Pristine Anabolics Intro

All for calling a spade a spade but Venom and Pristine aren’t even in the same deck.

There’s been no general “with open arms.”

The guys who care are scrutinizing. The ones who take risks will jump back on and order ASAP. Is what it is. Free market and all that good stuff.
How is t400 ? Always wanted to try it
Currently running it now, No reason to doubt it's authenticity. Getting bloods in a month or so to confirm. It's a bit thicker and sometimes you have to apply more pressure to push down the syringe but that is expected with higher concentrated gear. Running 400 a week on top of other compounds so it is nice to only have to fill .5cc's of test per shot. Less oil per pin which I am a big fan of
Much like the Tootsie Pop commercial where the question is: how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll in the center? I have to ask: how many times does this guy get to fuck over this community before we finally give him the boot? You were all over Venom but here’s a guy disappears for a month then comes back and tells a few stories, true or not and fucks up brewing and we welcome him back with open arms. This is pathetic. Meso has gone totally soft.
How do u know meso went soft. You’ve been here two months?! Or what’s your former handle. And make a donation to AL. Fucking newb going for likes. That’s all I see.....
Meso has gone totally soft.

Lies man... he told bald faced lies to his customers

You are a pretty obvious sock. I think if you had any real balls you would post under your normal handle.

How do u know meso went soft. You’ve been here two months?! Or what’s your former handle.

The proof is in this thread

This right here ^^^....

Here’s what I’ve read so maybe I’m just the one that’s misunderstanding here lol.
Here’s what I’ve read so maybe I’m just the one that’s misunderstanding here lol.
I think you misinterpreted, me and bagger were commenting on how it's getting soft on meso. Trenity and grandpagainz think Villian has an alternate handle.
Villain calls out Pristine. Pristine calls out Villain. Grandpa Gainz calls out Villain. I reply to GG. Mdubbs agrees with me. What am I missing?
Villain calls out Pristine. Pristine calls out Villain. Grandpa Gainz calls out Villain. I reply to GG. Mdubbs agrees with me. What am I missing?
Nothing you got it. Bolder thought you were referring to alternate handles when you said "the proof is in the thread".
I think you misinterpreted, me and bagger were commenting on how it's getting soft on meso. Trenity and grandpagainz think Villian has an alternate handle.
Yes. I definitely misinterpreted it lol. Think I got stuck on the second handle thing and kept carrying it over to each post.