Pristine Anabolics Intro

Nah man he had so much stock on hand and he unloaded it. It's still the same gear. He unloaded it to rebrand. I'm gonna use the stuff I got in my partial order. I have no doubt it's good. If he wanted to. He could have filled vials with just oil and sent them out. But he obviously dumped his stock on me and the other guy that posted and then bounced.
All his stuff in the past has been good. I have no doubt what I got in my partial scam order is legit. Just because of the way it went down. I know now exactly what he did.
Oh ye of little faith, if you know what he did then why did you send him the money.
Come on gentlemen. We are all pissed. Maybe what everyone needs to do, is stop giving this thread so much power. Give it a break for a bit. It’s not doin’ Anyone any good.
Seriously, you guys are like my online fitness family, I hate seeing what the fuck is going on.
Is anyone else aware of what’s being said on other threads about Trenity or the people of pristine?
I vote to put the kibosh on this thread for a little, or for fucking forever. I am sure when or if Trenity comes back we will all be notified. Especially, if you have chosen to follow the thread. Anyhow, Hope you guys have a good weekend.
Oh ye of little faith, if you know what he did then why did you send him the money.
Come on gentlemen. We are all pissed. Maybe what everyone needs to do, is stop giving this thread so much power. Give it a break for a bit. It’s not doin’ Anyone any good.
Seriously, you guys are like my online fitness family, I hate seeing what the fuck is going on.
Is anyone else aware of what’s being said on other threads about Trenity or the people of pristine?
I vote to put the kibosh on this thread for a little, or for fucking forever. I am sure when or if Trenity comes back we will all be notified. Especially, if you have chosen to follow the thread. Anyhow, Hope you guys have a good weekend.

Yea I'm gonna let it die now that I know I'm never getting the rest of my order. I just meant posting to that guy that was worried about the quality.... Now that we know what he did. I wouldn't worry about the quality.

I gave him my money cause he had a great track record with me before this last order. And I had no idea this was gonna happen. Im saying now that we know what he actually did.

But yea we need to let it die and drop off the front page. It's not gonna change anything
I am done with this thread. I am sure you guys are questioning where all my frustration towards Jano stems from. In my past I have dealt with plenty of shady people, the last 6 years been around nothing but shady people. At one point in my life the business I conducted was extremely shady. But my life is different now. I choose to keep all that shady shit atleast an arms distance away from me. I enjoy reading everyone’s reply’s and I appreciate all the help everyone has provided to me, but I choose to have nothing to do with JANO.

me too, but when I get done with them, they get dumped just like trash. But they say one mans trash, is another mans treasure. Lol

Meh if I wanna get rid of a woman I’ll just take a dump with the bathroom door open
You'd be surprised how many people actually do this at my job....

Fucken nasty ass mofos. I mean I’d enjoy watching a girl go #1, either on me or elsewhere but come on taking a shit should be private. I can pee if someone’s around but I hate shitting with an audience..
Fucken nasty ass mofos. I mean I’d enjoy watching a girl go #1, either on me or elsewhere but come on taking a shit should be private. I can pee if someone’s around but I hate shitting with an audience..
my favorites the people at the gym while ur tryna take a piss you just hear bombs away dudes grunting and terribly regretting all the McYyyshits he eats everyday as he farts his shits out
Someone help me out here. So I ordered from dude multiple times and had no issues quality gear. I like an idiot did not check the forum for a while. I placed an order last Thursday he answered right away and now not responding. If I’m reading the thread correctly some his test came back fucked up and dude bailed and isn’t sending anyone orders
Someone help me out here. So I ordered from dude multiple times and had no issues quality gear. I like an idiot did not check the forum for a while. I placed an order last Thursday he answered right away and now not responding. If I’m reading the thread correctly some his test came back fucked up and dude bailed and isn’t sending anyone orders

He’s Audi 5000
WOW @ Everyone..... I had been slacking coming on lately as I've been a little caught up with things but damn! I definitely thought this was one of our best DOM guys here, glad I only entertained him once a while back.
WOW @ Everyone..... I had been slacking coming on lately as I've been a little caught up with things but damn! I definitely thought this was one of our best DOM guys here, glad I only entertained him once a while back.

I’ll catch you up
Fuck you @balco , the most hated man on meso
The real question is can you hold full conversations with corn bombs splashing in the water? :eek:
You guys are rookies. I wait until the wife gets in the shower and I proudly march into the bath, drop trou and make her regret life as she knows it.

Now that's love.
You guys are rookies. I wait until the wife gets in the shower and I proudly march into the bath, drop trou and make her regret life as she knows it.

Now that's love.

I do that same thing! Except I sneak in there and after a minute she is like, “Babe? Are you shitting?!!
Someone help me out here. So I ordered from dude multiple times and had no issues quality gear. I like an idiot did not check the forum for a while. I placed an order last Thursday he answered right away and now not responding. If I’m reading the thread correctly some his test came back fucked up and dude bailed and isn’t sending anyone orders
So did you actually pay?

