Pristine Anabolics Intro

I got taken in that one. Live and learn. I'll never forget the pic someone took of the gear they got from him. They had ordered injectable Dbol, I think, and he had sent them vials labeled something else but scratched out the original label and wrote Dbol in sharpie.
Yeah I got hit pretty hard in that one as well. Green tren. Bad memories, that mother fucker. Remember he offered like $2000 if his shit was bunk. Someone was gonna hold it. Fucking guy couldn’t stop with his bullshit. #fuckcolossallabs
Yeah I got hit pretty hard in that one as well. Green tren. Bad memories, that mother fucker. Remember he offered like $2000 if his shit was bunk. Someone was gonna hold it. Fucking guy couldn’t stop with his bullshit. #fuckcolossallabs
I bought a "blend" from him. If it had hormone in it, it certainly wasn't what I had ordered. He dipped right after the $2000 dollar b.s. If I remember right, Master Powers was going to hold it. Colossal was a shitbag.