Pristine Anabolics Intro

I took it as @Villain has/had an alternate handle here. But fuck, I really don’t know. Just seemed that’s what was being implied. I thought you and @Mdubbs knew something so I was asking lol.

Nothing you got it. Bolder thought you were referring to alternate handles when you said "the proof is in the thread".
Either an alternate handle or just watches. I've noticed several newer members behaving like they've been here a while.
Either an alternate handle or just watches. I've noticed several newer members behaving like they've been here a while.
So my guess is alternate handle cause that dude has an ulterior motive, to piss off as many people as possible. I was a watcher/lurker for awhile. I just wanted to learn the meso way and gain as much knowledge as possible. Then waited a bit to post so I didn't sound like a complete fucking moron when I did. Back then you'd get nailed to the cross for half the shit I see posted on here.
So my guess is alternate handle cause that dude has an ulterior motive, to piss off as many people as possible
I went back and read his posts. Seems he’s mostly attacking sources. But what you said about getting nailed to a cross for saying things - more proof maybe that we’re soft now.
I went back and read his posts. Seems he’s mostly attacking sources. But what you said about getting nailed to a cross for saying things - more proof maybe that we’re soft now.
Agreed.. just read them myself (I like his style). Definitely the feel of an older member.
I went back and read his posts. Seems he’s mostly attacking sources. But what you said about getting nailed to a cross for saying things - more proof maybe that we’re soft now.

Just from lurking for the past year or so... I feel like the forum has gotten more complacent because people have become desperate for reputable sources.

I think people are afraid that they won't have access to gear. You just have to look at it logically and remember there will be more sources in the future. So only accept those that are worthy
Just from lurking for the past year or so... I feel like the forum has gotten more complacent because people have become desperate for reputable sources.

I think people are afraid that they won't have access to gear. You just have to look at it logically and remember there will be more sources in the future. So only accept those that are worthy
Without out a doubt, too many guys need gear now. I always keep enough on me for a few cycles. If I'm ordering it's for months if not a year down the road. You know how many guys on here i see run outta gear or AI mid cycle and get caught with there pants down.
more proof maybe that we’re soft now.
I can see that way of looking at it. I think of how it was a few years back it did keep guys/members quite and from posting.
Don’t get me wrong, that’s the style that was here when I first joined and the reason I kept coming back.
I’d like to think that the roughness is still here and comes out when it’s needed. I’m hopeful Meso hasn’t went soft but more constructive feedback then just always ripping into everyone and everything.
You will always see me encouraging members to post and be active throughout Meso. The more the better I believe!
If being hard means it keeps members from openly posting then I don’t think it’s worth it. I love the hardcore mother fuckers here! The ones that drink gas and piss fire! I just think the hardcore attitude needs to be directed where it’s needed and not towards a member that’s just eager to learn. Of course this doesn’t apply to every member because some are just helpless dumbasses lol.

I think I got my point across what I was trying to say, fuck idk. I’m on the treadmill and I’m not going back to reread my ramblings :oops:
Without out a doubt, too many guys need gear now. I always keep enough on me for a few cycles. If I'm ordering it's for months if not a year down the road. You know how many guys on here i see run outta gear or AI mid cycle and get caught with there pants down.

I don't see any reason why you'd start a cycle if all your stuff wasn't there. Especially an AI.

I mean do these dudes want bitch tits?
I think the hard hitters got tired of the shills. Got tired of battling shit sources without backing from members.

It used to be when a source fucked up everyone joined in to let them know. Or as some shills called the “mob” mentality. That fad word seemed to be used often by shills or shit labs.

Now.... if members try to protect meso or its members you have the shills in droves and only 1-3 members hounding the source trying to protect meso and members.

I can see that way of looking at it. I think of how it was a few years back it did keep guys/members quite and from posting.
Don’t get me wrong, that’s the style that was here when I first joined and the reason I kept coming back.
I’d like to think that the roughness is still here and comes out when it’s needed. I’m hopeful Meso hasn’t went soft but more constructive feedback then just always ripping into everyone and everything.
You will always see me encouraging members to post and be active throughout Meso. The more the better I believe!
If being hard means it keeps members from openly posting then I don’t think it’s worth it. I love the hardcore mother fuckers here! The ones that drink gas and piss fire! I just think the hardcore attitude needs to be directed where it’s needed and not towards a member that’s just eager to learn. Of course this doesn’t apply to every member because some are just helpless dumbasses lol.

