Pristine Anabolics Intro

Because this clown was part of Squatch, I’m guessing he will return to Squatch, fly under the radar for a minute until this blows over with the SST mods and will rebrand. Look for about a 6 month timeframe on this. He won’t do it right away.
I'm sure this is the case, but why? It just doesn't make sense from a business stand point. He spent all this time building clientele and gaining the trust of fellow members for what? To just rip a few people off and wait to setup a new shop with new labels. Go through the vetting process again and gain new trust and all the blood work from members. It's just fucking stupid.
The weird thing is that sasquatch left when we started bugging him to do testing as well, same as this guy
The weird thing is that sasquatch left when we started bugging him to do testing as well, same as this guy

I realize W&M respects customer privacy so we’ll never know for sure but I’m pretty sure that sample of Bold Cyp raws never made it there to be tested.
I'm sure this is the case, but why? It just doesn't make sense from a business stand point. He spent all this time building clientele and gaining the trust of fellow members for what? To just rip a few people off and wait to setup a new shop with new labels. Go through the vetting process again and gain new trust and all the blood work from members. It's just fucking stupid.
Truly doesn’t make any sense, but it happens all the time.
Truly doesn’t make any sense, but it happens all the time.
By doing this you never truly have to stay reliable/accountable. Play it out until it’s played out, say fuck em, and redo it over again. I’m just glad we have smart fuckers here that can tie similarities together and keep an eye out for a new or rebranded source and compare to older failed ones. Also to have the conspiracy theory guys, their one of my favorites lol. New incoming labs better get ready for the tinfoil hats :D
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By doing this you never truly have to stay reliable. Play it out until it’s played out, say fuck em, and redo it over again. I’m just glad we have smart fuckers here that can tie similarities together and keep an eye out for a new or rebranded source and compare to older failed ones. Also to have the conspiracy theory guys, their one of my favorites lol. New incoming labs better get ready for the tinfoil hats :D
What this guy said^^^^ or when they get sick of the ridicule, they peace out. Then they go to a paid board where everyone sucks their cock. Aka squatch
What this guy said^^^^ or when they get sick of the ridicule, they peace out. Then they go to a paid board where everyone sucks their cock. Aka squatch
This guy didn’t get ridiculd until he screwed up. Sure, we tried to hold him accountable, but the testing of raws and finished product and regular donations to AL were all HIS things he wrote. The most crap he received was when he decided to eff up his Bold Cyp and when his feet were held to the fire, he ran instead of manning up. But even before this happened, he let us know he wasn’t here for the long term. Anyone remember this?:

Pristine Anabolics Intro

He weaseled his way out of it, saying that he meant that he didn’t want to tempt fate. Red flags were there and then people would come to his rescue when people called him out. “Oh come on, we’re revisiting this? He already has bloodwork posted and has been through the vetting process.” Damn straight we are, because we’re not going to get complacent with sources.

When the test results were posted for his effed up Bold Cyp, did people even bother to think of just how deliberate of a screw up that was? Yet they still ordered and defended the jackass.
This guy didn’t get ridiculd until he screwed up. Sure, we tried to hold him accountable, but the testing of raws and finished product and regular donations to AL were all HIS things he wrote. The most crap he received was when he decided to eff up his Bold Cyp and when his feet were held to the fire, he ran instead of manning up. But even before this happened, he let us know he wasn’t here for the long term. Anyone remember this?:

Pristine Anabolics Intro

He weaseled his way out of it, saying that he meant that he didn’t want to tempt fate. Red flags were there and then people would come to his rescue when people called him out. “Oh come on, we’re revisiting this? He already has bloodwork posted and has been through the vetting process.” Damn straight we are, because we’re not going to get complacent with sources.

When the test results were posted for his effed up Bold Cyp, did people even bother to think of just how deliberate of a screw up that was? Yet they still ordered and defended the jackass.
Very true.. the ridicule and debauchery I was referring to was the beginning vetting process. On meso it's the infamous 20 questions with fuck off and show me some tits. As opposed to the other boards that say wow nice list welcome aboard. You might not have to pay to source here but fuck you gotta work for that dick sucking. That's why I love this place.
Very true.. the ridicule and debauchery I was referring to was the beginning vetting process. On meso it's the infamous 20 questions with fuck off and show me some tits. As opposed to the other boards that say wow nice list welcome aboard. You might not have to pay to source here but fuck you gotta work for that dick sucking. That's why I love this place.
You have to have thick skin to source here, that’s for sure. I can’t stand paid boards where you have to suck source cock or be banned. It’s sickening to see all of those people posting up their crap all the time. Meso is truly the best out there.
You have to have thick skin to source here, that’s for sure. I can’t stand paid boards where you have to suck source cock or be banned. It’s sickening to see all of those people posting up their crap all the time. Meso is truly the best out there.
Yep, it's hard to decipher through all the bullshit. They cover up shitty blood work all the time with same lame ass excuses. Then some senior moderator comes through and posts phenomenal numbers so everyone shuts up. [emoji19]
To be honest, in hindsight, when the guy chose the name Trenity....
The last guy with that name, spelled Trinity, was a real piece of work. All he ever posted was "all emails replied and packs sent" which was such a bunch of horseshit. Remember that scammer @MisterSuperGod?
Long time reader second time poster. I also received one of two packages. Seems weird he'd send one and not the other. If he was going to burn anyone why go through the trouble of sending half an order?
To be honest, in hindsight, when the guy chose the name Trenity....
The last guy with that name, spelled Trinity, was a real piece of work. All he ever posted was "all emails replied and packs sent" which was such a bunch of horseshit. Remember that scammer @MisterSuperGod?

Sure do. He was so quick to anger, very amusing to watch.
And what did he do? Scammed the one or two guys that placed an order, despite everyone in the thread repeatedly telling the shadow dwellers not to take a chance with him.

You can only lead the horses to water, i suppose.
Very true.. the ridicule and debauchery I was referring to was the beginning vetting process. On meso it's the infamous 20 questions with fuck off and show me some tits. As opposed to the other boards that say wow nice list welcome aboard. You might not have to pay to source here but fuck you gotta work for that dick sucking. That's why I love this place.
Debauchery - great biblical word there. I like you using it!
I don’t ever look at any source ever getting through the vetting process. What I mean is if a source tries to do business here then we are constantly watching and vetting him throughout his stay. They might get through the initial first round of beatings but their always open to be pointed out for their mistakes! Constantly being vetted. Then we make an informed decision on how one is currently doing and decide to order from them or not. I think once we say that a source has been “vetted” and start being complacent is when shit could start to become relaxed for that source and the wheels start falling off.

A simple recommendation I said from the start in this thread was for @Trenity to be active in his thread. I ordered from him once early on but after I noticed his presence here was almost non existent I didn’t dare order again. My thoughts were, if/when a problem does occur with this guy and him being inactive how will he ever fix that problem in a timely manner? That’s all it took for me to hold off on doing business with him again.