Pristine Anabolics Intro

So what is the plan moving forward? Do you have a timeline set for when you plan on implementing these changes?

The donations, testing, being more active on the board?

I've been on the board pretty much constantly since I got back. I'm just a little hesitant to post. Everything I post is an excuse at this point and my words get twisted up. I get that people are angry I totally understand it with what's happened. I'm just trying not to add fuel to the fire for the time being. Emails have mostly been replied to within an hour or 2 since I returned. I'm around.

I'm going to implement the changes immediately. I'll send a couple of more raws out for testing next week and I'll continue to do so. I'm brewing all weekend and all of that product will have the red stoppers. I'll probably unload all of this grey stopper gear I have at a discount. I didn't even know the grey stoppers were an issue until mac emailed me I think a day before I got popped. I went through close to a thousand of those stoppers without knowing there was an issue. Al donations will be more regular, I just gotta set up a reminder or something.
I've been on the board pretty much constantly since I got back. I'm just a little hesitant to post. Everything I post is an excuse at this point and my words get twisted up. I get that people are angry I totally understand it with what's happened. I'm just trying not to add fuel to the fire for the time being. Emails have mostly been replied to within an hour or 2 since I returned. I'm around.

I'm going to implement the changes immediately. I'll send a couple of more raws out for testing next week and I'll continue to do so. I'm brewing all weekend and all of that product will have the red stoppers. I'll probably unload all of this grey stopper gear I have at a discount. I didn't even know the grey stoppers were an issue until mac emailed me I think a day before I got popped. I went through close to a thousand of those stoppers without knowing there was an issue. Al donations will be more regular, I just gotta set up a reminder or something.
What are the red stoppers made out of?
This absolutely didn't happen. My absence wasn't planned. There was no kind of pre-meditated anything. The gear is the same gear I've always shipped out.

Was it just a coincidence or some clairvoyant type of foresight when you told guys that you lost the key to the raws room, you ran short on vials and you were taking time off to take care of a big restock, all right before you got hauled in on that warrant?
Was it just a coincidence or some clairvoyant type of foresight when you told guys that you lost the key to the raws room, you ran short on vials and you were taking time off to take care of a big restock, all right before you got hauled in on that warrant?

The coincidence was that my shipper went awol on me the week before I got arrested. He shipped out a bunch of packs, but told me they were all taken care of. I only knew something was up when I started tracking and seeing some packs obviously weren't being dropped. I was just gonna brew some new stuff and ship from that but I was waiting on vials. A lot of the stuff I owed when I got back was actually already packed up, I just hadn't had a chance to drop the packs yet.

We don't have a "raws" room, it was finished that I couldn't get to because my shipper was being dodgy. We didn't lose the key, he just wouldn't give me a straight up answer on what was going on and he's the one that stores all of the finished stuff. I didn't tell ol' boy that I was taking time off for a restock, I told him that I might shut down soon for a few days to do a big restock. It was just something I was thinking about because I knew I had to fix the situation with shipping in the very near future.
What are the red stoppers made out of?

The red ones are butyl stoppers, they're just super thick. I wanted to get the silicone stoppers but the place I use is out right now. I'll probably switch exclusively to those pretty soon.
The red ones are butyl stoppers, they're just super thick. I wanted to get the silicone stoppers but the place I use is out right now. I'll probably switch exclusively to those pretty soon.
Lol, those super thick ones suck, but if it prevents broken pieces, go for it.
I'm going to implement the changes immediately. I'll send a couple of more raws out for testing next week and I'll continue to do so. I'm brewing all weekend and all of that product will have the red stoppers. I'll probably unload all of this grey stopper gear I have at a discount. I didn't even know the grey stoppers were an issue until mac emailed me I think a day before I got popped. I went through close to a thousand of those stoppers without knowing there was an issue. Al donations will be more regular, I just gotta set up a reminder or something.

