Pristine Anabolics Intro

In the case of Colossal, that's all it was. If I remember correctly Desert Warrior was the only one to get real gear in that scam.

Yep. He tried one of the oldest scams. Send out some good shit in the beginning, garner a little word of mouth, then start sending out oil until the con is figured out, then bounce out.
Yep. He tried one of the oldest scams. Send out some good shit in the beginning, garner a little word of mouth, then start sending out oil until the con is figured out, then bounce out.
I got taken in that one. Live and learn. I'll never forget the pic someone took of the gear they got from him. They had ordered injectable Dbol, I think, and he had sent them vials labeled something else but scratched out the original label and wrote Dbol in sharpie.
I got taken in that one. Live and learn. I'll never forget the pic someone took of the gear they got from him. They had ordered injectable Dbol, I think, and he had sent them vials labeled something else but scratched out the original label and wrote Dbol in sharpie.

He was a class act. Fucking loser. Hope he's 6 feet below the surface right now. This lifestyle is hard enough to navigate without some fuck face trying to steal people's money.