Pristine Anabolics Intro

Even though packs were sent without asking, I’m glad to hear members are getting what has been owed to them from over a month ago. The feeling of being scammed out of coins fuckin sucks!!

That being said it still doesn’t change my stance. I stand by the things I’ve previously stated and I don’t feel he deserves another chance here!

The members here deserve the best and should expect nothing less! If we settle for anything less, then we’re just hurting ourselves really.
I want the best options possible for myself and for others that take this lifestyle as serious as I do. :)
Since some of you guys are worried about security I’m gonna check now... I’d be fucked already anyway

I don’t remember exactly what I’m owed but this looks right. I’m miles away from pack td location and all is well. It would appear Trenity is trying to make things as right as possible under the circumstances. While I don’t love everything about this Let’s keep in mind he could of just left us fucked
I don’t remember exactly what I’m owed but this looks right. I’m miles away from pack td location and all is well. It would appear Trenity is trying to make things as right as possible under the circumstances. While I don’t love everything about this Let’s keep in mind he could of just left us fucked
His story’s so far out there that it may actually be true.
Yeah.. I saw it landed yesterday.
A few days ago when I went to check the mail there were two people in street clothes with USPS badges at my mailbox next to theit truck.. I have been tripping about that ever since and was super paranoid so I didnt want to grab the pack and open it. After a few people today said they opened theirs I did the same. Everything I paid for was in there, and I'm not under arrest.. yet lol
Yeah.. I saw it landed yesterday.
A few days ago when I went to check the mail there were two people in street clothes with USPS badges at my mailbox next to theit truck.. I have been tripping about that ever since and was super paranoid so I didnt want to grab the pack and open it. After a few people today said they opened theirs I did the same. Everything I paid for was in there, and I'm not under arrest.. yet lol

I lurked on Meso for months before joining and Pristine is the only source I'd ordered from. I had three orders and I'd had good experience with him. I really hated to see this source start to decline, especially with the other prominent domestic source going private recently.

A small part of me wants to see him turn this around, but it would take a concerted effort on his part. And I'm not sure that he's willing to do it, but coming back here and owning it was a step in the right direction.

I understand why he said that he sent in another batch of Bold, to determine if it was a personal fuck up or if the raws were bad. And he owned up to fucking up during the brewing process. And he apparently did send off samples to W&M prior to his exit from the forum.

With that being said, I'm a paranoid person by nature and would be hesitant to order again until this entire thing plays out. I think everyone can agree that the other domestic source set the standard at this point. Unfortunately he's private at the moment and some of us aren't on the list
I wouldn't dwell on that too much. No point on worrying about it until/ IF it happens. It's out of your control. I say that but WONT take my own advise haha.

Thing that gets me is he lied before about my 2nd half of the order being shipped. Lied about not having enough vials for my order which caused the delay. Then told another person he lost the key to the raws room was the reason for that person's delay....He disappeared...... and then I get an email last night....well this morning at 2:50AM (strange). Apologizing and saying he sent the rest of the pack out with extras to try and make up for it.
Didn't even address why I didn't get the pack he said was already in the mail, BEFORE his supposed family emergency and all that went down. Just gave me the family emergency/pulled over/arrested/did time to avoid parole story.

Also I DON'T like being told a pack is in the mail for you. Without even asking me if I would want to proceed. So like Tbagger pointed out. He kept addresses....granted it was a past email that he replied to. It wasn't a new email. So my address was in the email thread. BUT Imo these emails should be deleted right after the fact. Customer protection.....yea I'm sure they can be retrieved if someone wanted to. But still do everything you can to protect information.
I definitely won't be ordering from him again. And I won't be responding to emails either. I said it a few times in this thread, that if he all the sudden pops back up DO NOT reply to him. Cause who knows who you are talking to on the other end.

Plus what was his warrant for? Did he explain that? He didn't in the email to it something related and he cut a deal somehow?

This is all the shit that's gonna go thru our heads now because he decided to come back and just send packs out without talking to the person first.... Or am I the only one who got.....hey I sent your pack out this morning so it's already in the mail.
That pisses me off more than anything. That he sent a pack without allowing me to choose. Which just seems strange again.
Hey I get you would like answers, but in reality, based on the the current level of trust you have for him, I think that whatever story he would dish your way, you would still have doubt. Just my 2cents. I hate to think someone came back to meso because they saw an opportunity to get more Bitcoin in there wallet, being that it had been in a steady increase, Im not a market analyst but I have seen money make people do stranger things!
I lurked on Meso for months before joining and Pristine is the only source I'd ordered from. I had three orders and I'd had good experience with him. I really hated to see this source start to decline, especially with the other prominent domestic source going private recently.

A small part of me wants to see him turn this around, but it would take a concerted effort on his part. And I'm not sure that he's willing to do it, but coming back here and owning it was a step in the right direction.

I understand why he said that he sent in another batch of Bold, to determine if it was a personal fuck up or if the raws were bad. And he owned up to fucking up during the brewing process. And he apparently did send off samples to W&M prior to his exit from the forum.

With that being said, I'm a paranoid person by nature and would be hesitant to order again until this entire thing plays out. I think everyone can agree that the other domestic source set the standard at this point. Unfortunately he's private at the moment and some of us aren't on the list

If MESO and the community holds all these other UGLs to that SAME standard then there will be multiple good sources here to use.
If MESO and the community holds all these other UGLs to that SAME standard then there will be multiple good sources here to use.

I totally agree. I wouldn't order now for the simple fact, that we don't really know what's going on. There's been so many stories, I'm sure some of them are true, but which ones? I want to order from a source with confidence
If MESO and the community holds all these other UGLs to that SAME standard then there will be multiple good sources here to use.
you're always going to get sources coming and going around here, nature of the business. And I've seen plenty of really really big screwups around here, and usually the sources ride it out, and people order from them again. I really don't give it much thought anymore
you're always going to get sources coming and going around here, nature of the business. And I've seen plenty of really really big screwups around here, and usually the sources ride it out, and people order from them again. I really don't give it much thought anymore

Yea but that contributes to the complacency around here just as much as the desperate newb that eagerly rushes off and places his order.