @brow33 gets all the credit guys.
Lol no worries big beard! Thunder and lighting!!! But yeah ive been thinking that about pristine for a while ...oh well hey you never know he could still pop up ..but its not looking good at the moment
Does anyone even have a good theory as to why...cause it truly seems illogical...there has to be something to it...i really am curious to here someone's take...
He got in over his head or he’s just a scammer. I opt for both because he really didn’t want to test his stuff and do what he promised from the beginning and his exit only proves both. He just wanted to make some money and not be held accountable, just like his days when he was with Squatch.
My theory to why he did things like this was to buy more time and cash in on some orders that were coming in before shit got out that people wasn’t getting their shit. I mean if you get half of your order your gonna think the other half is gonna come, which buys the scamming source a little more time to scam a little more. Just my opinion.
Very good theory.
is it just me or does sst seem like it's filled with pure cold hearted shillers/2nd accounts. Almost every review on a source is the members first post.
true i noticed that when i made an account and when souces would go mia the mods would get on ppl's asses for simply questioning what the fuck was going on with their shit as if it was no big deal
Jokes are supposed to be funny. i didn't laugh, and i know funny when i see it. This ain't funny.

Never underestimate the naivety of a noob that doesn't take time to thoroughly read anything.

--- Not directed at anyone in particular ---


Before some bitch ass punk comes in here whining about not having time to read because they're sooooo busy. Fuck you.

i have a full time job, a family, a secret 2nd family and i lift 5x a week. So blow your excuses out your ass. You got time to shit? Then you got time to do a little research before you go injecting some strangers homemade steriods into your body.

You think you can rant?

What can I say then?!

I mean, can you imagine how long it takes to make up and draw a hundred goddamn graphs a month?! There's only so much creativity that I have :D
Very good theory.
T-bagger WHERE U AT? damn forgot what I was going to say..damn Down syndrome..anyways I got taken for 6 vials worse is 11:30 Sunday night I sent more money to grab a few more bottles and he stated going out in the morning ..karma mf is a bitch
T-bagger WHERE U AT? damn forgot what I was going to say..damn Down syndrome..anyways I got taken for 6 vials worse is 11:30 Sunday night I sent more money to grab a few more bottles and he stated going out in the morning ..karma mf is a bitch
From this clown? LMAO @ Down syndrome