I think I got my point across what I was trying to say, fuck idk. I’m on the treadmill and I’m not going back to reread my ramblings :oops:
:D think it was an older generation that's since moved on? I'm in my upper 20's and everyone relatively close to my age is a bunch of whiny entitled bitches
I can see that way of looking at it. I think of how it was a few years back it did keep guys/members quite and from posting.
Don’t get me wrong, that’s the style that was here when I first joined and the reason I kept coming back.
I’d like to think that the roughness is still here and comes out when it’s needed. I’m hopeful Meso hasn’t went soft but more constructive feedback then just always ripping into everyone and everything.
You will always see me encouraging members to post and be active throughout Meso. The more the better I believe!
If being hard means it keeps members from openly posting then I don’t think it’s worth it. I love the hardcore mother fuckers here! The ones that drink gas and piss fire! I just think the hardcore attitude needs to be directed where it’s needed and not towards a member that’s just eager to learn. Of course this doesn’t apply to every member because some are just helpless dumbasses lol.

I think I got my point across what I was trying to say, fuck idk. I’m on the treadmill and I’m not going back to reread my ramblings :oops:
I think the hard hitters got tired of the shills. Got tired of battling shit sources without backing from members.

It used to be when a source fucked up everyone joined in to let them know. Or as some shills called the “mob” mentality. That fad word seemed to be used often by shills or shit labs.

Now.... if members try to protect meso or its members you have the shills in droves and only 1-3 members hounding the source trying to protect meso and members.

I think some of the respect level is gone. When dudes like @Roger rabbit and others spoke back in the day you'd listen and would def learn something just from reading. Nowadays its alot of know it alls. I do get what @bolder is saying though about getting nervous to post. However there is a difference between posting a logical question and being a complete douche.
I think some of the respect level is gone. When dudes like @Roger rabbit and others spoke back in the day you'd listen and would def learn something just from reading. Nowadays its alot of know it alls. I do get what @bolder is saying though about getting nervous to post. However there is a difference between posting a logical question and being a complete douche.
There are and always will be those on both sides. The know it all noobs who ignore vet advice (or shithead vets that never learned) and the guys that come here to do it right. This is part of the reason I fuck off out of dumb ass threads quick. Plenty of attention to be paid to those asking real questions, looking for real help.
There are and always will be those on both sides. The know it all noobs who ignore vet advice (or shithead vets that never learned) and the guys that come here to do it right. This is part of the reason I fuck off out of dumb ass threads quick. Plenty of attention to be paid to those asking real questions, looking for real help.
Agreed just seems to be getting more of the know it all noobs.
Agreed just seems to be getting more of the know it all noobs.
Tipping into a new gen/half-gen of users I bet....2000s kids are guna start fucking with gear now. Feel old yet?

And these kids have full access to Piana, Bostin Lloyd, etc. fuck.
I think the hard hitters got tired of the shills. Got tired of battling shit sources without backing from members.

It used to be when a source fucked up everyone joined in to let them know. Or as some shills called the “mob” mentality. That fad word seemed to be used often by shills or shit labs.

Now.... if members try to protect meso or its members you have the shills in droves and only 1-3 members hounding the source trying to protect meso and members.

I think you nailed it!

Together we are stronger and can make more of a difference here. Especially in the underground.
I’ve often questioned myself wondering why I should even bother with trying to get members to unite and hold these sources equally accountable. It’s really a never ending battle. Lol.
Then I remember what this board stands for and it’s also something I’m passionate about. Harm reduction in every aspect.
I just want to encourage more members to post and be active so TOGETHER as a community we can be strong and achieve our goals together, as safe as possible.
Oh, To also help weed out the dumbasses... members and sources alike :D think it was an older generation that's since moved on? I'm in my upper 20's and everyone relatively close to my age is a bunch of whiny entitled bitches
I’m sure that’s part of it. It’s like waves of generations that come through here I assume.
We should all want to leave Meso better than what it was when each one of us got here.
If that makes sense lol. think it was an older generation that's since moved on? I'm in my upper 20's and everyone relatively close to my age is a bunch of whiny entitled bitches

Damn are you my other handle? I was reading about your stats in TGi thread we’re about the same weight height bf etc etc same age area too
I’m sure that’s part of it. It’s like waves of generations that come through here I assume.
We should all want to leave Meso better than what it was when each one of us got here.
If that makes sense lol.

I joined in 2004 and was 19. Am 34 now. Every couple years shit changes. Some for the better some for the worse. It is what it is. Just glad to have found these boards sooo long ago...
How do u know meso went soft. You’ve been here two months?! Or what’s your former handle. And make a donation to AL. Fucking newb going for likes. That’s all I see.....
Likes mean nothing anymore, so why should I care if someone likes my post or not? How do I know Meso went soft? When I see you jump to defend a source over a member. Like I said in my intro, I’m a LONG time lurker and I’ve seen old Meso vs. new Meso. A source like this would have been run out of here when guys like Getrdun and CanadianGuy were here. Now we have people still running to sources who proved they would take fake HPLC reports on their raws.