Pristine Anabolics Intro

It’s all good. We’ll just pretend this guy isn’t a risk to himself, his family and the community here, by divulging info that can easily lead right back to him.

As I've said before. I would not order until this entire situation reaches a resolution. Promises and words are easily spoken, but actions require more effort. And if there is no improvement, then he can leave and another source will be along.

For those lurking or those that are members, do not be concerned about finding a reputable source. Just search through the forum, do your homework, and realize sources come and go.

Your safety, security, and health should be your number one concern. I've worried and I've been there, so just read and become better informed. Don't let this forum become like one of those other boards where you have no idea if your gear is good, underdosed, or canola oil
Also a valid strategy!

I will say this much, all of the stuff I've read and bought into over the years about not being able to get her preggo on gear...bullshit! 4 of those kids are test babies. 3 of them with no HCG. I've been blasting and cruising for almost 9 years. Don't believe the hype people.

Man wish this was the case for me. My wife and I tried for 2 years while I was b&c. Eventually got my sperm analyzed and my count was <1 million.
Got told by docs conceiving would be impossible. Got all off all gear 15 months ago and have low T since but been roughing it out to get pregnant. Wife got pregnant 6 weeks ago, miscarried last week . Going to try 1 more time . At least now i have all my gear for my cycle once we get pregnant or stop trying, since my package ended up coming.
Man wish this was the case for me. My wife and I tried for 2 years while I was b&c. Eventually got my sperm analyzed and my count was <1 million.
Got told by docs conceiving would be impossible. Got all off all gear 15 months ago and have low T since but been roughing it out to get pregnant. Wife got pregnant 6 weeks ago, miscarried last week . Going to try 1 more time . At least now i have all my gear for my cycle once we get pregnant or stop trying, since my package ended up coming.
Sorry to hear about that
It's all good man. Trying to look at the silver lining in that my body is capable of conception again. Itching to get back on cycle tho lol
Man wish this was the case for me. My wife and I tried for 2 years while I was b&c. Eventually got my sperm analyzed and my count was <1 million.
Got told by docs conceiving would be impossible. Got all off all gear 15 months ago and have low T since but been roughing it out to get pregnant. Wife got pregnant 6 weeks ago, miscarried last week . Going to try 1 more time . At least now i have all my gear for my cycle once we get pregnant or stop trying, since my package ended up coming.

I’m sorry to hear. Ive been worries that I’m sterile for some time now and been holding off on getting it checked out I know it’ll break mine and my fiancé’s heart
I’m sorry to hear. Ive been worries that I’m sterile for some time now and been holding off on getting it checked out I know it’ll break mine and my fiancé’s heart
Yeah man it was tough news to bear, especially knowing that I brought it onto myself. Living with low T for a year and a half hasnt been pleasant either , but it will all be worth it if we are able to conceive. Not everyone gets sterilized by gear so you might be ok. My advice, get your semen analyzed ASAP, that way if you are infertile you can take the necessary steps to get it back. Wish I could go back and cycle on and off properly or just never start.. plan now is to get wife pregnant again, If she misscaries we will be done trying because I dont want to keep putting her through the emotion and physical rollercoaster. Young guys should definitely think about their future and whether they want kids or not before deciding to B&C, wish I would have.
Yeah man it was tough news to bear, especially knowing that I brought it onto myself. Living with low T for a year and a half hasnt been pleasant either , but it will all be worth it if we are able to conceive. Not everyone gets sterilized by gear so you might be ok. My advice, get your semen analyzed ASAP, that way if you are infertile you can take the necessary steps to get it back. Wish I could go back and cycle on and off properly or just never start.. plan now is to get wife pregnant again, If she misscaries we will be done trying because I dont want to keep putting her through the emotion and physical rollercoaster. Young guys should definitely think about their future and whether they want kids or not before deciding to B&C, wish I would have.

I’m sure if you started a thread and begged you could find a sperm donor to hook you up...
I’m sure if you started a thread and begged you could find a sperm donor to hook you up...
Not a bad idea. But as I said my sperm is currently fine from being off. Not going to do a back and forth with you and your troll horde. I did what I did when I thought I got ripped off. Get the fuck over it douche bag.
Not a bad idea. But as I said my sperm is currently fine from being off. Not going to do a back and forth with you and your troll horde. I did what I did when I thought I got ripped off. Get the fuck over it douche bag.
Woah what?

It’s friday boys. Crack a coldie and chill.
Man wish this was the case for me. My wife and I tried for 2 years while I was b&c. Eventually got my sperm analyzed and my count was <1 million.
Got told by docs conceiving would be impossible. Got all off all gear 15 months ago and have low T since but been roughing it out to get pregnant. Wife got pregnant 6 weeks ago, miscarried last week . Going to try 1 more time . At least now i have all my gear for my cycle once we get pregnant or stop trying, since my package ended up coming.

Terribly sorry to hear that bro. I have a relative that has lupus, she had 3 miscarriages in 5 years. 3 years later and she just gave birth to her second little boy. I honestly thought she was crazy and a little irresponsible to keep trying, but there she is with 2 beautiful baby boys. Just goes to show we never know what's in the cards. Hang in there bro, I wish you and yours the best of luck.
I’m sure if you started a thread and begged you could find a sperm donor to hook you up...
Fukn priceless. I've met homeless people with more pride than him. Watching @Domino23 beg for gear was just sad.... I really thought he was gonna proposition someone at some point. I mean I've been down and out but at least I kept my pride!!! Still got me laughing.