Pristine Anabolics Intro

What about being more active here in your thread?

If you didn’t already know everything you do here forward will be put under a microscope! I will for sure be watching your every move and call out anything and everything I see as a red flag.
I’ve been hard on you but I don’t believe it was without reason. You have stood your ground and have set forth a plan to become better. You have done this without being a dick or complete ass in the process.
My tactics wasn’t to run you off but if it did then so be it! I am just hopeful that members here will stick together to hold each source (this means you) to a higher standard, equally! For you to either step up of step off.

I’m tired of seeing shitty sources here that can do whatever and get by while still not trying to improve and become better. Instead they feed us with their excuses or blatantly lie! Fuck that!

Time will tell, so let’s see what you got! You’re already treading on thin ice so one little mistake and I’ll be all over your ass! o_O
(No homo) :D

I get where you're coming from. I don't take any of this personally. If I was on the other end of this, I would probably be just as outspoken and cautious as you and others have been. I fucked up and got arrested, I gotta take my lumps for going MIA, I completely understand. Everybody has been made whole plus some and I'm ready to take this thing to the next level. Actions speak louder than words, so time will tell.

As far as activity goes, I'm never going to be the guy posting 50+ times per day, I'm just not that gregarious tbh. I'm here though, watching, ready to answer any questions people may have.
Had to look this up! You already trying to be sneaky with your encyclopedia words! o_O :p
Looks like I learned something new today though lol :D

I’m not saying you have to shoot the shit. You should be aware of what’s going on in your thread. You should also let it be known to members that this is a place (thread) they can come to and get answers from you in a timely manner.

If you just post up what body part your working out that day, (do you even lift bro!?) wish everyone a great day, or any kind of update would be better than silence. At least we’d know that you’re around.
I get where you're coming from. I don't take any of this personally. If I was on the other end of this, I would probably be just as outspoken and cautious as you and others have been. I fucked up and got arrested, I gotta take my lumps for going MIA, I completely understand. Everybody has been made whole plus some and I'm ready to take this thing to the next level. Actions speak louder than words, so time will tell.

As far as activity goes, I'm never going to be the guy posting 50+ times per day, I'm just not that gregarious tbh. I'm here though, watching, ready to answer any questions people may have.
Just to go with what @bolder is saying is you should try signing in more than once a day. See if there's any issues or what the guys are talking about. Everyone has time for that. I have a wife 2 kids and a full time job and I still check the forum a few times a day. If there are any problems you can chime in quick.
Just to go with what @bolder is saying is you should try signing in more than once a day. See if there's any issues or what the guys are talking about. Everyone has time for that. I have a wife 2 kids and a full time job and I still check the forum a few times a day. If there are any problems you can chime in quick.

I feel ya man. I've got a wife and 7 kiddos in the house. The time is there, but when I was working full time exhaustion was the issue. By the time we got the rugrats fed, bathed and in bed, it was all I could do to stay awake. Now that I'm not working, I can tell a major difference in my energy levels.
I feel ya man. I've got a wife and 7 kiddos in the house. The time is there, but when I was working full time exhaustion was the issue. By the time we got the rugrats fed, bathed and in bed, it was all I could do to stay awake. Now that I'm not working, I can tell a major difference in my energy levels.
Damn 7 kids? I retract my statement maybe you dont have the time. It's a struggle just to get my two fed, bathed and in bed. I usually sneak off to the bathroom to read up, but they still manage to find me.
Damn 7 kids? I retract my statement maybe you dont have the time. It's a struggle just to get my two fed, bathed and in bed. I usually sneak off to the bathroom to read up, but they still manage to find me.

Free time comes in 10-20 minute increments for me, I've just had to learn to be efficient with those little windows. Late night though, when the house is quiet, well, it's just a couple of hours of heaven really.
I’ll be fuckin damn this dude really making a come back and making it right. First time I’ve ever seen this. Shows some character. I’ll b cheering in the nose bleeds on this one.
You know what causes that don’t you? o_O

I didn’t figure out the cause until after my 4th one! :oops:

For god sakes man, pull out!!! :p

My wife finally tapped out after the last one and made me get snipped. I never have to pull out again!! :D
You can have that done!! :eek:
Oh well, I’ve just been sticking to anal...:oops:


Also a valid strategy!