Make those changes and be consistent!
The community will see!
Eventually you will have dick riders bumping your thread!
Ok so, fucked for the crumbs in all my vials. Got it.

I’ll order a pizza for anyone who can DM me the list of shit I need, and where to order, to condense 10ml vials into a larger single vial with a FUNCTIONAL stopper, and remain sterile.
Ok so, fucked for the crumbs in all my vials. Got it.

I’ll order a pizza for anyone who can DM me the list of shit I need, and where to order, to condense 10ml vials into a larger single vial with a FUNCTIONAL stopper, and remain sterile.

Wouldn't it be easier to use a filtered pin? Same concept as using an amp and filtering for glass I would assume
Wouldn't it be easier to use a filtered pin? Same concept as using an amp and filtering for glass I would assume

Depends on the size of filter in them things. i've had rubber bits in my gear before, some of those particles were barely visible. i think i would opt for a syringe filter just for piece of mind.
.22um syringe filter, or micrometers. Bought them off amazon. The smallest I could find, supposedly can filter many bacteria as well.

If it's filtering bacteria, I imagine the stopper wouldn't be an issue. Honestly I've had pieces of stopper in my pharma Test Cyp from the doc
As in 1 filter used every time I draw from a vial? Or do you mean to transfer from one to another. I know nothing about the brew/filter side of shit.

You could do either way. Filter ahead of time and transfer over or look into getting filtered draw pins. Medlabgear has some I believe
If it's filtering bacteria, I imagine the stopper wouldn't be an issue. Honestly I've had pieces of stopper in my pharma Test Cyp from the doc
One at the end of a vial with careless drawing technique i could live with. Several before half the vial is gone with care to not cause cores in the first place...and I’m not talking tiny. Nearly 20g visible cores of stopper.
One at the end of a vial with careless drawing technique i could live with. Several before half the vial is gone with care to not cause cores in the first place...and I’m not talking tiny. Nearly 20g visible cores of stopper.

Yeah I'd just get a filtered draw pin. People use them when they snap open ampules to prevent drawing glass. And I'd imagine glass particles could be extremely small
As in 1 filter used every time I draw from a vial? Or do you mean to transfer from one to another. I know nothing about the brew/filter side of shit.

Would be easier to transfer to a sterile vile cause it takes longer to draw unless using an 18g. But I mostly use them once or even a few times and keep them clean cause I’ve gotten fibers from the alcohol swans into the vial. I filter even if I don’t see anything in the vial just for piece of mind. Anyway they come out to $1 and change so not a big deal to just use one per draw.

If it's filtering bacteria, I imagine the stopper wouldn't be an issue. Honestly I've had pieces of stopper in my pharma Test Cyp from the doc

Definitely would filter rubber pieces or dirt, dust or if you accidentally transferred some fibers from your alcohol swab into the vial. I only get 1ml vials for trt so I’ve never had rubber floaters

A few routes you can go you ca buy sterile vials from the prime site, medlab-supplies . com or medlabgear, or medical-and-lab-supplies . com all typed out with the hyphens and everything Probably some other places as well. Then take pins and simply transfer over, it's sterile to sterile, Suggest you use 5-10ml syringes

If you're worried about tiny pieces already in the vials you can get monoject or BD filter needles. They come as big as 18g and have a 5 micron(um) filter on them to trap any stopper pieces. A human hair is 50-70 micron and a blood cell is 8-10um so you're getting pretty damn small. these are about $25-$40 for a box of 100. Put filter needle on, draw, take filter needle off, put regular needle on and push into new vial.

If you want the ultimate protection you get a syringe filter at 0.22 micron. This is the same size your brewer should be filtering the gear from the start as it catches most bacteria. In this instance you'd draw with a needle, remove needle, attach filter to syringe, put new needle on bottom of filter, and push into new vial. This one suck and takes time, if you're doing 40 vials, it'll take a few hours. If all you're worried about is the rubber stopper parts and not sterility of the oil then filter needles are your best best.