Pristine Anabolics Intro

You are a pretty obvious sock. I think if you had any real balls you would post under your normal handle. I'm gonna go ahead and grab a Snickers on that one though.
A sock? Lol, not sure what the hell that even means but go ahead and grab that Snickers because the bitch in you is showing.

I don’t need to post from my other handle to prove I have balls because 1. I don’t have another handle and 2. Anything I say from this handle is my own thoughts and words.
I have lurked for YEARS
So you hopped over the fence after staring through a hole in it for years to come and shit talk sources? I’m not saying you’re wrong...but it’s generally just not given a fuck about when someone new is in favor of or against a source.
Likes mean nothing anymore, so why should I care if someone likes my post or not? How do I know Meso went soft? When I see you jump to defend a source over a member. Like I said in my intro, I’m a LONG time lurker and I’ve seen old Meso vs. new Meso. A source like this would have been run out of here when guys like Getrdun and CanadianGuy were here. Now we have people still running to sources who proved they would take fake HPLC reports on their raws.

Meso needs more people like cdnguy to keep sources in check.
So be it. And I suppose people can disregard me for a shit poster, but at least I’d rather see sources held accountable rather than stroked.
My point is that running a source out for the sake of it is cool and all..but we’re all here for the same reason. And some of us need gear.

Pristine is going to hurt for this fuck up. Maybe not as much as he should since TGI went private, but I don’t think this is a warm welcome.

Even Venom had a paying customers. There’s always someone willing to take a leap of faith.

Fine line between a source with a deliberately poor intent and one that fucked up but shows intent to make it right. I know for a fact Pristine lost customers. I’m one of em.

But at the same time, as I do my best to keep my buddies in the gym from ordering from some knucklehead in the locker room, a source here is generally performing some testing and forming a customer base that runs bloods and tests. Infinitely safer than the average friend of a friend knows a guy.

Maybe I’m soft. Or i see the net good that can come of Pristine righting the ship and attempting to meet the standard TGI set. Call me what you will.
My point is that running a source out for the sake of it is cool and all..but we’re all here for the same reason. And some of us need gear.

Pristine is going to hurt for this fuck up. Maybe not as much as he should since TGI went private, but I don’t think this is a warm welcome.

Even Venom had a paying customers. There’s always someone willing to take a leap of faith.

Fine line between a source with a deliberately poor intent and one that fucked up but shows intent to make it right. I know for a fact Pristine lost customers. I’m one of em.

But at the same time, as I do my best to keep my buddies in the gym from ordering from some knucklehead in the locker room, a source here is generally performing some testing and forming a customer base that runs bloods and tests. Infinitely safer than the average friend of a friend knows a guy.

Maybe I’m soft. Or i see the net good that can come of Pristine righting the ship and attempting to meet the standard TGI set. Call me what you will.
Maybe I’ve gone too far the other way. I just know over the years I’ve seen sources do a lot less than Pristine and they were run out of here in a heartbeat. If he can turn this ship around, more power to him.
Maybe I’ve gone too far the other way. I just know over the years I’ve seen sources do a lot less than Pristine and they were run out of here in a heartbeat. If he can turn this ship around, more power to him.
I don't think you went to far the other way. That's the beauty of this place, if you feel certain kind of way you can put it out there. Nothing wrong with differing opinions.
I don't think you went to far the other way. That's the beauty of this place, if you feel certain kind of way you can put it out there. Nothing wrong with differing opinions.
For sure.

Why i don’t understand people catching feelings on posts. Unless someone directly calls you a fuckstick, it’s just a forum. Opinions will differ.

There’re absolutely some opinions here that are irrelevant though. They seem to lurk in odd threads though.
I don't think you went to far the other way. That's the beauty of this place, if you feel certain kind of way you can put it out there. Nothing wrong with differing opinions.
The uncensored different personalities is what makes this place special! Each one is needed I believe.
We need all different personalities so that each one of us can see things from a different angle and from different perspectives.
@Trenity IF you were nailed on a warrant and did some time, how wise do you think it was/is to post that here? You think the alphabet group won’t be searching databases now? And how easily can they find the record? So it’s either BS or you’ve been compromised or will be. Therefore, you are putting this community at risk.
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For sure.

Why i don’t understand people catching feelings on posts. Unless someone directly calls you a fuckstick, it’s just a forum. Opinions will differ.

There’re absolutely some opinions here that are irrelevant though. They seem to lurk in odd threads though.
Look, my posts may seem odd, but the one about bigger loads has gotten a LOT of compliments!
Damn are you my other handle? I was reading about your stats in TGi thread we’re about the same weight height bf etc etc same age area too

Haha you're probably in better shape than I am buddy. My squat/deadlift are in the low 400's and my bench is around 260 with a touch and go.

My natural test level was about 110 when I had it checked at the beginning of last year and I was put on TRT. Started lifting and reading last January. My lifts have gone up alot, but I was weaker than dishwater starting out. I think I could squat 185 for 5 and bench 115 for 5 lol
@Trenity IF you were nailed on a warrant and did some time, how wise do you think it was/is to post that here? You think the alphabet group won’t be searching databases now? And how easily can they find the record? So it’s either BS or you’ve been compromised or will be. Therefore, you are putting this community at risk.

You know how many thousands of people are arrested every day? What would they be searching the database for? Man arrested in unknown state on unknown date? I can see the logic if there is a name for them to cross-reference, but if that's the case, I'm toast anyway.
You know how many thousands of people are arrested every day? What would they be searching the database for? Man arrested in unknown state on unknown date? I can see the logic if there is a name for them to cross-reference, but if that's the case, I'm toast anyway.
You’ve given a rough time frame of when it happened. All I was saying was it wasn’t smart to post stuff like that publicly. You get popped, so do people buying off of you.
You’ve given a rough time frame of when it happened. All I was saying was it wasn’t smart to post stuff like that publicly. You get popped, so do people buying off of you.

I was more concerned about him giving a rough idea of what the charges were