Pristine Anabolics Intro


A few routes you can go you ca buy sterile vials from the prime site, medlab-supplies . com or medlabgear, or medical-and-lab-supplies . com all typed out with the hyphens and everything Probably some other places as well. Then take pins and simply transfer over, it's sterile to sterile, Suggest you use 5-10ml syringes

If you're worried about tiny pieces already in the vials you can get monoject or BD filter needles. They come as big as 18g and have a 5 micron(um) filter on them to trap any stopper pieces. A human hair is 50-70 micron and a blood cell is 8-10um so you're getting pretty damn small. these are about $25-$40 for a box of 100. Put filter needle on, draw, take filter needle off, put regular needle on and push into new vial.

If you want the ultimate protection you get a syringe filter at 0.22 micron. This is the same size your brewer should be filtering the gear from the start as it catches most bacteria. In this instance you'd draw with a needle, remove needle, attach filter to syringe, put new needle on bottom of filter, and push into new vial. This one suck and takes time, if you're doing 40 vials, it'll take a few hours. If all you're worried about is the rubber stopper parts and not sterility of the oil then filter needles are your best best.
Actually probably gonna be ordering my next cycle from the lion, I've been doing this for years and am pretty good at spotting a scam. A lot of people on this board know I've been to prison for selling oxy online back in the day, even after I got raided I paid people back. Shit happens.
Man, you guys lead the most interesting lives
FYI for those that care, @Trenity contacted me to replace my gear with the bad stoppers. Will let everyone know how it goes. I know most people didn’t see the issues I have so far with them, but if your stoppers are coring and you haven’t resolved the issue let it be known.
FYI for those that care, @Trenity contacted me to replace my gear with the bad stoppers. Will let everyone know how it goes. I know most people didn’t see the issues I have so far with them, but if your stoppers are coring and you haven’t resolved the issue let it be known.

Mine haven't broken down yet. Admittedly I've only been through 4 vials of DHB and half a vial of Test E. I'll keep an eye on mine
I don't need replacements, but I had bits of stopper at the end of my dhb. Only happened with the gray ones, the red ones seem perfect. I can tell they are thicker and better when I stick a needle through it.
I don't need replacements, but I had bits of stopper at the end of my dhb. Only happened with the gray ones, the red ones seem perfect. I can tell they are thicker and better when I stick a needle through it.
Yeah I haven't seen any issue with mine yet either. I make sure I'm poking a new hole in the stopper each time. Plus I don't think he has any DHB to replace it with anyways right now. That was the problem with my previous order he ran out.
I got the save, big improvement to physique and appetite, I liked it, no pip

Were you really lean to begin with, if not; how was cardio on it?

I want to try something to pack on a little size yet not be a sloppy/bloated mess.... Was running psource's npp looking for some lean size and felt underwhelmed by it....
Were you really lean to begin with, if not; how was cardio on it?

I want to try something to pack on a little size yet not be a sloppy/bloated mess.... Was running psource's npp looking for some lean size and felt underwhelmed by it....
Not particularly, but I don't gain weight easily either, and it's more of a physique thing than getting to be a monster. My cardio is always pretty good, do it's hard to tell. I've switched over you taking 100mg test e and 100 mg dhb for my cruise, SSL I'll let you guys know how that goes
Also, instead of just sending random raws outs

Test them before you brew/cap them. Be pro-active. The community needs to know you have OUR safety and quality gear first and foremost.