Pristine Anabolics Intro

If not for stevonov's result, I would have sent a vial from batch one, but I didn't see much point after his result pretty much confirmed the issue.

I only posted it because it was part of the set, why not post it? Bold cyp isn't even on my list anymore, so what exactly would I be falsely advertising?

I never said it wasn't my fuck up. I'm the one who made the shit, obviously it's my fuck up. All I ever said is I know I didn't intentionally mix deca raws with bold raws or deca finished with bold c finished. The only question remaining for me was the purity of the bold c raws.

It just looks shady man. Like you were trying to post it so everything seemed gtg

“Hey guys in back with tested gear it’s all good”

Sure you never specifically stated it, but it’s all sleight of hand man
If not for stevonov's result, I would have sent a vial from batch one, but I didn't see much point after his result pretty much confirmed the issue.

I only posted it because it was part of the set, why not post it? Bold cyp isn't even on my list anymore, so what exactly would I be falsely advertising?

I never said it wasn't my fuck up. I'm the one who made the shit, obviously it's my fuck up. All I ever said is I know I didn't intentionally mix deca raws with bold raws or deca finished with bold c finished. The only question remaining for me was the purity of the bold c raws.
So why did you need piece of mind with the finished when the only question remaining from you was the purity of the bold cyp raws?!
Umm because the test results were good results and its good advertisement in your thread!
If you don’t carry bold cyp or intend to then idky a source would want to use it. Ohh never mind it’s good advertisement. Posting it just because it’s in the set lol, funny.
Bullshit! You’re trying to make yourself look better!
It didn’t accomplish anything posting the finished bold cyp that was in question and didn’t give you piece of mind because you were only questioning the bold cyp raws... Right??

Intentionally or not the shit still got mixed bro! That’s not just a small mistake. What if it was something else that you didn’t pay attention to? Like lady anavar!!
It looked like you were saying that everything is on the up and up with you to sweep your excuses and disappearing act under the rug.
The reports is false advertising not only because you take members money and disappear but also makes it seem that you can brew without mixing compounds but there’s other reports that proves otherwise.

I think you are a very high risk to order from. Yes this is my personal opinion but only because of your past actions here!
You may be trying to own up to the bullshit that’s been going on for months right now, but frankly it’s too little too late!
First thing he should have done was man up and say he fucked up. Come clean, and see if meso will accept it

At this point, it’s to far gone. Even if you did come clean, its to little to late
lol i feel like youre lenny from of mice and men with how you type, its just the image that keeps popping up in my head when i read your posts and saw ur baby bacon
Lmfao I never looked at it that way but you’re right ok I quit .. sort of thought I would push the limit till someone barked
Lmfao I never looked at it that way but you’re right ok I quit .. sort of thought I would push the limit till someone barked
i understood it was more so for the comedic value to us reading than your actual word choice brotha
Imagine relying on drug dealing to support your family and going to a state that has a warrant for your arrest. Just a modern day Escobar arnt you bright eyes
I wouldn't dwell on that too much. No point on worrying about it until/ IF it happens. It's out of your control. I say that but WONT take my own advise haha.

Thing that gets me is he lied before about my 2nd half of the order being shipped. Lied about not having enough vials for my order which caused the delay. Then told another person he lost the key to the raws room was the reason for that person's delay....He disappeared...... and then I get an email last night....well this morning at 2:50AM (strange). Apologizing and saying he sent the rest of the pack out with extras to try and make up for it.
Didn't even address why I didn't get the pack he said was already in the mail, BEFORE his supposed family emergency and all that went down. Just gave me the family emergency/pulled over/arrested/did time to avoid parole story.

Also I DON'T like being told a pack is in the mail for you. Without even asking me if I would want to proceed. So like Tbagger pointed out. He kept addresses....granted it was a past email that he replied to. It wasn't a new email. So my address was in the email thread. BUT Imo these emails should be deleted right after the fact. Customer protection.....yea I'm sure they can be retrieved if someone wanted to. But still do everything you can to protect information.
I definitely won't be ordering from him again. And I won't be responding to emails either. I said it a few times in this thread, that if he all the sudden pops back up DO NOT reply to him. Cause who knows who you are talking to on the other end.

Plus what was his warrant for? Did he explain that? He didn't in the email to it something related and he cut a deal somehow?

This is all the shit that's gonna go thru our heads now because he decided to come back and just send packs out without talking to the person first.... Or am I the only one who got.....hey I sent your pack out this morning so it's already in the mail.
That pisses me off more than anything. That he sent a pack without allowing me to choose. Which just seems strange again.

You alive ?