I will say this much, all of the stuff I've read and bought into over the years about not being able to get her preggo on gear...bullshit! 4 of those kids are test babies. 3 of them with no HCG. I've been blasting and cruising for almost 9 years. Don't believe the hype people.
Much like the Tootsie Pop commercial where the question is: how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll in the center? I have to ask: how many times does this guy get to fuck over this community before we finally give him the boot? You were all over Venom but here’s a guy disappears for a month then comes back and tells a few stories, true or not and fucks up brewing and we welcome him back with open arms. This is pathetic. Meso has gone totally soft.
Much like the Tootsie Pop commercial where the question is: how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll in the center? I have to ask: how many times does this guy get to fuck over this community before we finally give him the boot? You were all over Venom but here’s a guy disappears for a month then comes back and tells a few stories, true or not and fucks up brewing and we welcome him back with open arms. This is pathetic. Meso has gone totally soft.

This is why i love this place. Ain't no rest for the wicked.
This is why i love this place. Ain't no rest for the wicked.
Lies man... he told bald faced lies to his customers and then just comes back here and because of a low minimum and cheap gear people just welcome him back. Fuck your cheap gear and low minimum. There’s a reason you got your ass handed to you by TGI.
Much like the Tootsie Pop commercial where the question is: how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll in the center? I have to ask: how many times does this guy get to fuck over this community before we finally give him the boot? You were all over Venom but here’s a guy disappears for a month then comes back and tells a few stories, true or not and fucks up brewing and we welcome him back with open arms. This is pathetic. Meso has gone totally soft.

Who exactly in this community have I "fucked over"? Everybody that has ever bought gear from me has gotten what they paid for. Life happens and some guys had to wait much longer than they should have, but they got what they paid for and more.

I put a bottle of bold cyp out that should've been cast aside, yeah it's a fuck-up, but the guy that got that bottle has had multiple orders since. I have a bunch of 3rd party testing that shows that my gear is properly dosed. Hell, there is testing from that same batch of bold cyp showing it's properly dosed, with more testing to come. I have a ton of anecdotal evidence from guys that have been running my stuff for 6+ months. That's why people come back.

TGI is a great source, I can't dispute that, but that's his ambition. I never wanted to be the biggest source on meso or any other board, I just want to provide guys with quality gear, and feed my family. By and large, that's what I've done.

You are a pretty obvious sock. I think if you had any real balls you would post under your normal handle. I'm gonna go ahead and grab a Snickers on that one though.
Much like the Tootsie Pop commercial where the question is: how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll in the center? I have to ask: how many times does this guy get to fuck over this community before we finally give him the boot? You were all over Venom but here’s a guy disappears for a month then comes back and tells a few stories, true or not and fucks up brewing and we welcome him back with open arms. This is pathetic. Meso has gone totally soft.
Totally see where you are coming from and I have to agree to a point. He hasn’t been welcomed back by open arms and is definitely gonna be watched closely.

He has set forth a plan to do better and become better than he currently was. If he fails or even falls short with anything I will call him out and hopefully other members will as well.
No excuses and no bullshit so I’m sure he knows what he’s up against.
I’m not saying he deserves another chance. He seems to want to take things more serious this time but only time will tell.
I’ve noticed that he has at least made right to his wrongs so far. It’s a definite possibility that history may repeat itself again here.
There’s still a few members that want him around I believe. The ones I’m talking about have chimed in on it in this thread at times. So to me, if members are still wanting his services here then I’d feel better going about it in a constructive way.

Oh and the Venom thread doesn’t compare to this one in the least! I’ve read both from the start of each. That’s just my opinion though...