Pristine Anabolics Intro

Hey @Trenity

How about an updated list of what's been tested and what will be tested in the future going forward?

As far as raws? I have tested Anavar, mast p, and bold cyp raw. Next up will be Sust, npp, and drol.

If you're talking about all testing (bloods and finished), it will be updated on my pastebin tomorrow.

Is it me or has Trenity been absent from the forum since his return? I know he's still taking orders, but I'm sure most would like to see him present. No updated pastebin, no list of what's been tested or going to be tested next, and he hasn't given us a definitive business outline moving forward

I don't think I've been absent. I've been here every day. Last week I had to get a bunch of packs out to square up with everybody, then I spent the weekend brewing/capping to get stock right. I don't want to encourage orders until I'm ready to handle a decent volume. Yes, I have had a few orders, but nothing crazy as far as volume.

Finishing up my brewing tonight and I'll be posting updated stock and all of that tomorrow.
As far as raws? I have tested Anavar, mast p, and bold cyp raw. Next up will be Sust, npp, and drol.

If you're talking about all testing (bloods and finished), it will be updated on my pastebin tomorrow.

I don't think I've been absent. I've been here every day. Last week I had to get a bunch of packs out to square up with everybody, then I spent the weekend brewing/capping to get stock right. I don't want to encourage orders until I'm ready to handle a decent volume. Yes, I have had a few orders, but nothing crazy as far as volume.

Finishing up my brewing tonight and I'll be posting updated stock and all of that tomorrow.
Smart moves. You can turn this around bud.
Accepting free gear and gifts from sources used to be frowned upon.
There’s even a sticky about it. I am just wondering what happen? Can you maybe explain?

The same people excepting freebies should not be knocking that said sources competition. It’s a conflict of interest.

Glad you made this post. Now the 1% of meso who didnt know your a fuking retard now know. Go swallow some bullets and die you waste of a life.
Plus how many people actually sent in more than $10?? I know I allegedly sent in more if anything I maybe allegedly at best got free shipping lol. Shit there’s people who sent in over $100 is that really getting a deal then ??

I’m not on the list and donated because the cause is something I can stand behind.
As far as raws? I have tested Anavar, mast p, and bold cyp raw. Next up will be Sust, npp, and drol.

If you're talking about all testing (bloods and finished), it will be updated on my pastebin tomorrow.

I don't think I've been absent. I've been here every day. Last week I had to get a bunch of packs out to square up with everybody, then I spent the weekend brewing/capping to get stock right. I don't want to encourage orders until I'm ready to handle a decent volume. Yes, I have had a few orders, but nothing crazy as far as volume.

Finishing up my brewing tonight and I'll be posting updated stock and all of that tomorrow.

This is exactly the type of update I want to see. Just keep us informed, because everything that went to shit last time started from a lack of communication. Life happens and shit happens, but keep everything honest and transparent.

I think you can turn this around.
The excuse of being busy for the reason a source doesn’t post is BS.

Literally takes 5 minutes or LESS to post something. Small update here and there goes a long ways.
So I've decided to make A few changes to keep things more structured as far as testing and AL donations.

From now on $5 from every order will go into an account to be donated to AL at the end of every month.

$10 from every order will go into an account dedicated to testing. Every 2 weeks, everything in that account will go towards testing as many raws as funds allow.

I won't be able to run as many promos as I've been running if I want to afford more testing. My every day prices are pretty low anyway. If people know they are getting tested gear, I think it's incentive to order without all of the promos.

I am stocked up and ready to take orders. T/A should be back to the 2-4 day range for all orders.

Updated Pastebin:

So I've decided to make A few changes to keep things more structured as far as testing and AL donations.

From now on $5 from every order will go into an account to be donated to AL at the end of every month.

$10 from every order will go into an account dedicated to testing. Every 2 weeks, everything in that account will go towards testing as many raws as funds allow.

I won't be able to run as many promos as I've been running if I want to afford more testing. My every day prices are pretty low anyway. If people know they are getting tested gear, I think it's incentive to order without all of the promos.

I am stocked up and ready to take orders. T/A should be back to the 2-4 day range for all orders.

Updated Pastebin:

Good plan to set in action.
So I've decided to make A few changes to keep things more structured as far as testing and AL donations.

From now on $5 from every order will go into an account to be donated to AL at the end of every month.

$10 from every order will go into an account dedicated to testing. Every 2 weeks, everything in that account will go towards testing as many raws as funds allow.

I won't be able to run as many promos as I've been running if I want to afford more testing. My every day prices are pretty low anyway. If people know they are getting tested gear, I think it's incentive to order without all of the promos.

I am stocked up and ready to take orders. T/A should be back to the 2-4 day range for all orders.

Updated Pastebin:

No longer carrying T400 ?!
So I've decided to make A few changes to keep things more structured as far as testing and AL donations.

From now on $5 from every order will go into an account to be donated to AL at the end of every month.

$10 from every order will go into an account dedicated to testing. Every 2 weeks, everything in that account will go towards testing as many raws as funds allow.

I won't be able to run as many promos as I've been running if I want to afford more testing. My every day prices are pretty low anyway. If people know they are getting tested gear, I think it's incentive to order without all of the promos.

I am stocked up and ready to take orders. T/A should be back to the 2-4 day range for all orders.

Updated Pastebin:

What about being more active here in your thread?

If you didn’t already know everything you do here forward will be put under a microscope! I will for sure be watching your every move and call out anything and everything I see as a red flag.
I’ve been hard on you but I don’t believe it was without reason. You have stood your ground and have set forth a plan to become better. You have done this without being a dick or complete ass in the process.
My tactics wasn’t to run you off but if it did then so be it! I am just hopeful that members here will stick together to hold each source (this means you) to a higher standard, equally! For you to either step up of step off.

I’m tired of seeing shitty sources here that can do whatever and get by while still not trying to improve and become better. Instead they feed us with their excuses or blatantly lie! Fuck that!

Time will tell, so let’s see what you got! You’re already treading on thin ice so one little mistake and I’ll be all over your ass! o_O
(No homo) :D